Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack II

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Part I:

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The official line is that it "wasn't authorised" even though it was being run by the division of the IDF which would be doing this kind of thing and has done it in the past.

They got found out, so they're pretending they didn't mean it or it wasn't authorised, even though it went on for 6 months, and two months after they first denied it, until they finally admitted it.

Mirrors everything else they've previously denied and then been exposed on. Nobody is ever punished, they just say they didn't authorise it, so it's not officially official. Just that it was funded and executed by the IDF.

This is just the stuff that has been exposed, then you wonder how much other influence and impact they've had.

I wonder if the UNRWA links to Hamas is just another IDF creation.
I wonder if the UNRWA links to Hamas is just another IDF creation.
I guarantee they'd deny it.

But of course these lies call into question everything else they state as fact. The big 12 they put up in front of everyone is already down to 6, so they've included everyone with a relative alleged to be in Hamas and now have a much bigger number which will take weeks to debunk while people starve and continually bombed.

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Someone disagreed with you.
You said they were the same thing because both wouldn't happen.

Wrong. That is not a reason to group them together.
Yeah, they are the same. Hamas saying they want to destroy Israel without the capacity to do so is the same as the Israelis who want to expand into Egypt and Syria. Neither have the capacity to enact their deranged wishes. What is the thing in your mind which differentiates them?
I guarantee they'd deny it.

But of course these lies call into question everything else they state as fact. The big 12 they put up in front of everyone is already down to 6, so they've included everyone with a relative alleged to be in Hamas and now have a much bigger number which will take weeks to debunk while people starve and continually bombed.
Meanwhile they murdered two people in hospital to get to one "alleged" Hamas operative. Apparently that's kosher though?
I wonder if Hamas had their time over again would they have attacked Israel? Or do you think they are happy with what is going on ?

They weren't happy at any time. When Hamas operatives grew up, their parents & most Grandparents grew up seeing the Zionists steal land, kill Palestinian villagers & farmers, then turn Gaza into the worlds biggest open air prison. All while the settlements were continually called illegal by the worlds countries.
In that circumstance, what would you do?
Drop your pants & cop it?
the diaspora have been manipulating the mainstream media for decades

the English and the Yanks are the propaganda king's

remember our last Victorian Cross winner and didn't he get other OA* awards in perth , ben roberts-smith ¿ it is Stanford's rene girard manifest symbiosis manifest pleonasm

¹ memetic theory anzac hero v.cross

² scapegoat theory warcrimez

i put it to you latham would not have taken out troops from afghanistan even though he said he would in his campaign , so could point bone at jwh but latham and all be all in too

LondonPentagonKstreetMadisonAv best at propaganda , not even close
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I wonder if the UNRWA links to Hamas is just another IDF creation.
^ .d.e.f.i.n.i.t.i.o.n.

like in Iraq to get employment associated with the government in Saddam's iraq you had to be associated with the bath™ party , as a lay_ignoramus I think it is akin to Iraq in Palestine w Hamas v private sector so marginal and unprecedented unemployment , so effectively Everyone in Palestine Hamas or 2degrees of separation (shepisi)
I wonder if Hamas had their time over again would they have attacked Israel? Or do you think they are happy with what is going on ?
I don't think Hamas in their wildest dreams would have expected the attack to be so successful. They probably thought they might be able to kill a few soldiers maybe grab half a dozen hostages and run back across the border. At worst if it ended up being a small raid they would have expected air strikes and artillery strikes and maybe limited incursions from the IDF but still leaving Hamas in charge.
The complete failure of the IDF to oppose Hamas on the 7th of October escalated the attack into something that I don't think Hamas could seriously have envisaged.
Hamas has only one real option to survive and that is to play chicken with Israel using the hostages as bargaining chips. The best they can hope for is to have a ceasefire and Israeli withdrawal in exchange for the hostages leaving them still in charge.
If Israel can continue to accept IDF casualties and resist international condemnation of their brutal tactics and keep on pushing out Hamas and killing its operatives (as well as killing civilians and more than likely the hostages) then Hamas will be crippled permanently.
I don't think Hamas would be happy now , they have found out who their friends are and any expectation of an Arab uprising or even Hezbollah making a significant attack into Israel have faded. Only the Houthis have stepped up their support.
They look like they will lose power in Gaza and any surviving senior leadership will be on an Israeli hit list.
Regardless who administers Gaza in future will still have to deal with militant groups even if they are not Hamas /Islamic Jihad , flattening Gaza , killing huge numbers of civilians and demonizing Palestinians and leaving the remaining population mainly homeless and reliant on aid will create the perfect environment for angry young men to feel they have nothing to lose in resisting Israel.
Hamas are probably finished but unless their is a fair and significant peace agreement between Israel and Palestine then another version of Hamas or a multitude of smaller resistance groups will appear.
They weren't happy at any time. When Hamas operatives grew up, their parents & most Grandparents grew up seeing the Zionists steal land, kill Palestinian villagers & farmers, then turn Gaza into the worlds biggest open air prison. All while the settlements were continually called illegal by the worlds countries.
In that circumstance, what would you do?
Drop your pants & cop it?

