Current Trial The Teachers Pet Podcast & Chris Dawson's Murder Trial * New Carnal Knowledge Trial

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It is interesting that Lyn's bankcard spending was the main cause of their marital problems.
It might kind of suggest that not only was there physical abuse etc. going on but there could well have been financial abuse going on, too. Who knows! He could have checked all of her grocery shopping receipts. Anything could have been a trigger for him to go off at her and for him to imagine a way to justify his abuse.
It might kind of suggest that not only was there physical abuse etc. going on but there could well have been financial abuse going on, too. Who knows! He could have checked all of her grocery shopping receipts. Anything could have been a trigger for him to go off at her and for him to imagine a way to justify his abuse.
And with a female witness being asked to leave LD's home because Chris wouldn't be happy to see she had guests, or visitors, really strengthens JC's comments about basically being a slave. He sounds like a real piece of shit.
How many days/weeks/months was JC sleeping at Paul Dawson’s home for?

Was Chris Dawson’s nose job possibly a result of something other than rugger injuries?

5:24 PM

'Taking liberties with my husband': Lyn confronted JC

Lynette Dawson confronted her teenage babysitter about “taking liberties” with her husband Chris.

JC told a court it occurred after Mr Dawson had surgery to his nose.

The then-teenager visited him at the hospital, sat on the bed and wiped the end of his nose.

It was in the afternoon after school. JC left to work a shift at Coles, and when she returned to the Dawsons’ Bayview home, she was confronted by Lyn.

“She said, `you’ve been taking liberties with my husband’,” JC said.

“It meant that she realised there was something more going on than just nose wiping … that we were in a sexual relationship.”

That night, JC slept at Mr Dawson’s brother Paul’s place, staying there until she finished her high school certificate that year.

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Case paused for a week.
COVID got the Crown Prosecutor.

The high-profile murder trial of Chris Dawson has been delayed for a week after Crown Prosecutor SC Craig Everson tested positive for COVID-19.

The NSW Supreme Court was today supposed to hear the second day of evidence from Mr Dawson's twin brother, Peter.

Given Mr Everson's seven-day isolation requirements, the judge-only trial will hear the rest of Peter Dawson's evidence next Tuesday.

'Craig Everson SC returned a positive rapid antigen test.
The court was told that Mr Everson had tested positive on Monday night '

'The court was also told that the Crown prosecution expected to close its case mid to late next week, with Mr Dawson’ defence to then call witnesses.'
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And this from yesterday's replay of Chris Dawson's 1991 Police interview.

'8:14PM MAY 30, 2022'
'Former teacher Chris Dawson told police he lay awake crying his heart out hoping for some contact with his missing wife, Lyn.'

burning pants on fire GIF
And this from yesterday's replay of Chris Dawson's 1991 Police interview.

'8:14PM MAY 30, 2022'
'Former teacher Chris Dawson told police he lay awake crying his heart out hoping for some contact with his missing wife, Lyn.'

burning pants on fire GIF

Nothing he says now after lying about what he was doing when he left the house and who he was with together with his living arrangements, will be believed. Any credibility he might have had which probably wasn't much, is gone, there's not a shred left.

His statements are full of lies and manipulations.
Nothing he says now after lying about what he was doing when he left the house and who he was with together with his living arrangements, will be believed. Any credibility he might have had which probably wasn't much, is gone, there's not a shred left.

His statements are full of lies and manipulations.
I had hoped for a trial with a jury, not judge alone.
Public Record versus Private Record

Lloyd Babbs declared his conflict of interest in 2011 to the then-attorney-general and the DPP but never recorded it on the official register. The NSW Police Force never knew until 2018.

From the article called "DPP Declared Dawson Case Conflict of Interest in 2011."
“The director recused himself to then-attorney-general, Greg Smith, on October 14, 2011,” Mr Speakman said. “On further referral from the NSW Police Force, received on April 12, 2018, the director noted the conflict in the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution’s Conflict of Interest Register on April 16, 2018.”

"Mr Speakman has also confirmed for the first time that police had been kept in the dark about the conflict."

According to Wikepedia, Lloyd Babb ended his 10 year NSW DPP role on 17 July 2021.

'Lloyd assumed the position of President of the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Spiders Basketball Association in June 2021 in a landslide victory'

The article FTY1 posted was an 11 Oct 2018 one.
Here's an earlier one (Aug 2018) on the same DPP conflict of interest issue.

