Movie What's the last movie you saw? (5)

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Phantom Thread

Huge PTA stan. This one didn't do it for me on the first go. All I could think watching it was, "man, dating outside of your age bracket is hard work." But it's been stuck inside my head since. I look forward to watching it again knowing I don't have to pay attention to the narrative as much because it's a beautifully crafted film.

Also watched Heat again and it's the perfect film, from start to finish.

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I, Tonya

An absolute coming out party for Margot, ably supported by Sebastian Stan and Paul Walter Hauser (whilst Alison Janney steals the show completely). The performances are great and Margot does a pretty remarkable job of humanising the character (FWIW from interviews and accounts Tonya is wholly unlikeable human being) that's where the positives, for me, really end. The film and its narrative is a complete mess made almost unreadable. The idea is that the story is cobbled together from interviews with Tonya, her husband, her mother and her bodyguard and the four stories are mashed together with cut aways to the interviews and the odd break the fourth wall in re enactments of the actual (maybe made up) events. As it does this any momentum and flow the story gets breaks down over and over again. Its not that its hard to follow its more that it makes it pointless to follow. Its a shame as the acting and production warranted a better result than this. Overall worth it for the performances but sub par overall. 6/10
Laboured through this on a date.

The most unlikable characters I have witnessed in some time. Awful script. Allison Janney tried but the script was so bad that she fell flat. It all completely fell apart towards the end.

Margot Robbie was the only thing that made it tolerable, but she has absolutely no chance at the Oscars. She was simply the only likable character.

90% RT, I'm losing faith in that site.
Barely lasted the first half of AFLW. Chose some real entertainment instead. Captain America - The First Avenger. Easily my fav Captain America movie.... and one of my favourite Marvel films (coin toss between this and the 2004 Punisher film).

04 punisher is criminally underrated
8mm - Nicolas Cage, Joaquin Phoenix. Private investigator looks into snuff films for a millionaire widow. Joel Schumacher was seriously hit or miss in his directorial career and this one was a hit for mine. Dark, gritty and grimy but deep and very well done. It’s dated a lot now (especially with the almost scary prevelance of whatever pr0n you like on the web) but still a pretty scary look into what must be a real underground world. 8/10

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Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011) 9/10

When you look at the first 3 Mission Impossible movies they are a bit of hit and miss. MI 1 was solid, plot was thick, still not sure if it makes sense. MI 2 was well... not that good but had decent action. MI 3 was better, better villain but the wife stuff just doesn't belong, got a bit too emotional for a mission film.

5 years later and here comes Ghost Protocol. What a breathe of fresh air this was. Just balls to the wall action, one great scene after the next. This film really rejuvenated the series that seems to get better with every entry. One of the best action movies this decade.

Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011) 9/10

When you look at the first 3 Mission Impossible movies they are a bit of hit and miss. MI 1 was solid, plot was thick, still not sure if it makes sense. MI 2 was well... not that good but had decent action. MI 3 was better, better villain but the wife stuff just doesn't belong, got a bit too emotional for a mission film.

5 years later and here comes Ghost Protocol. What a breathe of fresh air this was. Just balls to the wall action, one great scene after the next. This film really rejuvenated the series that seems to get better with every entry. One of the best action movies this decade.

Directed by Brad Bird, and now the franchise have been very lucky with Christopher McQuarrie. Can't wait for the new installment.
Molly's Game

Goes for around 2 hours and didn't get bored but at the same time certain parts of the story felt rushed. Overall I really enjoyed it without it blowing me away. Jessica Chastain and Idris Elba played their roles really well without being exceptional. 7/10
Finally got around to seeing Bladerunner: 2049.


I thought it was very impressive. No accounting for audiences' tastes, I guess. Slow movies with amazing visual story telling don't scare me off.

