Roast Grumpy Old Thread II - the grumpiness continues

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I don't know why but when I read the above I thought to myself that's exactly the sort of thing you'd expect Henri Le Conte would do in that situation.

I'm backing in that Henri then only had about two mouthfuls of the muesli before going back to the buffet and cleaning out the last of the bacon and scrambled eggs.

John McEnroe would have his eggs boiled HARD

Kyrios would be scrambled

Joker would have his soft

Hewitt would be scraping for seconds

Serena would be arguing with the Chef

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The muffins are tiny, bout size of a 20c coin. The place is pretty busy, good for the owners, just the area round the kuta townhouses is really bad, there was some issues with the leases and the secret garden and the kuta townhouses are boarded up. Rumours going round that the kuta townhouses were not entirely transparent to the leasees with accusations they were subletting apartments out without leasees consent.. Anyway its a bit of a cluster **** as the leases were like over 100k aud and now the leasees have no access.

Its bad for the local family run warungs because foot traffic in the area has fallen of a cliff with the lane blocked off.

Woman who has a warung we have been going to for years had to sell her car and is only opening in afternoons and not doing breakfasts atm. To wdd to the drama the storms this week washed their 2 cows away in their village.pretty sad as they are lovely people.
The high dependency on tourist dollars makes the economy and the people who live within it vulnerable to disruptions such as pandemics, acts of terrorism and events like the GFC.

We also used to stay at local places, although we tended to not spend more than a few days in Kuta (Fat Yogi / Havana, Poppies and the like).

We had been preparing to purchase a lease and I’d spoken to my friend who ran a business in Bali with his wife on the evening a couple of hours before the first terror attack occurred to arrange to come over to stay at his place. By next morning he called me to put things on hold and he came to Melbourne instead. It turned out that my wife decided against the idea of moving to Bali which was probably wise, even though we still get the itch now and again. Borneo and Samoa???

Anyway, we have rarely been back to Bali. My friend there died and I really only have one person there who I keep in contact with.

I like the way you describe your connection with the place. It’s nice to visit the smaller warungs and we really enjoy the northern and eastern parts of the island for the scenery and the serenity. My wife jokes that one time we spent over two weeks staying in that region and we didn’t see another Australian.
Reckon you dodged a bullet not getting the lease for a lot of reasons, hear plenty of stories of these deals goung bad and not always due to the people the lease was aranged with.

As you would know the authorities here are not exactly transparent.

Besides most deals i have looked at when you break them down how many times you can practically come dont provide a great deal better a deal.

Some of the fifo workers 6 month leases are prolly the sweet spot. And if they go bad you havnt lost the farm and just move on.

Some people we spoke to yesterday home here often, they have an atangement with the management where they let then store a small package of stuff like sunscreen, vegemite, bathers and towels gratis. Just saves then wasting luggage space carrying them back and forth.

Pretty freaky we saw our friend made (yes everyone is called made) yesterday after over 4 years. We went to look on first day at his buisness for him but no sign. We were walking home from dinner and he buzzed past on back of a moped going home from days work, he instantly recognised us (we didnt recignize him as had hoody on as it was raining and dark) and had the rider stop and hollered out then had a breif chat. Turns out they moved the buisness into a hotel foyer so we will see him today. Wife said we must not have changed to much.
Ketut is the traditional order of naming your kids iirc.
Yeoman often written as nouman as well.

Oh and SoS, sadly the havana is closed down, they used to do the best skewers.

Bagus pub is locked up, used to have the coldest bali hais and endless peanuts amlnd cueerfull barstaff,

Agung bar in poppies 1 gutted out and boarded up, was famous for their lovely little ayam skewers served on little clay/charcoal burners.
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Yeoman often written as nouman as well.

Oh and SoS, sadly the havana is closed down, they used to do the best skewers.

Bagus pub is locked up, used to have the coldest bali hais and endless peanuts amlnd cueerfull barstaff,

Agung bar in poppies 1 gutted out and boarded up, was famous for their lovely little ayam skewers served on little clay/charcoal burners.
Havana did great food and was an oasis in poppies gang. The accomodation was usually very quiet and the pool was just right in my opinion. Pizza, satay and indo food fusion was a good mix and I would pack a Che tshirt just for the appreciation!