'NSW DPP tells of school link with Chris Dawson



12:00AM AUGUST 4, 2018

The NSW Director of Public Prosecutions was captain of Sydney’s Asquith Boys High School when murder suspect Chris Dawson taught there in 1984, and they knew each other through rugby league at the school.

Lloyd Babb SC says he previously alerted senior colleagues to his connection to both Mr Dawson and his twin brother, Paul, who also taught at Asquith.

In response to a list of questions from The Weekend Australian yesterday, Mr Babb also said he had distanced himself from all decision-making on the fate of Chris Dawson, a former star footballer with the Newtown Jets.

The connections will be examined more thoroughly in the next episode of The Teacher’s Pet podcast series, which is investigating Lyn Dawson’s probable murder in 1982.

Police have wanted to charge Mr Dawson with murder since coroners in separate inquests in 2001 and 2003 found he killed his wife Lyn and should be prosecuted. But the office of the DPP has repeatedly refused to prosecute.

Mr Babb said he had never provided any advice within the office about the case or to police before his appointment as the state’s top prosecutor in 2011.

“I played rugby league and had contact with both men in that limited context,” he said. “I had no involvement with either man in activities outside of school.”

Lyn’s sister Pat Jenkins and brother Greg Simms said they were stunned at the 1984 connection between the DPP and their former brother-in-law, Chris, who they accuse of Lyn’s murder.

“I’m dumbfounded and I would have expected to have been advised of it by the office of the DPP instead of finding out like this,’’ said Mr Simms.

Mr Babb said he had already made an internal office declaration of a conflict of interest in the case due to his past association with the brothers.

“I have had no input with any aspect of the police request for advice regarding this brief,” he said.

In 1984 — two years after Lyn vanished leaving behind two young daughters — Mr Dawson was a teacher and football coach at Asquith Boys High, a NSW government-run school, having taught over the previous five years at Cromer High and Beacon Hill on the northern beaches.

His twin Paul was a teacher at Asquith at the same time and shared coaching duties, having gone there from Forest High. They have been accused of being part of a sex ring with other teachers who preyed on schoolgirls.

Mr Babb was in his final year at the school in 1984 and held a leadership position as school captain.

He said he was not taught by either of the Dawson brothers and had no contact with the men or their solicitor brother Peter Dawson since 1984.

“The matter is presently being reviewed by my office at the request of the NSW Police Force and the review is being conducted by senior legal staff including a deputy director.

“Conflicts of interest arise in this office, and in every legal office, from time to time. The ODPP has procedures in place when this occurs and those procedures were followed in this case.

“Upon my becoming aware of this matter, I immediately indicated my conflict of interest to the deputy directors.”

The conflict prevented him from any involvement, “including contact with the family”.

NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller said police had formally asked prosecutors in April to again consider if there was enough evidence to prosecute.

The deputy director independently reviewing the case would respond to police “when a determination is made”, Mr Babb said.

Chris Dawson denies killing his wife. Paul Dawson denies any wrongdoing.'
Nothing he says now after lying about what he was doing when he left the house and who he was with together with his living arrangements, will be believed. Any credibility he might have had which probably wasn't much, is gone, there's not a shred left.

His statements are full of lies and manipulations.
His statement in 1982 "The Antecedent Report" he never mentioned JC. His statement in 1991 he mentioned that he went to Queensland with the girl he was having an affair with. The 1991 questioning was after they had spoken to JC and possibly others.
And this from yesterday's replay of Chris Dawson's 1991 Police interview.

'8:14PM MAY 30, 2022'
'Former teacher Chris Dawson told police he lay awake crying his heart out hoping for some contact with his missing wife, Lyn.'

burning pants on fire GIF
The context of this was with relation to JC.

Some of the interview was redacted but it went ... and JC doesn't know that at nights I cry my heart out...

The essence of this was that you wouldn't tell your 2nd wife about how you are missing a previous one.
Lloyd Babbs declared his conflict of interest in 2011 to the then-attorney-general and the DPP but never recorded it on the official register. The NSW Police Force never knew until 2018.

From the article called "DPP Declared Dawson Case Conflict of Interest in 2011."
“The director recused himself to then-attorney-general, Greg Smith, on October 14, 2011,” Mr Speakman said. “On further referral from the NSW Police Force, received on April 12, 2018, the director noted the conflict in the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution’s Conflict of Interest Register on April 16, 2018.”

