FA Cup FA Cup 2023/24 (Winners: Man United)

Football Association Cup

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Yeah but he wanted to leave cos he wasnt playing right?

Playing him would have solved the problem.
Ah so simple. Get pep on the blower and let him know.
Yeah but he wanted to leave cos he wasnt playing right?

Playing him would have solved the problem.
We won the Treble last season, so pretty hard to second guess selection decisions.

Mahrez leaving would have given him more game time this season but he'd made up his mind.

Worked out well for him, and given Bobb some opportunities for us that he probably wouldn't have got otherwise. It's all good.

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Good decision, replays are outdated. Will benefit the smaller clubs as it gives them a better chance of progressing.

The outrage is predictable but not based in any logic and reason. Money spinning replays are extremely rare, I think more “small” clubs will benefit from this in the long run.

I think there's a lot of outrage because of change more than anything. The English are more resistant to change than most, I've found.

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Lower leagues getting a bigger cut of the TV rights money should far exceed whatever they earn from the odd replay.

Also a win for the much bigger priority, players health, with a couple less games on the calendar.
Lower leagues getting a bigger cut of the TV rights money should far exceed whatever they earn from the odd replay.

Also a win for the much bigger priority, players health, with a couple less games on the calendar.

I think the change to the calendar is to allow for expanded pre-season tours so think they'll still play just as many games.
It'd not just the money, earning a replay at a big club is a career highlight for some. And a huge thing for supporters.

Real shame the final is before the end of the season too. Its been the way a few times and ai reckon it's always better after the season has ended.
It'd not just the money, earning a replay at a big club is a career highlight for some. And a huge thing for supporters.

Real shame the final is before the end of the season too. Its been the way a few times and ai reckon it's always better after the season has ended.

I’d imagine beating a big club would be an even bigger highlight which now becomes more likely.
I’d imagine beating a big club would be an even bigger highlight which now becomes more likely.
Yeah and how many lower league clubs earn replays against big prem club. Maybe once a year if you're lucky. Lower league teams would also lose almost every time in the replay. **** the replay they can move onto the next round and potentially get another home tie anyway
It'd not just the money, earning a replay at a big club is a career highlight for some. And a huge thing for supporters.

Real shame the final is before the end of the season too. Its been the way a few times and ai reckon it's always better after the season has ended.

Why is earning a replay a bigger highlight than beating a big team?

If on the night a lower league side is able to take a PL side to 90 minutes it suggests the bigger side has underprepared or isn't up to it on the night. Giving the big side a second chance at knocking off the lower league side rather than allowing the lower league side to continue their momentum and try to run over the top in extra time feels counterintuitive to the best interests of the smaller club.

If all first legs were at the lower league club I'd understand it somewhat as 'earning' a replay would bring with it the windfall of gate receipts in the replay, but the initial game can just as easily be at Old Trafford/Anfield/etc. which already brings with it the windfall.
Why is earning a replay a bigger highlight than beating a big team?

If on the night a lower league side is able to take a PL side to 90 minutes it suggests the bigger side has underprepared or isn't up to it on the night. Giving the big side a second chance at knocking off the lower league side rather than allowing the lower league side to continue their momentum and try to run over the top in extra time feels counterintuitive to the best interests of the smaller club.

If all first legs were at the lower league club I'd understand it somewhat as 'earning' a replay would bring with it the windfall of gate receipts in the replay, but the initial game can just as easily be at Old Trafford/Anfield/etc. which already brings with it the windfall.

There’s also all those ties where a non league side plays a league one or two side and gets a draw then just get knocked out in the replay. I’m certain we’ll now see more non league sides going further because as you say they’ll fancy themselves in extra time or taking it to pens. Then the further you get the more chance you have of drawing a big club.
There’s also all those ties where a non league side plays a league one or two side and gets a draw then just get knocked out in the replay. I’m certain we’ll now see more non league sides going further because as you say they’ll fancy themselves in extra time or taking it to pens. Then the further you get the more chance you have of drawing a big club.

Yeah absolutely. If a PL side hasn't managed to do it over normal time, the chances they'll suddenly step it up in ET isn't huge, and then pens is anyone's game really. A replay just gives PL sides a chance to say "Well shit we have to actually play a couple of decent players" or even just simply means they've had a look at the opposition and know their weaknesses.
Yeah absolutely. If a PL side hasn't managed to do it over normal time, the chances they'll suddenly step it up in ET isn't huge, and then pens is anyone's game really. A replay just gives PL sides a chance to say "Well s**t we have to actually play a couple of decent players" or even just simply means they've had a look at the opposition and know their weaknesses.

Could bring in big guns off the bench to push for victory.
I’d imagine beating a big club would be an even bigger highlight which now becomes more likely.
I'm not sure thats the case. I reckon for some playing at a premier league ground would be huge.

Not even sure that the changes make it more likely lower league sides will progress.

FA Cup FA Cup 2023/24 (Winners: Man United)

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