Official Team Thread 🐻 Las Vegas Bears S35 Official Team Thread ʕ·͡ᴥ·ʔ - Congratulations Cap BnF Winner

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Sorry mate, I didn’t mean to disturb your hibernation. I’m at work and bored. So I thought I’d follow a trend in this here thread. Carry on. 😘
All good mate, it's time I start waking up and get ready for our BnF. It's good to see you in these parts of the woods again. Muddiemoose look who came to visit us.
It's time to put on your sharpest suit and get ready for an amazing time as we celebrate Season 35 of the Las Vegas Bears.

Over the next two thrilling nights, we will unveil the Best and Fairest winner. Yes, you heard that correctly, 2 nights of surprises, fun and debauchery.

Night 1 - 19th of July

Night 2 - 20th of July

Red Carpet and MWPP's interviews before Night 1 festivities begin.


4cunningTonneTruck Art Vandelay_ Broken Campaigner for good Cap CountryLad Dingster Electronic_Renaissance Fizzler Grin HawkPatrol I Dont Care Jezmiester40 JoshWoodenSpoon kane249 Matera92 Millky95 Muddiemoose MWPP RonnieRaven RookiePick Senor M Shadow Man Supersuns Test Tickle Tommycash
coachella GIF

Better get my fancy dress on!

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Our Season 35 Rookies have arrived for their first Bears Best and Fairest. CountryLad RonnieRaven 4cunningTonneTruck

MWPP was able to have a quick chat with Ronnie while he was on the Red Carpet.

Good evening Ronnie. Congratulations on your debut season here at the Bears. We are confident that it will be the start of a successful qooty career for you.
- Who are you sitting next to tonight?
Tonight I’m accompanied by Cindy, Elle, Claudia and Pamela.
- How would you rate your own season? And how have you found your time at the Bears, and the SFA as a whole?
My season was a tale of two halves.
Domination - run carry brute force and goals.
Seedy - watching seagulls lacking sausage rolls all with a croaky voice.
My time at the bears has been great, impressed with the dynamic and difference of players league wide.
- Do you have any plans for the offseason, and goals for the following year?
Heavy off-season of partying and chasing the pill is in order to build stamina to appease my fans and team mates for a whole season.
- Who is your tip to win the BnF tonight?
I think broken just pips me late to win BnF.
Steven segal Steven segal aaahhh

S35 Rookies.png
The Bears crop of Season 30 Rookies are the next to arrive. tony Muddiemoose Supersuns Senor M

MWPP was unable to do an interview with any of the boys as they were all in a hurry to get stuck into the buffet.

S30 Rookies.png
Next up on the Red Carpet is the Vegas Crew of I Dont Care Test Tickle JoshWoodenSpoon and Broken

Vegas Boys.png

The Boys were all nice enough to stop off and have a chat with MWPP.

I Dont Care, Who are you sitting next to tonight? And who dressed you?
Whoever I'm sitting with will consider themselves lucky. I was dressed by two naked Atlantean mermaids

A gun in your younger days, you are now living up to you name with regards to your own stats, you took a team first approach and unselfishly played on the bench all season. How would you rate your own season?
Umm...I don't. Is it over yet?

Who is your tip to win the Mateflon Medal tonight?
Anyone who is not me


Good evening Testy :)
Good evening to you to MWPP

Who dressed you tonight, and who are you sitting next to?
Well my grandchildren dressed me tonight because I’m still to bloody drunk to dress myself after that magnificent Mad Monday, I hope you like the Red Wiggle outfit. I stood on my spectacles yesterday so i’m not sure who im sitting next to, I think they have a dress on, so I presume its JoshWoodenSpoon.

How would you rate your year, and the Bears' year?
Missed the first part of the season with a serious injury, ingrown toenail’s can be very uncomfortable. The team started the year well until I joined in and then it was all downhill from there, hopefully we can perform a bit better next season. I had a consistent last half of the year, consistently s**t.

Do you have any plans for the offseason/next season and will your classic gif make a come back?
I do have some big plans of showering with our great man Tandy again, cant wait for that and I’d like to kick a goal or two next season, something different.
The home crowd loves the gif, so I’m hopeful of it returning.

Who is your tip for the Mateflon?
I think Cap or Millky95 are a chance this year for the Mateflon, Cap has played the game well and Milko won me a lot of money this season so i hope he polls well also.

And who was the first to "get stuffed" on Mad Monday this year?
I told the doorman to get stuffed on my way in, he said I needed a tie to get in here, get stuffed I said, all I have is a set of jumper leads in the car, he said they will do, but dont start anything!

I’m off to the bar, have a great night.


Congratulations on yet another successful season, on and off the field Joz!
How would you rate your own season?

Why is tony here?? Is he into this sort of thing? Is this my exit interview?! Am I getting the sack??!! It wasn't my fault!! I stopped okeydoke7!!! Granted I also made the All-SFA side, which is a huge smear on my name.

Anyways, I think I was brilliant and everything went perfectly forever.

Who is your +1 tonight?
Plus one?!? Oh s**t, do you have catering's number?

What are you wearing, and who dressed you tonight?
I'm of course wearing my fabulous faux-bear overcoat. The guy on Gumtree said he's sending the vegan certification any day now!

And finally, who is your tip for the big award tonight?
I think Cap might take out the most stolen cutlery prize, RonnieRaven is looking good for the coveted sponsors' table vault, and it's hard to go past RookiePick in the curtain climb later in the evening.


Broken, How would you rate your own season? And the Bears'?
Crap and crapper. I hear Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels are filming a movie about our crapness.

Who are you sitting next to tonight, and why?
Nobody. My body odour problems are well documented.

Who is your tip for the big award tonight?
Seeing Pickitt recently snagged $6 mill from the Vegas betting circuit. I'll say he's paid off a few voters.

And more importantly, who is your tip for the Ca$ino winner of the night?
Whoever is betting the exact opposite to me is guaranteed to s**t it in.

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