Swans told to end COLA - OR be banned from trading in players for 2 years

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Fact is there are 800+ posts on this thread so far and nobody is any wiser as to what went down for the AFL to make this decision. But carry on.
It'd be nice to know if there was actually an event or underlying story. I'd expected the Swans to be fairly quiet this trade window anyway.. ?

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A close friend of minee has seen a certain Swans players contract, quite a decent one too and guess what ? no mention of cola, quite shocked they were too.
Bollocks. You do know that the AFL has to endorse each and every player contract, right. I mean, you must know that.
I'd imagine with the cap space that was freed up by Malceski leaving, LRT and O'Keefe retiring, etc, Sydney might have had enough in the coffers to have a crack at a Frawley or a Mitch Clark. At a guess, the AFL knew this and put the hard word on Swans before the trade period to avoid the massive melt that would ensue (I'd probably meltdown too if they picked up Ryder or someone, TBH)

Ireland must have got jack of it and leaked it out to Fairfax.
Oh my... the AFL just confirmed what we already knew - it's the Frank Spencer of world sport.

The delicious irony of the whole thing however, is that they are now alienating the supporters of the paper club they were trying to prop up (alienating the supporters of every other club in the process)!
..Ahahahaha, but it couldn't have happened to a better bunch of blokes .
Fact is there are 800+ posts on this thread so far and nobody is any wiser as to what went down for the AFL to make this decision. But carry on.
I've amended my post to make my point clearer.
Fact is there are 800+ posts on this thread so far and nobody is any wiser as to what went down for the AFL to make this decision. But carry on.

Agreed - noone has a clue. And noone has a clue about how the 9.8% is paid either. Swans officials have come out and said it's applied to each and every player (believe it or not, I don't care), but noone is really sure if it's written into their contract as such, or paid by the AFL, or given to the Swans to pay. The whole thing is just messy. Personally, I thought it was all being dealt with over the next 2 years, and any new contracts simply wouldn't have it (and it was reported that Pykes new contract did exactly this). But now, I have no clue. The AFL have just changed the rules, and effectively given Sydney a reduced cap if they want to trade.
I assume you haven't read the whole thread - and I can't really blame you, it's still growing rapidly. The legal ramifications have been clearly outlined by many posts previously.

In a nutshell - the players have the 9.8% COLA payment included in their contract which the Swans are legally bound to pay. Failure to pay is a breach of contract, which is the reason why it was necessary for the two year period of phasing out COLA (so that there would be less older COLA-affected contracts remaining and the Swans could reduce their TPP over that period to accommodate the remainder).

I don't agree with COLA and never have, but the Swans have played by the rules. The AFL has changed the game.

You seem stuck on your belief that the swans will be forced into a "failure to pay" situation thus flowing into a breach of contract.
This will not happen if the swans shed a player or 2. Coincidently just like every other club does when struggling with cap space.

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I have seen no evidence that the Swans add the COLA to every player on their list. On the other hand there is some evidence suggesting perhaps they simply use it as an inflated salary cap. it would explain the AFL's anger and movement on COLA after Buddy, so soon after the AFL helped Sydney land Tippet for nothing. Why would Ireland suddenly offer to allow the AFL to take over the reigns of a new 'rental assistance' scheme to ensure it was allocated to each individual player, in his desperation to keep some scheme going? If it was all above board why would you need to make the offer? Just show the AFL the books. Seems they rorted the system just too much for the AFL to continue to turn a blind eye.
Want to trade players? Remove COLA - Swans can do as they wish, but they continue to want it all, whilst about to enjoy the benefits of the afl funded academy.
"some evidence". "suggesting". "perhaps". Give me a break, can you get any more vague? Stop pissing around and show us this evidence.
Fact is there are 800+ posts on this thread so far and nobody is any wiser as to what went down for the AFL to make this decision. But carry on.
Well that chap you just signed as a FA had been rumored as being looked at as being added by Sydney for backline depth until Mike Fitzpatrick stepped in an said no way.
As a result we have this.
Well wouldn't the obvious thing for the AFL to do then be simply stop the payment or phase it out, rather than threatening the Swans with sanctions for using something the league has provided them?
They're not threatened with sanctions. They either phase it out voluntarily, or they are prohibited from trading players in while over the total player payments.

Why is this so hard to understand?
They're not threatened with sanctions. They either phase it out voluntarily, or they are prohibited from trading players in while over the total player payments.

Why is this so hard to understand?

Because the league should be the one to "phase it out", as they're the one administering the extra funds. The Swans are simply using what the league is giving them.
Agreed - noone has a clue. And noone has a clue about how the 9.8% is paid either. Swans officials have come out and said it's applied to each and every player (believe it or not, I don't care), but noone is really sure if it's written into their contract as such, or paid by the AFL, or given to the Swans to pay. The whole thing is just messy. Personally, I thought it was all being dealt with over the next 2 years, and any new contracts simply wouldn't have it (and it was reported that Pykes new contract did exactly this). But now, I have no clue. The AFL have just changed the rules, and effectively given Sydney a reduced cap if they want to trade.

Ireland burnt the AFL (more so than Hawthorn) with the Franklin trade. I think people forget that Franklin was being touted as the player to launch GWS in western Sydney. People can talk of legalities and all sorts of thing but in the end Ireland broke a level of trust and good faith in terms of what the AFL is trying to do in expanding its market where it has invested massively. In fact, what Ireland did was make it clear that Sydney was threatened and would do everything in its power to defend its territory. This is not a good way to do business and shows either a naivety or total disregard for where Sydney fits in the scheme of things in the AFL world.
"some evidence". "suggesting". "perhaps". Give me a break, can you get any more vague? Stop pissing around and show us this evidence.
that is 'some evidence' - the words and actions of the swans and afl. what evidence have sydney fans given? simply that the swans have said they use it correctly. words. both are weak, but i would say it's more slanted to suggested the Swans abused COLA.
Because the league should be the one to "phase it out", as they're the one administering the extra funds. The Swans are simply using what the league is giving them.
Which would mean the Swans would be forced to cut players they had the original understanding they were entitled to keep.

This is the most equitable solution. Swans have a choice.
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