But Poppies Cottages was the true gem of Kuta. We took my wife’s mother there and she wanted to move out of the Nusa Dua resort and into Poppies instantly when she saw the place. She also enjoyed a Bacardi at the Havana bar.
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'alo Vera...

Lets Go Police GIF by Acorn TV
That’s a good reason to be grumpy.

We stayed at a hotel where a heap of tennis players were staying a few years back. I saw this really nice looking fruit loaf which I planned to cut off a couple of slices, but in front of me was Henry Le Conte, who also had his eye on it.

It was a full loaf. Henry the campaigner cut off his slices with the big knife, but in doing so, he destroyed the whole loaf… he totally crushed it with his oafish grip. He put his hacked slices into the conveyor toaster but they jammed and burned.

He gave a Gallic shrug and made a bowl of museli.

PS: do you swipe a couple of muffins for morning tea by the pool?

PPS: Are there many people about?
People never cut bread straight at these hotels. I am a dentist who does a lot of surgery. My incisions are straight when they have to be.

People always cut inwards when cutting bread so the first thing I do when at breakfast is to do a cut to straighten up the loaf and then cut a slice of uniform thickness.

One of my pet hates.
Havana did great food and was an oasis in poppies gang. The accomodation was usually very quiet and the pool was just right in my opinion. Pizza, satay and indo food fusion was a good mix and I would pack a Che tshirt just for the appreciation!

But Poppies Cottages was the true gem of Kuta. We took my wife’s mother there and she wanted to move out of the Nusa Dua resort and into Poppies instantly when she saw the place. She also enjoyed a Bacardi at the Havana bar.

God, Poppies been around a long time.
People never cut bread straight at these hotels. I am a dentist who does a lot of surgery. My incisions are straight when they have to be.

People always cut inwards when cutting bread so the first thing I do when at breakfast is to do a cut to straighten up the loaf and then cut a slice of uniform thickness.

One of my pet hates.
Mine too. Although when Henry cuts a loaf it is unrecoverable.

All I can say is that he'd never get a job as a Moyle Mohel

Sorry Sheez.
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Stopped of to the circleK store for some alo vera, copped a bit more sun today.
i used to plant it randomly around Melbourne when I'd visit years ago.

Back when I lived there I knew this guy who showed me where a whole bunch of useful herbs and plants were across the city and inner suburbs.

You'd be surprised how many bush medecine plants there are too.

There's a whole bunch of lemon smelling tea trees across the whole city, nearly every suburb I've been in and looked you'll see them, mostly in parks and public gardens. (Sometimes in private gardens too.)

You can grab an armful of branches and leaves and boil them in a big pot of water for a few hours when you're getting a cold or flu then soak in a bath for at least half an hour and sometimes your bug will be gone before you get out. And the whole place will smell like lemon tea tree which keeps your sinuses clear for hours. A guy called Anthony Gordon from Bundjalung showed me that years ago with one species up here but it works for nearly all of them.
i used to plant it randomly around Melbourne when I'd visit years ago.

Back when I lived there I knew this guy who showed me where a whole bunch of useful herbs and plants were across the city and inner suburbs.

You'd be surprised how many bush medecine plants there are too.

There's a whole bunch of lemon smelling tea trees across the whole city, nearly every suburb I've been in and looked you'll see them, mostly in parks and public gardens. (Sometimes in private gardens too.)

You can grab an armful of branches and leaves and boil them in a big pot of water for a few hours when you're getting a cold or flu then soak in a bath for at least half an hour and sometimes your bug will be gone before you get out. And the whole place will smell like lemon tea tree which keeps your sinuses clear for hours. A guy called Anthony Gordon from Bundjalung showed me that years ago with one species up here but it works for nearly all of them.
And sunburn?

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Roast Grumpy Old Thread II - the grumpiness continues

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