"Mr Speakman has also confirmed for the first time that police had been kept in the dark about the conflict."

For a large city, Sydney's a small town when it comes to who knows who.

Here's more from the 11 Oct 2018 Dawson case conflict of interest article for completeness on what has been made public on this.

DPP declared Dawson case conflict of interest in 2011


11:00PM OCTOBER 11, 2018

New details have emerged of how NSW Director of Public Prosecutions Lloyd Babb SC handled his conflict of interest in the case of missing Sydney mother Lyn Dawson.

It is six months today since the DPP received a fresh police brief of evidence on Lyn’s 1982 disappearance and probable murder, for assessment of potential charges. Mr Babb privately declared he was unable to be involved in the assessment — which is ongoing — because Lyn’s husband and suspected killer, Chris Dawson, was a teacher and rugby league coach at his high school.

Answering questions on notice from the opposition, NSW Attorney-General Mark Speakman said Mr Babb declared the conflict soon after his appointment as director seven years ago.

“The director recused himself to then-attorney-general, Greg Smith, on October 14, 2011,” Mr Speakman said. “On further referral from the NSW Police Force, received on April 12, 2018, the director noted the conflict in the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution’s Conflict of Interest Register on April 16, 2018.”

Mr Babb’s office declined to comment yesterday when asked if, and why, he had not recorded the conflict in the register before this year.

He previously told The Australian he informed his DPP colleagues of his conflict at the same time that he had declared it to the former attorney-general in 2011.

Lyn’s family was unaware of Mr Babb’s past connection to Mr Dawson, or that he had removed himself from the case, until it was revealed as part of the investigative podcast series The Teacher’s Pet.

Relatives had been writing to Mr Babb, calling on him to reassess the merits of the cold case, as had members of the public.

Mr Speakman has also confirmed for the first time that police had been kept in the dark about the conflict.
“The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions is an independent prosecutorial body,” Mr Speakman said.
“The Director of Public Prosecutions, Mr Lloyd Babb SC, did not inform the NSW Police Force.”'
There's a mystery witness .... the Crown Prosecutor Craig Everson entered discussion with Judge Harrison about a potential future witness yet to be subponae'd and sfelt it wouldn't be appropriate to state his name in open court so he handed the judge a piece of paper with this witnesses name on it. As the judge read it, he raised his eyebrows and gave an exaltation 'ohh' so he recognised the name.

I wonder who it is ..
Probably just Robert Silkman.

'Delays as Chris Dawson murder trial is adjourned


7:54PM MAY 31, 2022'

'The defence has additional witnesses they have requested to be made available for cross-examination, including journalist Hedley Thomas, creator of The Teacher’s Pet podcast.

Mr Dawson’s brother Paul and his wife, Marilyn, are among those who could be called as witnesses next week.

The trial is also yet to hear from Robert Silkman, the new witness who has claimed Mr Dawson approached him on a plane and asked for help to get rid of Lyn six years before she went missing from Sydney’s northern beaches.'
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The potential for COVID to cause more delays/health issues for the many aged who have appeared in person and are due to appear in this case, is most concerning.

'Delays as Chris Dawson murder trial is adjourned


7:54PM MAY 31, 2022'

'The trial of Chris Dawson for the alleged murder of his wife Lynette four decades ago has been brought to a standstill by a very modern problem – Covid.
Prosecutor Craig Everson SC had attended proceedings as usual on Monday but was not in court when the trial resumed on Tuesday morning.

Prosecutor Emma Blizard stood up in his place and said Mr Everson had tested positive to Covid with a rapid antigen test on Monday night and again on Tuesday.

Ms Blizard requested an adjournment until Tuesday next week, when Mr Everson would hopefully have recovered and the Supreme Court trial could once more restart.

Judge Ian Harrison granted the adjournment to the trial, currently in its fourth week.

Covid has been an ever-present risk in the courts, which until recently had been closed to the public as a precaution against the virus. Everyone in the court building in Queens Square in Sydney is required to wear a mask while inside.

Court staff have been vigilant in ensuring compliance, and even scrupulously wipe down each X-ray tray after use. An exception is when witnesses giving evidence are asked to remove masks so they can be clearly heard and seen.

