Generally speaking, how terrified are you?

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The Washington Post? You are quoting as your source the Washington Post?

Oh lordy. I'm wasting my time here.
How is it different to you in the OP quoting The Telegraph aren't they main stream media?

Just on topic I'm not terrified of anything happening to me or my region I'm just a touch concerned about a small attack possibly happening at a sporting event such as the grand final which would begin to change the nations psych
How is it different to you in the OP quoting The Telegraph aren't they main stream media?
The Telegraph article simple reinforces what the primary evidence already tells us.

Your WaPo article however proffers claims that aren't backed up by any primary evidence.

See the difference?
The Telegraph article simple reinforces what the primary evidence already tells us.

Your WaPo article however proffers claims that aren't backed up by any primary evidence.

See the difference?
It eventually leads down to the a governor's account which the international business times cited so unless there is video evidence your not going to believe it despite strong evidence anyway? We're not going to get far
Predictable response:

"Controversial anti-terrorism laws expected to pass in the Senate as early as Wednesday night will give spy agency ASIO the power to monitor the entire internet, the government has confirmed.

The legislation has been labelled as "urgent" by Attorney-General George Brandis.

Australian Lawyers Association president Greg Barns said the new laws would allow ASIO to conduct surveillance on "anyone, any time, anywhere".

"There are few, if any, limits now," he said.

"And we don't have sufficient privacy protections. We have no tort of privacy, meaning we can't sue ASIO or anyone else if they invade our privacy in a gross sense or if they use [that information] illegally. You have no course of redress.""

Lucky we have upstanding citizens like Brandis limiting our freedoms and rights before those nasty terrorists do!
What a load of shit.

Police officers did not deserve what happened, it was not the Governments fault this happened.

Its a lose-lose situation with people like you.

They do not raise the terror alert trying to protect Australian's and something happens they are not doing their job and are not taking this seriously.

If they raise the terror alert putting people on notice and something happens it was the Government that provoked it.

The world we live in is changing and not for the better.
Herp derp.

I will counter with, what a load of shit.

The terror alert and new anti-terror laws have nothing to do with the police officer stabbings, which are reprehensible.

They are not trying to protect Australians and the alert in no way achieves this aim, what it does do, is give them an excuse to push draconian legislation through parliment or justify military action post hos.

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As in, not everything is conspiracy.
Whether they know things, or misrepresent their knowledge is immaterial.

The original justification used was a vague sense of unease. The great big anti-terror raids have yielded a minor arrest and a $500 fine, all for an angry phone call.

This is all it has taken to whip up hysteria and for the public to turn a blind eye as truly and extraordinarily dangerous laws are rammed through the senate.
I do get amazed at how everything just fits in nicely - war in Iraq and Syria, ISIS, beheadings away from us (causes outrage and concern hmm did we really hit the panic button though?), next up arrest some people in Australia planning a beheading (going through with it probably a bit too much at this stage)...

The stabbings are 'irrelevant' (I say that with the greatest respect to the families of the stabbed PO's, I mean in a wider scheme of things).

If this was all happening and the terror threat had merely been raised, yeah I'd probably dismiss it.

But with these obvious new laws coming in, yep, I'm a little bit terrified. Just not of who you'd think..
This is all it has taken to whip up hysteria and for the public to turn a blind eye as truly and extraordinarily dangerous laws are rammed through the senate.


I'll repeat, in a less dramatic post, if the arrests had happened and everything else stayed the same, yeah sure I'd think that it's just another day.

But with these laws being rapidly rushed through, you need to have your suspicisons about government plans at the very least raised. Any more is up to you. But at least look at it critically, and don't dismiss others who are suspicious as buffoons/conspiracy theorists/tin foil hats.
SB's posts make me way more scared than the MSM.

I'm terrified SB may one day breed and we'll have a world full of SB's

I grew up in Northern Ireland during 'The Troubles.' I lived in a fairly safe town but the IRA did set off three large car bombs there and a few neighbours had relatives injured/murdered in this and other incidents. I also lived in Belfast during the 1990s Fear factor = chillaxing in my crib.

You're highly unlikely to die in a terrorist incident. It's a cliche, but if you're scared of 'terrorists' you must shit yourself every time you put the key in your car ignition.
I do get amazed at how everything just fits in nicely - war in Iraq and Syria, ISIS, beheadings away from us (causes outrage and concern hmm did we really hit the panic button though?), next up arrest some people in Australia planning a beheading (going through with it probably a bit too much at this stage)...

The stabbings are 'irrelevant' (I say that with the greatest respect to the families of the stabbed PO's, I mean in a wider scheme of things).

If this was all happening and the terror threat had merely been raised, yeah I'd probably dismiss it.

But with these obvious new laws coming in, yep, I'm a little bit terrified. Just not of who you'd think..

Hey mate don't you know you need to give up a little freedom to gain a little security?

This whole scenario that is playing out at the moment stinks to high hell.
Judging anything from a Facebook feed is pretty bad.

Fair point. Can't say I had seen photo's of the ANZACS with racist garbage written on it trying to guilt trip people into believing Muslims are ruining the country prior to the terror level being raised though.

That's just one example.
Holy shit. The answer is not there at all.

WHAT is there agenda?

Your answer:
The masses are being scared by their gov/msm into accepting wars and erosion of civil liberties.

And for the most part it appears to be working. Because the people have been brainwashed and distracted into abject stupidity.

WHY are the lying/conspiring?

Your answer:
The masses are being scared by their gov/msm into accepting wars and erosion of civil liberties.

And for the most part it appears to be working. Because the people have been brainwashed and distracted into abject stupidity.

If you think that answers the two questions above you are even more deluded than I though.

Don't worry about why I am asking, that is irrelevant to this thread, if you wish for me to answer create an appropriate thread and I will answer there. For now, just answer those two pretty simply worded questions.


Regrettably, for some time to come, Australians will have to endure more security than we are used to and more inconvenience than we would like. Regrettably, for some time to come, the delicate balance between freedom and security may have to shift.

There may be more restrictions on some so that there can be more protection for others. After all, the most basic freedom of all is the freedom to walk the streets unharmed and to sleep safe in our beds at night.

How are those two answers wrong?

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