Another US shooting - Newtown, Connecticut

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Why the **** would ANYBODY take any notice of the opinions of a professional REGULATOR when it came to libertarian matters?

Actually I am a professional economic and policy analyst with considerable distaste for the bureaucracy. I work for an independent statutory body with a key role in reducing government regulatory burden.

And besides, the thread debate is largely about a potential policy problem, not exclusively "libertarian matters". I feel intellectually equipped enough to participate. Not that I think credentials should be a prerequisite here, I only mentioned them as you seemed insistent on misdefining me as some academic with no real world experience (like our Good Will Hunting friend).

So since you think credentials are the be all and end all, lets hear about your qualifications... Or you could just abandon this childish ad hominem approach.

How do you like those apples?

I'll give you a good simple everyday example.

Those everyday school examples of someone getting bullied and beaten up, going to the teachers, parents, having a talk with the bully, never works, only makes it worse. Dads teach the kid to fight, stand up to it. Or older brothers pull the bully aside and beat him up and threaten him to stop bullying. They stop.

That famous video of the kid WWE'ing the bully. No one's gonna pick on that kid again.

I bet ALL of you opposed to guns and violence and utopian in ideal, when that was going around, bet you all yayed and loved that kid, said it was the right thing to do, to fight back, etc. Hypocrisy to condemn teachers/civilians wanting to fight back or protect against gun violence with gun violence.

You fight fire with fire. You stand up and shout. You bring down the puppets. You counter-attack with force.

Governments by nature only get bigger and stronger and oppress civilians. People can march and picket, can petition, and appeal, etc, but they seldom get heard, often flicked aside, even government measures/laws in place to protect their authority from transparency, to give civilians and civilian groups the run-around.

The only way is violence. That's reality. That's human nature. That's the nature of life itself and thus sentient lifeforms.
Malifice said:
The Government doesnt pass laws to make themselves more powerful. You'll find the vast majority of politicians earn a fraction in politics than what they do in the 'real world'. Governor Schwarzenegger didnt earn a penny while he was Governor of California, and in Oz, blokes like Malcom Turnbull have a net worth of over 200 million dollars before entering politics. Makes the 100 grand a year he earns as a Federal politician kinda chicken feed.

Of course Governments listen to 'public interests'. Thats part of the political process. Big buisisness and Corporate enterprise has the cash and the clout to directly lobby for policies that favor them. On the flip side of the coin the workers will usually organize themselves into political parties such as the Labour movement in the UK and Oz to oppose those big monied voices. What they lack in finances, they make up for with numbers (and votes).

All this I vehemently disagree with. It's incredibly naive and incorrect. Both paragraphs. And the individual points in each of those paragraphs.

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Actually I am a professional economic and policy analyst with considerable distaste for the bureaucracy. I work for an independent statutory body with a key role in reducing government regulatory burden.

I could not have pictured you any less perfectly.

"Independent statutory body" are possibly the funniest three connected words in the English language.

And besides, the thread debate is largely about a potential policy problem, not exclusively "libertarian matters". I feel intellectually equipped enough to participate. Not that I think credentials should be a prerequisite here, I only mentioned them as you seemed insistent on misdefining me as some academic with no real world experience (like our Good Will Hunting friend).

You're no "academic" in the sense that I recognise the word champ.

You are an educated conformist of average intelligence with upper middle class aspirations.

So since you thinking credentials are the be all and end all, lets hear about your qualifications... Or you could just abandon this childish ad hominem approach.

I'm a certified moron, that has managed to see straight through you.

How do you like those apples?

Are they government approved?

Have they been regulated to be cut up in to bite sized pieces so children don't choke on them?
Yep, as anticipated, a complete facade of idiotic ad hominem attacks built on flimsy ill-informed assumptions, and nothing else. The part about having middle-upper class aspirations was particularly hilarious and anyone that knows me would laugh heartily at it considering I am about to chuck it all in for a much lower paying but more emotionally satisfying line of work.

Your whole line of attack just smacks of desperation. You've got nothing. A hollow intellectual husk of condescension and angst. One of many.

"Independent statutory body" are possibly the funniest three connected words in the English language.
I don't know, you've made Hard To Beat pretty hilarious.

See above.

To wage a revolution (in the extremely unlikely chance it becomes necessary) we wont need sophisticated weaponry.

The IRA, Al Queda and so forth have waged a fairly effective insurgency without sophisticated weapons.

Besides, there are far more effective ways to establish liberal democracies. Australia, NZ, most of Western Europe and the UK managed to do it without the need for a bloody revolution like in the USA and France.

In so far as defending them from reverting to Tyrannies, the only ones that have successfully reverted to tyrannies would be Germany, Spain and Italy and those fascist governments were largely achieved via democracy (Mussolini and Hitler both being elected in to power willingly by the people).

I think we can safely assume that people have now seen the error of their ways and are far less likely to follow in those mistakes.

