Society/Culture Do less intelligent people gravitate to conservative/right wing ideology?

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This topic intrigued me so I decided to put some intelectual heft into it.

After applying a scientific model and trawling through years of research it appears that "swing" voters are the most intelligent.

Right wing extremists and Left wing cultural marxists both appear at the bottom of the intelligence curve.......
Well what are going to do about the low iq? Just criticise them ? How low do we go before we are just criticising those with special needs ? Have you got a number ?

"Mom, someone said something pretty reasonable on the internet that I don't like, how do I immediately create a crazy rabbit hole of delusional self-perceived persecution scenario where I can paint myself as a victim?"

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When a poster posts an article, I generally read it, otherwise what's the point.

However I am aware that annoys people who post articles for their click bait title or who haven't read it.

I’m glad you read it. Thought you might . I’ve changed your life a bit. You are a little bit more the wiser. Well done to me.
That's the problem.

You weren't trying. You just posted something, no context cut down to something you thought made a point, but didn't

Completely meaningless and pretty much a waste of time.

Well the person who researched it and wrote the article wouldn’t think so.
It was a great article. I’m glad you read it. I’m glad I read it . We will always that ..
This topic intrigued me so I decided to put some intelectual heft into it.

After applying a scientific model and trawling through years of research it appears that "swing" voters are the most intelligent.

Right wing extremists and Left wing cultural marxists both appear at the bottom of the intelligence curve.......
Since you did the work.

How many of each do we have ?
Well the person who researched it and wrote the article wouldn’t think so.
It was a great article. I’m glad you read it. I’m glad I read it . We will always that ..
It was an opinion piece, they didn't research it, they just quoted some research papers which you also didn't read (and summaries of the research papers, which you also didn't read)

It was an okay article aimed at a certain reader who pretty much supports the thread title.

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So if a good education is essential for a good career, does it not entrench people in a lower class by spending more money in schools that have 40k plus a year in school fees whilst reducing the amount spent on schools in low income areas?
Do you have evidence that low income areas are receiving reduced school funding?
I mean, a lot of people who "fell" for Trump just like someone sticking it to the man, and hey, Old Mate Trump didn't drop any bombs on small brown children like obama, (left), and bush (right) and so on and so on before them.

Bit hard to throw a blanket over everyone who gravitates to an ideology and call them stupid.

I really think that both parties / sides / ideologies want you to fight amongst yourselves.

I personally don't care or get involved in politics as it takes away from my primary and by far favourite pursuit (MONEY)

So you’re a conservative who wants the status quo to remain while thinking you are an enlightened centrist
while i tend to agree that trump supporters are dumb (the people still supporting him 100% are), i think it's a bit incredulous to say that all of them are dumb. 2016 was dumb because Clinton was acting like she was going to win from the get go, instead of treating someone she'd infantilised throughout her campaign with respect (that he didn't earn but did likely deserve to be treated with). Betting on politics is dumb but from like 2 months before the election I personally felt that it'd be far closer than any democrat thought it was going to be. the "undecided" or "silent" voters are a powerful demographic to have. they're the kind of people that Scott Morrison wished he had when he lost to Albo last year.

while he did run as a republican nominee his platform was similar to any other rightwing populist around the world (think Marine Le Pen or Pauline Hansen), a lot of what he was saying resonated with losers who'd coasted through life doing nothing but still having some success. white people who've been left behind, idiots and just hardcore right wing conservatives all felt seen by him because he was seen as an outsider of the party, and "relatable" (despite having * off amounts of money he's just like me, totally). being relatable as a politician is powerful because you don't have to pretend to be someone else to get people to vote for you.

populism at it's core is standing for nothing to be elected while saying the stuff that people "want to hear" and in his case it was a dogmatic attack on anyone to the left of someone like George W Bush. it's dumb, but it's effective because it gives the people who don't give a s**t about politics the respect that they think they deserve.

nowadays trump people are just hateful, vitriolic bigots who're too blinded by their own fanaticism and love for him to realise that they've been effectively brainwashed into joining what's essentially a cult of personality around someone who cares more about money than sense

While many are dumb (Trump voters) many legitimately like all the racist and xenophobic shit he peddles. Those people though I guess are also stupid as economically if Trump and his cronies got his way the working class will have it even worse, and more and more would just be funnelled to the top.

You’d also see further erosion of democracy which isn’t good for people as there is no accountability, checks and balances etc.

Dumb/less intelligent people don’t see that. They just think it’s like WWE or being a parochial fan of a sporting side rather than anything with real world consequences.
Yep! Trump was terrible!! Biggest war in Europe for 70 years, China menacing and aggressively coercing Taiwan, Afghanistan falling back to barbarity (you would hate to be a woman or gay there), and inflation running wild.

Oh hang on……

I’m not pro trump. I think he is deranged. But the other guy is far more dangerous and much worse.

So tell me, what does that say for the intelligence of the people who follow Biden?

I’ll leave those of you with a brain to come to your own conclusions about labelling people stupid for supporting Trump

Got to love a zero fact bad faith argument.

Geelong won a flag under Biden presidency and not under Trump. Richmond won 3 flags under Trump presidency.
One thing I have noted that is almost uniquely right wing is this "both sides do it" argument anytime a right-wing shortcoming is exposed. Disingenuously the RWNJ's actually introduce this particular line of bullshit to the conversation as a tactic to try to share the blame with the left and to make themselves appear politically neutral.

The both sides do it arguments they make are just stupid. The examples they pick are usually laughable false equivalents, but it’s also a complete negative as they aren’t claiming their side is better it usually goes along the lines of “right wingers are openly assholes, left wing should be held to a higher standard as they are supposed to care about people, so me vote right wIng”.
Got to love a zero fact bad faith argument.

Geelong won a flag under Biden presidency and not under Trump. Richmond won 3 flags under Trump presidency.

Biden has a major input into Geopolitics. He has zero input into the AFL.

Don't embarrass yourself........

Ps, I would put you in the camp of one of the political fanatics. You can draw your own assumptions as to what I am infering.
Biden has a major input into Geopolitics. He has zero input into the AFL.

Don't embarrass yourself........

Ps, I would put you in the camp of one of the political fanatics. You can draw your own assumptions as to what I am infering.
Over My Head Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
Biden has a major input into Geopolitics. He has zero input into the AFL.

Don't embarrass yourself........

Ps, I would put you in the camp of one of the political fanatics. You can draw your own assumptions as to what I am infering.
So how was trumps open fellating of putin, musing about canning nato and tendency for insularity going to stop putin invading ukraine.

Im all ears?
Interesting study, leftism is a product of antagonistic narcissism (this concords with my own observations, and is exhibited by many posters on this board)

Considering these results, we assume that some leftist political activists do not actually strive for social justice and equality but rather use political activism to endorse or exercise violence against others to satisfy their own ego-focused needs.​


Society/Culture Do less intelligent people gravitate to conservative/right wing ideology?

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