Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 14: Never failed a test I didn’t take

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Aug 12, 2012
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Germany weakened NATO by not funding it adequately. The US is paying more than their fair share to protect Germany!

The troops withdrawn from Germany were not disbanded. They are still being paid and equipped. The bases they came from are still there. If anything, this costs the US money.

This was not a `we pay more than our fair share` decision.

It was never Germanys decision that so many US troops were based there, it was always the Americans decision. A decision based on US strategic interests.

Its not saving money, US strategic interests haven't changed, so why the move?

If Biden comes in and says, the US pays to much of the costs of defending Europe, so we will cut our military to save money, and spend it on domestic policies, Republicans are all going to go, yeah, smart move, economic rationalism at work. Go Joe?
Here's a wild idea that'll upset conservatives.

Socialist capitalism!

Now hear me out. Imagine a society right...where the more you win at capitalism...the more you have to pay back to society to help support everyone through socialist systems.

Or, we could just fix tax rates now and use that money to fix society!


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I thought it was 2019, though I could be wrong.

Not reading the reports isnt a get out clause, if anything, its worse.

What else hasn't he read that he should of.

Its like saying, the Dr didn't actually miss your cancer, because he never looked at the X ray that showed it.
not saying its correct but the likes kayleigh will be using that excuse . Unless Trump is told and its witnessed by the pope, trump will claim its fake news
. The evidence of such claims provided to the Mod team were literally a couplf of "fu** the police" esque comments that were immediately deleted when identified by the admins.

Thats not true.

Jesuschrist, I cannot believe you posted that article as if it was some grand trump-card. Are you out of your mind. Hahaha, wowee..
I didn't, you tried to claim there had been no calls for violence, (or at least that the words used in them were a little too long for you). I posted something that showed otherwise.
Germany weakened NATO by not funding it adequately. The US is paying more than their fair share to protect Germany!
Not so sure about that.

Germany has contributed quite a bit, housing, schools, shopping centres etc for the bases where US troops are stationed. Trump doesn't consider that as expense. Which other country will do that so that can also use as a base for refuelling etc?

There were almost 47,000 Americans in bases in Germany in 2019.

Another Trump spin.

As do Japan (the most I think) and S Korea.
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Lefties don't burn books.

Its the RW anti-science, anti knowledge, everything should be like the 1950's (or 1930's for RW Germans I guess!!) that burn books & rely on ignorance of the masses.
In any event, none of the trash infesting that reddit were capable of reading a book, let alone writing one.

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Currently working to prevent another LWNJ/Dan Andrews induced stuff-up resulting in a second wave of this coronavirus.
What a shame you can't be equally critical of Trump and his cries of opening states early because you know, the economy or maybe even the Republican governors shutting down now because they didn't do a complete shutdown or opened early.

You are displaying your political bias so openly. Too funny.
Sweden has 10 times the deaths of Norway because it has 10 times the number of nursing homes and old people?

A friend of mine works in folkhälsomyndigheten, the public health office. She said the nursing homes were a huge factor in Sweden's numbers. Lack of funding meant lack of full time staff, and all across the country there were rotating casuals which meant the disease ripped right through.
Dude I know you've really come unstuck the last few weeks, if your deranged posting over that period is any indication. But please, think. You're now posting about automony while doubling down on your initial statement that Trump has been 'courageous' in his response to Bolton. This is cheerleader, barracker type stuff, the furthest thing from an autonomous take that could be imagined. If 'everyone' hires Bolton, the courageous action would have been not to do that in the first place.

We both know that Trump's criticism of Bolton comes from nothing more than the 'stash breaking ranks and no longer towing the line. Its a pattern that has been repeated with other individuals more times than I can remember, they're always 'the best people' until they become critical of Trump - then suddenly, overnight, they become grifters, liars and utterly incompetent.

And you lap this sh*t up, time and time again. Not only that, but you gaslight and expect us to believe it as well. Its legit mind blowing. If you're not simply trolling for reactions, on this evidence you are at least as indoctrinated in the church of Trump as you accuse others of being re: the media, possibly more so - which is the only point I was making.

Trump has broken you, mate. Utterly, completely. Not for the first time, I implore you - pull yourself together for ****s sake.
All I read is durka durka Trump is literally Hitler. Have I missed something?
And how is the entrenched socio-economic disadvantage between black and white South Africans going today?

Like; you get that you can remove slavery or apartheid, or grant civil rights, and the problems that caused them and that they caused dont go away overnight right?

They entrench socio-economic disadvantage (shanty towns, ghettoes, crime) in the disenfranchised group, while allowing the other group to profit off that misery.

That's the reason for the higher crime rates. The effects of racism.
Well, that is as close to a civil post by your standards. So, here is the tough question, what do you do about it - this entrenched disadvantage?

The troops withdrawn from Germany were not disbanded. They are still being paid and equipped. The bases they came from are still there. If anything, this costs the US money.

This was not a `we pay more than our fair share` decision.

It was never Germanys decision that so many US troops were based there, it was always the Americans decision. A decision based on US strategic interests.

Its not saving money, US strategic interests haven't changed, so why the move?

If Biden comes in and says, the US pays to much of the costs of defending Europe, so we will cut our military to save money, and spend it on domestic policies, Republicans are all going to go, yeah, smart move, economic rationalism at work. Go Joe?

Trump is full of shit. The only reason for his whinge about the US propping up NATO is to stir nationalism domestically.

Trump has proven over and over he would have no clue about what happens on the ground in reality.

The USA are there because they want to be.
If it is possible, it may become a tad more embarrassing for the President. The afternoon of Trump’s now infamous Feb 27 PDB, which he did not bother to read, he sat down with African American republicans, including Diamond and Silk.

Polite banter over dinner was quickly replaced with Trump boasting: “We have a lot of great things in store and a lot of interesting times. And you’ve been seeing the polls. The polls have been incredible.”

He then moved onto his “incredible,” “very good,” “great,” “best” and “fantastic” response to the Coronavirus.
“It’s going to disappear. One day it’s like a miracle,” he told them.

The real problem, he said, is Democrats and the press, who aren’t giving him “credit,” who are trying to “build this up,” and who are demanding a bigger federal response.

Sensing his guests’ interest in all matters political, Trump launched into an extended attack on Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, Trump said: “Politics is fine, but when it comes time to talk about pandemics you’ve got to get away from politics.”

Comments from the two, previously unknown, public-health authorities was not recorded, nor the feelings of the other somewhat dumbfounded guests.

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You've been looking in a mirror too long. Don't project your own frajilities onto me.
You've been provided evidence from a source who would know a lot more than you (not me, the quoted person in the article. Just needed to make that clear for someone who spells fragilities the way you do.) and you dismiss it based on you not seeing anything.

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You've been provided evidence from a source who would know a lot more than you (not me, the quoted person in the article. Just needed to make that clear for someone who spells fragtilities the way you do.) and you dismiss it based on you not seeing anything.


I dont believe there is oxygen in the air because I cant physically see it! - some conservative logic.
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