FTA-TV Shows you refuse to watch

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Today Tonight
A Current Affair


Wild Boys (thankfully axed)

Shows others have already mentioned, two and a half men, the project

Recent seasons of Bones - was a great show, but the writers couldn't decide what to do with Bones/Booth and ****ed it up at around season 3.

Random Breath Testing - what riveting TV...

CSI Miami - Its beyond me how this boring drivel is still on. I'd rather watch Parliament question time.

The Gruen Transfer - I don't have anything against the show itself, but I cannot stomach that supreme pretentious w***er Todd Sampson, he is more of a w***er than his mate Will Anderson.
I pay for the Foxtel at home but after 9pm, the mrs takes control with channel E and Arena. Her shows just make me want to cut myself:

- Bridezilla's
- Four Weddings
- Real Housewives of OC, LA and any other crappy place in America
- Kendra
- Giuliana and Bill

Why anyone could give a shit about how others live their lives is beyond me.
Any show with this bloke in it...

Good news week or world (simply because I can't stand Mikey Robbins)
Australia's got talent/X-Factor

Anything with this bloke in it...

Two and a half men (staggered that this was a hit)
Terra Nova (tried the first few episodes....absolute rubbish)

Staggered that some have listed Law and Order. Certainly the original was a great show...not so much all the offshoots.
Would take me too long to list them all.

Pretty much everything on FTA, except Sport and Survivor.

Although i thought it might be a good thread for me to vent this:

Yeah, spot on.

When I was in high school you would've been branded a complete loser for liking that show.

Now, everybody loves it.

I don't know any straight male that watches it. My work friends (bunch of girls and a gay guy) are always having Glee parties. I am honestly struggling to think of something worse than that. Maybe taking a bath with a shit.

The Office (US)
Modern Family

I hope you're not avoiding US Office out of some sort of misguided loyalty to the UK version. Gervais is an executive producer and once you get past the turgid first season the show is as good if not better than the UK version (insert incredulity from UK fans who haven't seen US version here).

Grey's Anatomy
Law & Order
Australia's Got Talent
Celebrity __________
Packed to the Rafters
Home & Away
Criminal Minds
Pseudo-documentary style reality shows:
-Bondi Vet
Two and a half Men
Mike & Molly
Jersey Shore
So You Think You Can Dance
The Project
Rove LA

That's just a common sense list.

Except I don't mind watching a procedural crime drama like Law & Order once every two months or so. There's something about the predictable narrative arc and restoration of justice that's enjoyable and relaxing to watch.

Today Tonight
A Current Affair

Hilarious to watch. I'm a big believer in TV definitely turned down for dinner, but when no-one's home I'm a sucker for this shit (emphasis needed).
I hope you're not avoiding US Office out of some sort of misguided loyalty to the UK version. Gervais is an executive producer and once you get past the turgid first season the show is as good if not better than the UK version (insert incredulity from UK fans who haven't seen US version here).

It simply lacks the subtlety of the UK version. I've tried it and whilst I understand other people liking it, it just doesn't do it for me.

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I would not give a toss if my TV was stolen prefer tunes. (Excepting if it is footy season).

Would have to say Home and Away, Neighbours, Today Tonight & A Current Affair are very high on the list though.
Anything reality TV, including the 'talent' shows and cooking and building shows.

Throw in:
-Big Bang Theory
-Packed to the Rafters
-Law and Order
-Deal or No Deal
-Gossip Girl

Neighbours/H&A and TT/ACA go without saying.
I pay for the Foxtel at home but after 9pm, the mrs takes control with channel E and Arena. Her shows just make me want to cut myself:

- Bridezilla's
- Four Weddings
- Real Housewives of OC, LA and any other crappy place in America- Kendra
- Giuliana and Bill

Why anyone could give a shit about how others live their lives is beyond me.

Yeah that is particularly shit. (Four Weddings can be a laugh sometimes).

If she starts watching a show called "Love Triangle" RUN. Saw it last night, have never been more bored in my whole life...
Has anyone said Everybody Loves Raymond yet? I don't know what it is, but I just can't stand the show. The fifteen episode cycle of reruns playing on TV makes me want to punch myself in the balls just to distract myself from seeing it.
amazing race
glee (which i guess is normal for someone who isnt female or gay)
Any news programs - especially news breaking stories unless you are gonna tell me that the country has been invaded or we are all in danger, dont bother
most australian made tv series or shows
the block (i really hate that show)

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