US Election 2020: President Elect Biden and VP Elect Harris

The Next President and VP will be?

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This thread is continued in... The Aftermath

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I thought the article saw through the orange veneer and nailed the dangerous, megalomaniacal oddity that is Trump, with exceptional thoroughness and humour.

As for " Trump was counterthesis, ...
Trump won as dialectic manifest , he was everything Obama was not " and "British solipsism", you've committed the Philosophical blunder that many who like to confuse others using complex language often make, ie specifically The Naming Fallacy.
Naming something (eg above in bold italics) does not explain what it is. Little wonder Shane Heard replied with:
"Whaaaaat?" :D .

"Trump won as dialectic manifest"?? C'mon.
Trump is as far removed from 'dialectic' anything, as we are from the farthest known Galaxy --- but you're right when you say he was a parody of himself, and boorish (did you see him brushing what he called dandruff from the shoulder of Macron's jacket, or was it Trudeau? Fkme, what an embarrassment he is/was).

The article had no 'validity' of any kind. It was hilarious, well-written and shredded Trump wonderfully.
Trump ran as anti-Obama, he ran picking fights with the Fourth Estate, he was everything Obama was not and undeniably it struck a chord and had resonance art ballot. The single fallacy that exists,, is for foreigners (hypocrisy: me also) to weigh in with intimate opininion, everything else should be put in context that you are engaging a domestic audience but you cannot be de Tocqueville or Dickens or Rundle and have touchstone on their culture, one can have opinion on their culture as outsider, no more

Ofcourse he was a boor and a bully, but that was his success. pErhaps the richest one rated just as much as the one with the rhetorical flourish and there I go lending my opinion and a #ChicagoanMiltonFreemanaphorosmonfreedom
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No. The main objective is to find the fraud that made a difference to who would win the election.
There was undoubtedly enough fraud to overturn the result in Ohio.
Maybe you don't, but the USA and the World sure as hell do.
Look at the havoc Trump created in 4 years. If he was re-elected, he would have taken that as a validation of and approval for every lie, every denial, every ignorance and fabricated rubbish that he spouted, and doubled-down upon them all. It seems unthinkable, but he would have gotten even worse, fuelled by a win.
Every week, yes, every week over the last 4 years I have thought he had reached his nadir, but he always managed to bury himself deeper in his own dangerous sh1t.

With a Biden/Harris win, the World has dodged not just a bullet but a Trump wrecking-ball (can anybody please do a gif of sMiley Cyrus with Trump's head on her, swinging wildly, oh, prettyplease?). Why do you think World leaders have been so quick to congratulate Biden/Harris?
Happiness, and relief.
Every politician lies to a degree, often confusing ambition with achievement. But by the end, Trump’s lies were simply pathological. They were constant, deliberate, often without reason. Four more years of that would have broken America.
Can you think of a person who has suffered a worse humiliation than Trump?

I'm mainly talking self inflicted, but happy to hear of any other contenders.
As I have said before, if Melania is still around in a decade and Bannon and Guliani drop in for a Laphroaig, they will dips their lid to the DNC and acknowledge an operation well fulfilled, crooks will respect a job well done. Otherwise, in meantime one can have a smirk to a bully geting comeuppance
Can you think of a person who has suffered a worse humiliation than Trump?

I'm mainly talking self inflicted, but happy to hear of any other contenders.
timme t every time he posted
I'm not sure if it works.

So you're mashing on every post I make because it disagrees with your presuppositions? It's not enough to have all the MSM and Big Tech aligned in step with your brainwashed world but you want me brought into line and silenced too?


I'll make it easy for you pampered princess. I'll leave voluntarily and won't post in this thread again ... as long as ... no one replies to any of my posts here henceforth. Deal?

Pretty easy. Bite your tongue and I'll bite mine.

P.S. When the fraud is proven and Trump remains in power. I expect a personal apology from you.
Can you think of a person who has suffered a worse humiliation than Trump?

I'm mainly talking self inflicted, but happy to hear of any other contenders.
Hirdy would have to be up there.
I wonder if they're still confused between the population of Georgia (state in USA, pop:11m) and Georgia (country in Europe, pop:4m). They still seem to be running the "more than 100% of population voted" theory.
Tbilisi is Georgia or S ossetia?

Atlanta is about the capital of the south, and Augusta golf club there
Even then he failed to register the fact they won an order to be allowed closer to inspect the counting. Only to be frustrated when the count then immediately moved further back ... playing games. A really impartial process.
You're referring to the 20 feet/6 feet fiasco, right? That's light years away from Trump's direst claims about Election-rigging.
How was that voter fraud, please? What does it have to do with Trump's claims of a "stolen election"?
It was petty nitpicking of the most ridiculous, trivial kind --- besides which, the Trumpers were claiming Republican observers were being barred from 'observing'.
Bloody hell, what would they see at 6 feet that they couldn't see at 20?
Furthermore, pro-Republican votes for the Senate were on the same ballot, so the Dems rigged the Presidential votes but left the Senate votes alone? Cmon.