Justice Harrison is appropriately socially distanced from others and is not required to wear a mask. The prosecutor and defence lawyer are also exempt as they take evidence and cross-examine witnesses.

Many of those who have taken the stand in the Dawson trial have been of advancing years, as would be expected in a case that relates to an alleged murder 40 years ago.

The public gallery has also been filled with Lyn Dawson’s friends stretching back to childhood. They are in a higher-risk demographic from a potential Covid outbreak in the confined space of a courtroom. Lyn herself would now be 73.

A middle-aged woman appeared to be standing by on audiovisual link to be a witness when the announcement was made that the trial would have to be postponed.

Minutes before the court resumed, defence lawyer Greg Walsh delivered the news to journalists in a few short words.

“Have you heard what’s happened? Crown. Covid.”'
Probably just Robert Silkman

'Delays as Chris Dawson murder trial is adjourned


7:54PM MAY 31, 2022'

'The defence has additional witnesses they have requested to be made available for cross-examination, including journalist Hedley Thomas, creator of The Teacher’s Pet podcast.

Mr Dawson’s brother Paul and his wife, Marilyn, are among those who could be called as witnesses next week.

The trial is also yet to hear from Robert Silkman, the new witness who has claimed Mr Dawson approached him on a plane and asked for help to get rid of Lyn six years before she went missing from Sydney’s northern beaches.'

So married in 70, saw Silkman on plane in 75-76 at which time they didn't have kids. Based upon my limited knowledge of family law a short term marriage (4-5yrs approx) without the complication of children is easily divorced where the parties take away what they brought to marriage. It's only when it becomes long term that a 50:50 split is then contemplated. So there is some reasonable chance that at 75-76 CD wouldn't be too disadvantaged to divorce. Seems implausible that he would contemplate arranging with a complete stranger on a plane to have LD killed when he then had kids with her at a later time. And this is a 'new' witness. Mmmmmmm sounds suspect
Ep 4 - Teachers Trial is worth listening to ^

It also discusses the agreed facts in Court (around the 1hr.1min mark):

Sid & Joan Dawson had 4 children
  • Lynette (I kid you not) firstborn - now known as Lynette Hutchin (married the Late Ross Hutchin)
  • Peter
  • Christopher & Paul (identical twins) DOB 26.07.1948
and, lots of details about the family addresses/properties bought and paid for etc

CD's Rhinoplasty was 2 Nov 1981 - in hospital until 6 Nov 1981

A document found in the pocket of LD's dressing gown by LD's family (after CD dropped off her clothes)
An agreement for the sale of the property (unsigned by LD) 21 DEC 1981 -
CHRIS DAWSON was planning to sell the family home for $258k !!!

CD is agreeing to sell the house with a Real Estate Agent (John Bland) just before she goes "missing"
This document is found in a dressing gown of LD's that is delivered to LD's mother........ wtaf

Also mentioned are 2 Northern Beaches purchases on LD's Jan & Feb credit card statements.
January credit card statement - Katies (Narabeen) purchase (dress shop) - 12 Jan 1982 -3 days after she went missing
February credit card statement - Just Jeans (Narrabeen) purchase (jeans shop) - 27 Jan 1982

So 2 transactions, AFTER LD went missing
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What do I believe at this point. I believe he groomed an under age girl starting a sexual relationship. I believe there was DV and abuse in his marriage. I believe that his interview with police seemed credible and truthful. In determining truth it's said that the amount you say AFTER a denial is what indicates deception. His comment about the pub visit and contract killer was an empathic no in one phrase only and didn't elaborate. Imo it was truthful. That imo supports his view that JC was trying to lever advantage in a custody battle. Imo as likely as the alternative. He says he had contact with 3 police trying to locate LD and one of those said he didn't recall the conversation about NZ. So far NO evidence from the other two to deny. That aids credibility. Apparently the BC statement had two purchases after LD went missing in Narrabeen of Jan 1982 yet as yet no one has come forward to say it was he who made those purchases. This despite him being a somewhat public figure rugby league figure who at that stage would likely still be recognized. Was also stated that a number of STD calls were made to him by LD after she left. Surely these can be identified on phone records??? Did they exist? No mention. Again surely phone records would show this fact. It's a strange thing to put forward when it can be checked. Is the innuendo that he had someone ring and pretend? But it is evidence either way. Do police not pursue an obvious lead on evidence simply because it scuttles the case? In 1982 and further in 1991 police could have and likely DID gather these records. They likely didn't retain or advance them because they supported innocence. Entirely possible. Unfortunately police take adversarial position on cases and work toward the end they choose not necessarily truth

The podcast makes comment that he didn't advance that when he went away it was with JC. With respect she was just past being a minor. He wouldn't mention it. In no way indicates guilt in a murder.