It could be the best option.
What do you think people did in Russia under Stalin. Tell him he was a bastard?
So now the Israel defenders are back to “look what Hamas made Israel do”.

Is there any response Israel could have done that some Israel defenders wouldn’t see as over the top?

Are you talking about my post?
The question was posed "do hamas regret what they did in October"?

I'm not defending anyone, but it was like jumping into a Lion enclosure.
Did anyone really expect Israel to turn the other cheek?

If you cared for the citizens of Gaza you simply wouldn't do that.
Are you talking about my post?
The question was posed "do hamas regret what they did in October"?

I'm not defending anyone, but it was like jumping into a Lion enclosure.
Did anyone really expect Israel to turn the other cheek?

If you cared for the citizens of Gaza you simply wouldn't do that.
They don’t care for the citizens of Gaza. And unfortunately it doesn’t seem like any other government does either.
Are you talking about my post?
The question was posed "do hamas regret what they did in October"?

I'm not defending anyone, but it was like jumping into a Lion enclosure.
Did anyone really expect Israel to turn the other cheek?

If you cared for the citizens of Gaza you simply wouldn't do that.
It's a paradox

The Israeli new historian IlanPappe said Hamas would have expected such response by the Netanyahu adminstration

from me: no ethical value judgement either way , the only corollary i could add is , i think Westminster and Americans getting away with alot , because they have it within their power to achieve some peace in the last decades , they prefer Israel to be their cat's paw in the M.E. and cop all blame
Are you talking about my post?
The question was posed "do hamas regret what they did in October"?

I'm not defending anyone, but it was like jumping into a Lion enclosure.
Did anyone really expect Israel to turn the other cheek?

If you cared for the citizens of Gaza you simply wouldn't do that.

Hamas aren’t good guys, they are bad.

Everyone knows this.

My sympathies lie with lives being lost and you currently have Gaza being blown to bits achieving nothing except satisfying Israel’s bloodlust and aim to eradicate Palestinians from the region.
the English and the Yanks are the propaganda king's

remember our last Victorian Cross winner and didn't he get other OA* awards in perth , ben roberts-smith ¿ it is Stanford's rene girard manifest symbiosis manifest pleonasm

¹ memetic theory anzac hero v.cross

² scapegoat theory warcrimez

i put it to you latham would not have taken out troops from afghanistan even though he said he would in his campaign , so could point bone at jwh but latham and all be all in too

LondonPentagonHstreetMadisonAv best at propaganda , not even close
BRS wouldn't look out of place in one of those videos of the IDF shooting people while they were tied up and blindfolded.
BRS wouldn't look out of place in one of those videos of the IDF shooting people while they were tied up and blindfolded.
VictoriaCross/notsureabout OofA

you look at him and see Jake_The_Musc[sic] I think character was Jake the Muss in Once_Were_Warriors and the scene where Jake headbuts some pudenda† and says ' not enough speed work bro too many roids*. '

† because the plural is much more mellifluous than the clunky singular
* roids 'too much weights bro'

qua meathead #Fli#Flintstonesbambam
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