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Every politician lies to a degree, often confusing ambition with achievement. But by the end, Trump’s lies were simply pathological. They were constant, deliberate, often without reason. Four more years of that would have broken America.

The US is broken and has been for a while. This is just a symptom.
You're referring to the 20 feet/6 feet fiasco, right? That's light years away from Trump's direst claims about Election-rigging.
How was that voter fraud, please? What does it have to do with Trump's claims of a "stolen election"?
It was petty nitpicking of the most ridiculous, trivial kind --- besides which, the Trumpers were claiming Republican observers were being barred from 'observing'.
Bloody hell, what would they see at 6 feet that they couldn't see at 20?
Furthermore, pro-Republican votes for the Senate were on the same ballot, so the Dems rigged the Presidential votes but left the Senate votes alone? Cmon.

Danm it. Why did you reply?
So you're mashing on every post I make because it disagrees with your presuppositions? It's not enough to have all the MSM and Big Tech aligned in step with your brainwashed world but you want me brought into line and silenced too?


I'll make it easy for you pampered princess. I'll leave voluntarily and won't post in this thread again ... as long as ... no one replies to any of my posts here henceforth. Deal?

Pretty easy. Bite your tongue and I'll bite mine.

P.S. When the fraud is proven and Trump remains in power. I expect a personal apology from you.
one cannot step out of line with consensus orthodoxy /pleonasm

how's that cherf

, so the Dems rigged the Presidential votes but left the Senate votes alone? Cmon.
Devils advocate like money-printing goes brrrrrr, they had to forge enough absentee ballots merely to get rid of DT, down ballot nigh irrelevant,

but they really are nul propositions, the DNC now have baton and president elect and as much as my intuition is like Crankitup I think it is popcorn time
Good reply, thanks:
Every politician lies to a degree, often confusing ambition with achievement. But by the end, Trump’s lies were simply pathological. They were constant, deliberate, often without reason. Four more years of that would have broken America.
... even more! :thumbsu::thumbsu: The first 4 years have broken America. Look at what the Pandemic has done over there, for starters. Then there's the openly racial divisions, the rich vs the poor gap's expansion etc. Trump is a billionaire Businessman. He railed against the Election being rigged by Big Media, Big Money, Big Tech when he is a part of or has a hand in all of them! o_O
He despises the poor.
Globally, Trump's rash decisions and Donfoolery have led to a dangerous rise in the power of China and general destabilisation. He's a walking/ranting disaster.
So with 10 cases already been thrown out how many are left?

Do they keep filling a case about the same thing hoping to get a different judge?

yes...cause that’s been Trump’s hobby since the mid 70s. He learnt it off his narcissist father and later with his deranged mentor Roy Cohn. A bloke someone like Jordan Belfort would call affectionately a “ savage Jew”.

Trump has been involved in over 3000 lawsuits in his time on earth.

I first started reading about Trump about 20 years ago. The biographies and many other books and articles.

I was dumbfounded when he ended up at the top of the list of republican candidates for US President. Mortified that this criminal could get that far.

The guy learnt from Cohn how to attack and destroy your opponents by any means possible.
Trump’s realestate “ career “ is a battlefield of destruction. He would sue anyone who didn’t follow his demands.

Likewise he has been sued himself 100s of times over. Ripping people off and refusing to pay up on deals.

Trump is a vile human who will go to any lengths in crushing people he feels are not on his team.

This is a guy who fed the media disgusting rumours and lies about his first wife during their divorce.

People just think of him mainly as the guy from the TV show we all

But his story goes way back to when he was around 25 years old.

He lives for it. Attacking people he views as weak.

And he’ll keep up this behaviour until his dying, bitter death.

“One of Donald Trump’s most important mentors, one of the most reviled men in American political history, is about to have another moment.

Roy Cohn, who has been described by people who knew him as “a snake,” “a scoundrel” and “a new strain of son of a bitch,” is the subject of a new documentary out this week from producer and director Matt Tyrnauer. It’s an occasion to once again look at Cohn and ask how much of him and his “savage,” “abrasive” and “amoral” behavior is visible in the behavior of the current president. Trump, as has been well-established, learned so much from the truculent, unrepentant Cohn about how to get what he wants, and he pines for Cohn and his notorious capabilities still. Trump, after all, reportedly has said so himself, and it’s now the name of this film: “Where’s My Roy Cohn?”

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they had to forge enough absentee ballots merely to get rid of DT, down ballot nigh irrelevant
It's moot, because I do not believe the Election was rigged or 'stolen', but if any skullduggery was afoot the Dems would have been smarter to rig the Senate numbers --- in the case of a Biden/Harris win, they'd control the Senate and have the so-called Political Trifecta. If DT was re-elected, they would have been able to curtail his decisions with a Senate majority, at least for 2 years.
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