She went missing. The most obvious explanation is CD involvement. But there are possible alternatives notably that she took her own life in a way where a body couldn't be found. For me what happens around those calls and the two officers testimony will aid shaping my view here......whether the evidence is sufficient to support a conviction
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Sid & Joan Dawson had 4 children
They had 5. (none died young)

Then why in the latest (ep4) podcast does Hedley Thomas state that (37:28 mark)
"Chris and Paul Dawson were the youngest of five (5) children"
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They had 5. (none died young)

Then why in the latest (ep4) podcast does Hedley Thomas state that (37:28 mark)
"Chris and Paul Dawson were the youngest of five (5) children"
Chris and Paul Dawson had 2 older brothers, and an older sister (the eldest child).
Peter Dawson is the middle child, and not the oldest of the 4 male children.

The 2nd oldest child (male) has not yet been named in the media as far as I have read/heard.
For his and his line of the Dawson families privacy, I don't think it's appropriate to name him, seeing as how he has not been named to date, or even referred to indirectly in the media as yet.
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Then why in the latest (ep4) podcast does Hedley Thomas state that (37:28 mark)
"Chris and Paul Dawson were the youngest of five (5) children"
At the 1:01:30 mark of the Ep4 podcast the female presenter says that the (legal) agreed facts of the case are that

""Syd and Joan Dawson had 4 children, in this order ...."

From that, I speculate that Chris and Paul's un-named elder brother (older than Peter Dawson, but younger than sister Lynette Dawson), was probably either not a bio child of both Syd(ney) and Joan Dawson, or was adopted out to another family.

Explaining why the Ep4 podcast says that
1. Chris and Paul were the youngest of 5 children.
2. Syd and Joan Dawson had 4 children

Alternatively, the missing child has had there being another Dawson sibling (to make it 5 of them) completely suppressed.
Suppressed in a way that the official (legal) agreed facts in the court case have been written to read that there are only 4 children (in the agreed facts).
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Apparently the BC statement had two purchases after LD went missing in Narrabeen of Jan 1982 yet as yet no one has come forward to say it was he who made those purchases. This despite him being a somewhat public figure rugby league figure who at that stage would likely still be recognized. Was also stated that a number of STD calls were made to him by LD after she left. Surely these can be identified on phone records??? Did they exist? No mention. Again surely phone records would show this fact. It's a strange thing to put forward when it can be checked. Is the innuendo that he had someone ring and pretend?
I am listening to Ep 4 of The Teacher's Trial, and in the CD interview with LE he states that on the day Lyn is said to have gone missing he receives the first of these STD calls from her while he is in a shop. Maybe someone else has the reason, but I don't know how she would have known that he was in that shop at that time. I can go with the idea that they had arranged to meet there maybe but it is very clear that he says it was an STD call. If indeed the phone call did take place, then at least someone knew he was going to be in that shop. If it's true that Lyn continues to call CD on other occasions from an STD number, then why on earth would she have returned to the area to do some shopping? The only thing that is clear is that Lyn's bankcard was still in the area, even if she wasn't.
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The only thing that is clear is that Lyn's bankcard was still in the area, even if she wasn't.
Little wonder that Chris Dawson claims that Lyn's spending was out of control (as opposed to him financially abusing her), if she was possibly not the one doing the spending on her bankcard!
For those not as old as some of us, STD calls were from outside your local area. For example, growing up in Geelong (area 052), it was an STD call to Werribee, Ballarat and Lorne for example. Same pip sounds as getting a call from say Sydney.

(BTW I don't believe that Lyn made any calls).
The only thing that is clear is that Lyn's bankcard was still in the area, even if she wasn't.

Do we know the what time of day the bankcard transactions were made and on which day? How far away the stores are in relation to the house and the school he was teaching in?

What size the clothes were in and if Lynn had ever shopped in there before?

It might be too much to expect the cops followed through by actually going in to the store to identify the sales assistant who processed the transaction and try to get more details.

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