Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack II

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Part I:

Thread Rules:

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  • Any defense of Hamas' actions on the basis of justification. There's no justification for genocide, regardless of whether or not they have the power to do so.
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Thanks all.
Play nicely, all.
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So isreal can attack Iran
Iran HASNT retaliated but America already saying it will back the attackers?
This seems right and just.
|ran has retaliated and declared it's the end of the matter.

This was a 'show' and the speed in which Iran declared the matter confirms this. It also involved drones which can be easily shot down rather than ballistic missiles as far as I know. Iran doesn't want direct conflict with Israel, it would almost certainly lose. Heck, why should it, when it's got it's friends doing it's dirty work.

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|ran has retaliated and declared it's the end of the matter.

This was a 'show' and the speed in which Iran declared the matter confirms this. It also involved drones which can be easily shot down rather than ballistic missiles as far as I know. Iran doesn't want direct conflict with Israel, it would almost certainly lose. Heck, why should it, when it's got it's friends doing it's dirty work.
The Iranian response can probably be best described as a minimum credible threat. They have to do enough to show that they are willing to escalate if Isreal doesn't back down, but not actually do enough damage that forces Israel to retaliate. It is the same thing that happened after the Americans killed Soleimani.
This might be the Nevatim Air Force base in the Negev desert

The Russian caption states "Israeli media confirm 7 missile attacks on a military facility in the Negev Desert.
In general, the overload method works, and under the cover of a bunch of cheap drones, the missiles reach the target despite all the efforts of the United States and Israel. Valuable experience."
Some more tasty treats incoming for the Zionist Cancer to break its teeth against. As always I'll commend strikes against military and security force targets but I will condemn strikes against civilian ones.

I hope the Dimona nuclear facility is untouched. Any strike on a nuclear plant would be catastrophic for the surrounding area.
While I don't wish harm on civilians I sincerely wish a happy hunting to Iran as they engage military and associated security force targets as well as other governmental installations.

May the formerly sweet taste of vindication turn to ashes in the Zionist Cancer's collective mouths.
By supporting Iran you are directly supporting the deaths of scores of civilians thanks to all the drones they have been supplying Russia.

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I'll make some things clear right here, right now.

I don't stand with Iran in the theocratic repression of its own people - the people of Iran deserve better than an arch-conservative Council of Mullahs and their Ayatollah dictating every aspect of their lives.

However, the Zionist Cancer needs to be removed. NOT the Jewish people, but the enactors of apartheid and genocide. The political construct, if you will. As far as governmental and military targets go, happy hunting to Iran.

If you stand with Israel, you stand for genocide.

Regarding Russia, I don't stand with Vladimir Putin. Ever since his bizarre personal war against the all-girl punk band Pussy Riot back in 2010 or so, I've had no time for him.

In isolation, if Ukraine fought Russia without the backing of NATO I would be pro-Ukrainian. I will never support U.S foreign policy aims, though. I will never back NATO.

I find myself in a peculiar spot as far as the Russian invasion is concerned. I don't want Russia to succeed. I don't want Washington to succeed either. I want a free and independent Ukraine, beholden to neither Moscow or Washington, to rise and assert itself among the nations.

As it stands right now, I can't back Ukraine. All I can do is hope its civilian population stays as safe as it can.

EDIT: If you don't remember Pussy Riot or hadn't heard of them before take a look at this;

By supporting Iran you are directly supporting the deaths of scores of civilians thanks to all the drones they have been supplying Russia.
Israel attacked an Embassy. That is 100% terrorism and 100% unacceptable. Only terrorists attack embassies - not civilised states.

Netenyahu is out of control.

For the record, what do think the USA would be doing is a state attacked one of their embassies and killed senior officers?
The Iranian response can probably be best described as a minimum credible threat. They have to do enough to show that they are willing to escalate if Isreal doesn't back down, but not actually do enough damage that forces Israel to retaliate. It is the same thing that happened after the Americans killed Soleimani.
Also known as showing restraint.
Something which is foreign to bibi
I'll make some things clear right here, right now.

I don't stand with Iran in the theocratic repression of its own people - the people of Iran deserve better than an arch-conservative Council of Mullahs and their Ayatollah dictating every aspect of their lives.

However, the Zionist Cancer needs to be removed. NOT the Jewish people, but the enactors of apartheid and genocide. The political construct, if you will. As far as governmental and military targets go, happy hunting to Iran.

If you stand with Israel, you stand for genocide.

Regarding Russia, I don't stand with Vladimir Putin. Ever since his bizarre personal war against the all-girl punk band Pussy Riot back in 2010 or so, I've had no time for him.

In isolation, if Ukraine fought Russia without the backing of NATO I would be pro-Ukrainian. I will never support U.S foreign policy aims, though. I will never back NATO.

I find myself in a peculiar spot as far as the Russian invasion is concerned. I don't want Russia to succeed. I don't want Washington to succeed either. I want a free and independent Ukraine, beholden to neither Moscow or Washington, to rise and assert itself among the nations.

As it stands right now, I can't back Ukraine. All I can do is hope its civilian population stays as safe as it can.

EDIT: If you don't remember Pussy Riot or hadn't heard of them before take a look at this;

More suited for the Ukraine thread but there is no prospect of a truly independent Ukraine from this point. It’s is either Russian conquest, Russian puppet or USA backed country.
I suppose Russian conquest path could lead to a decade long insurgency and Russia giving up and leaving
Israel attacked an Embassy. That is 100% terrorism and 100% unacceptable. Only terrorists attack embassies - not civilised states.

Netenyahu is out of control.

For the record, what do think the USA would be doing is a state attacked one of their embassies and killed senior officers?

I can't believe that he thinks he can get away with what he's doing.
I can't believe that he seems to be getting away with what he's doing.

If it was Australia the Governor General ( or even our silly king ) probably would have stepped in by now.
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