Not that we shouldn't guard against it mind you. But introducing military grade weaponry into civil society as some form of check against government forcibly seizing power is a little like introducing such weaponry to guard against the zombie apocalypse or an alien invasion, and probably equally ineffective at stopping either.

You are an entrenched professional dogmatic statist.

And your a pretentious twat with little substance behind his deflections and confused pseudo anarchism.

I'm starting to wonder what exactly you contribute here.
I don't know, you've made Hard To Beat pretty hilarious.


I picture him in a beret and long coat with dozens of anarchy badges attached.

A little like the high school Nerd who discovered Marx as a first year at Uni and suddenly started uncritically quoting the manifesto every 5 minutes, and starts to think shes pretty cool.
I'll give you a good simple everyday example.
Those everyday school examples of someone getting bullied and beaten up, going to the teachers, parents, having a talk with the bully, never works, only makes it worse. Dads teach the kid to fight, stand up to it. Or older brothers pull the bully aside and beat him up and threaten him to stop bullying. They stop.
Where do you get this bull****?
Show me the figures to back up your fantasy claim. It is obviously just a perception that you have internalised into a 'fact'. Trouble is, your 'facts' are at odds with the real facts.
This has been the hallmark of your posts. Blurting out hyperbole as though it is fact, then either avoiding every probing questions thrown at you or using the most obscure reasoning to obfuscate.
Bullying stops bullying? Um.... More guns stops gun violence? Can't compare national trends with other nations. What arrant, imbecilic nonsense. You are making rules of convenience, not logic!
You've gotta get out in the sunlight occasionally.
You are coming across as a total fraud.
Never said you bully to stop bullying etc.
Said you fight back.

The other day I was out in the sunlight as you advise. These two aggressive looking guys spotted me and came my way. As I passed into a side street one of them pulled out a knife and said, "Hey arsehole, hand over the wallet or get hurt."

I reached into my leather jacket, unholstered my hunting knife, and bringing it up near his face said, "That's not a knife. Now this is a knife!"

They both took a step back and with hands up said, "Ok mister we don't want any trouble." With that they slinked away.

Clearly missed the moral of the story.

When faced with aggression, threat of violence, if you are not prepared or ill-equipped, you're left vulnerable.

Don't make light of how many times women for instance are endangered by rapists. They are ill-equipped and try to comply to save their lives and instead get brutalized and often killed or even tortured.

People walking around in the sunlight with concealed weapons also smile and say hi and spread infectious civility.

But don't pretend the world is all chocolates and puppy dogs. Or that it can be turned into utopian societies.

Focus on the gist of the thread debate. The world is dangerous and people have the right to defend themselves and protect their loved ones and properties etc.

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Clearly missed the moral of the story.

When faced with aggression, threat of violence, if you are not prepared or ill-equipped, you're left vulnerable.

Take Karate lessons. Hit the gym. Carry pepper spray. Or simply man the **** up and stop worrying.

I've driven through war zones unarmed for ****s sake.

Your odds of getting shot increase with gun ownership.
Yeah, gotta go sometime.

If I am one of the very few who die at someone else's hand, so be it, but I'd rather not waste the life I have living in constant fear of a mathematical improbability. Same reason I am an atheist basically.

What you see as cowardice GG, I see as rejection of the burden of constant fear and paranoia.
Take Karate lessons. Hit the gym. Carry pepper spray. Or simply man the **** up and stop worrying.

I've driven through war zones unarmed for ****s sake.

Your odds of getting shot increase with gun ownership.

I get the feeling that if GG was walking down the street & someone looked at him the wrong way, he would blow their head off. Pretty scary having people like him in society.
Take Karate lessons. Hit the gym. Carry pepper spray. Or simply man the **** up and stop worrying.

I've driven through war zones unarmed for ****s sake.

Your odds of getting shot increase with gun ownership.
That's one of the silliest things said in this thread. Another to go with all the other top 10 silly things said by others on your side of the 'debate'.

So a guy pulls a gun on you and you'll flex your biceps and scare him away.

All this time, man has got it wrong. They should just send you and a few other gym-heads in tank tops to the middle-east, and other war zones. You'll sort them out with a few left-right pec flexes.
So a guy pulls a gun on you and you'll flex your biceps and scare him away.

I live in the UK where the statistical chances of someone pulling a gun on me is about the same odds as me winning the lottery.

And seeing as Im not a Yardie gangster, im feeling fairly confident it wont happen any time soon.

Getting rid of guns has its advantages you see.
Never said you bully to stop bullying etc.
Said you fight back.

The other day I was out in the sunlight as you advise. These two aggressive looking guys spotted me and came my way. As I passed into a side street one of them pulled out a knife and said, "Hey arsehole, hand over the wallet or get hurt."

I reached into my leather jacket, unholstered my hunting knife, and bringing it up near his face said, "That's not a knife. Now this is a knife!"

They both took a step back and with hands up said, "Ok mister we don't want any trouble." With that they slinked away.


Yeah....... :rolleyes:


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