Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 2 (cont in pt. 3)

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What has he done well?

I find it pretty hard to believe a lot of Trump supporters in this thread are actually genuine in their more effusive praise of him, would say most are in it for the 'lols' when they really crank it up. They probably agree with some of his policy and small peripheral stuff around the edges, but largely turn into the same triggered melting (to use their own language) mouth-foamers they despise on the left when encountering the yuge amount of mostly deserved criticism of Trump.

I didn't ask a question lol?!?

I was pointing out a reason why I didn't want Hillary.

Think it was Ripper who was saying he couldn't figure out why the Russians would prefer Trump to Clinton. Which is either too stupid to contemplate or see point 1 above... either way should indicate the amount of consideration his posts should be given.

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For someone that plays a lot of golf (unlike his nemesis Obama), he certainly doesn't know much about golf etiquette.
What a buffoon, no respect or regard for anything. Needs to grow up!
Golden rule , he who has gold makes rules
Trump just said at a rally: "I prefer a rich person to run the economy than a poor person".

This is the type of thinking that permeates Trump's Administration. If you're rich you're just automatically a better more qualified person than if you're poor. **** what credentials or qualifications you actually have. If you're not a multi millionaire oligarch you arent good enough. Betsy Devos is completely unqualified to run education, but because she's rich (and donates huge amounts of money to the party) she gets a cabinet position.

How can people still pretend this guy is anti establishment and draining the swamp? He's just another rich elitist with a sense of entitlement and superiority over the poor. This permeates all his decision making as well. If you're poor its your fault, nothing to do with the political system being rigged in favour of the rich.

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For someone that plays a lot of golf (unlike his nemesis Obama), he certainly doesn't know much about golf etiquette.
What a buffoon, no respect or regard for anything. Needs to grow up!
Damaging the green on his own golf course to create job opportunities for greens keepers. Greatest jobs president ever!
He certainly alluded to it. Looks like once again, this man child and unfit person for POTUS has lied and/or played games with the truth.

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His little threat there ensured that Comey had to be honest at his testimony. A brilliant bluff that ensured justice!
Speaking of jobs...

His little threat there ensured that Comey had to be honest at his testimony. A brilliant bluff that ensured justice

Did it? He is still saying he didn't say what Comey testified he said.
Damaging the green on his own golf course to create job opportunities for greens keepers. Greatest jobs president ever!
America has a dishonest, lying madman as President and you think it is funny?
And now with no tape, can't disprove Comey either, too funny.

He knew Comey had the goods on him so just wanted to muddy the waters by striking first and creating doubt.
His little threat there ensured that Comey had to be honest at his testimony. A brilliant bluff that ensured justice!

What a load of bullshit!!

You Trumpeteers are really a sad lot. Even if he did shoot someone on 5th Avenue, you lot would twist things to make it out that he did something great. Stop worshipping the arseh*le like a God and see him for who he really is, a fake president who really only has his own family and his interests at heart. He will not do anything good for the USA and is despised by 65% of his own citizens.

It has nothing to do with left or right wing politics, see him for who and what he really is, a complete moron who is out of his depth to run office.
Some have come too far to turn back now. They have to ride his fortunes and hope there is not enough to bring him down no matter how bad things appear.

Others just like to watch the world burn.
Some have come too far to turn back now. They have to ride his fortunes and hope there is not enough to bring him down no matter how bad things appear.

Others just like to watch the world burn.

Why are you talking about Nafun Buckley on the trump thread?
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