Doesn't seem fair that Interstellar does $677m while this movies loses money.
A Ghost Story

This isn't a horror movie. It's a good drama movie. About a man who dies and hangs around. Some of it was a little spoiled but glad I watched it. Wish I saw it in a cinema instead of my TV during the day hearing noise and crap from outside. One of those 'serious' movies. A24 keep making good ones.

Just watched it. I liked the original concept and how the story developed. Just a couple of scenes that were unnecessarily long and nothing happening. I had a couple of games of Cookie Crush while she was eating the pie :D
Just watched it. I liked the original concept and how the story developed. Just a couple of scenes that were unnecessarily long and nothing happening. I had a couple of games of Cookie Crush while she was eating the pie :D
haha the pie scene was brilliant in my opinion! One of the best films I saw last year in my opinion.
Mollys Game - Story of Molly Bloom, genius, Olympic level athlete turned celebrity poker game runner and her come to God moment being pinged by the feds. Jessica Chastain and Idris Elba carry the narrative and Aaron Sorkin, Aaron Sorkins (yeh its totally a verb) his way through a very interesting but really underwhelming story. Without getting into Mollys insane moral and ethical code and the character (or persons) Fruedian relationship with men (which should be what you end up discussing with your mates after the credits roll) this is run at a breakneck pace with rapid fire, and at times inaudible, dialogue. Long story very short its Aaron Sorkins machine gun fire script glossing over the detail of a story about celebs, mobsters and LA and NYCs elite poker man caves that wont name names and plays it loose with the truth despite presenting itself as a total re-enactment of what happened. Its enjoyable mostly because Elba and Chastain are really good but its underwhelming because you want the names and the stories of the players and, much like Mollys book and deposition, it doesn't give them. I realise this is because 1- she actually wouldn't roll on her players in real life and 2- its her story not theirs, but ultimately its lets the film down. Worth a look for sure and Sorkin actually seems to hit some real flesh and blood people opposed to Newsroom and West Wing where everyone was just a speed talking, fact spouting wunderkid or speed talking, fact spouting grizzled veteran. 7/10
Colcerfield Paradox

Yikes what a poor attempt at trying to retcon the last two previous film which makes no sense as the original film never stated that there was an energy crisis.

Anyway this film is basically about a group of scientists working on a particle accerlarator in space in an attempt to solve the worlds depleting energy crisis that is leading the world into another world war. The particle acceraltor misfires and creates a tear in the space time continuum and results in said scientists being transported to another dimension.

All in all a very bland and predictable sci fi that has been done before.

Colcerfield Paradox

Yikes what a poor attempt at trying to retcon the last two previous film which makes no sense as the original film never stated that there was an energy crisis.

Anyway this film is basically about a group of scientists working on a particle accerlarator in space in an attempt to solve the worlds depleting energy crisis that is leading the world into another world war. The particle acceraltor misfires and creates a tear in the space time continuum and results in said scientists being transported to another dimension.

All in all a very bland and predictable sci fi that has been done before.

It’s set in the future though. Not when the first movie is set.
So the first movie is an alternative reality?
From what I've read that's what people are saying and then the big ray has affected dimensions and alternate realities etc.

To be fair, the original film doesn't really mention anything about any news stories apart from the monster so it's possible they are set in the same time too. The only thing that makes it seem like it may not be is the monster at the end seems to be ****ing massive! It's head is in the clouds. I do remember them saying that the monster in the original is only a baby so either the mother has woken up or it's a completely different dimension where there are bigger monsters.
The Cloverfield Paradox

Basically a boring version of Event Horizon with some allusions to Another Earth thrown in and then re-branded as a Cloverfield movie. Life, with Jake Gyllenhaal, did the same thing this time last year and at least that movie had an impactful ending (even if it was equally as terrible).

War Machine. Death Note. Bright. Now, Cloverfield 3. Netflix making a name for themselves as the most expensive and over-hyped straight-to-video distributor of all-time. Mute, from Duncan Jones (Moon), then Annihilation, from Alex Garland (Ex Machina), are the next two big Netflix movies and I am having a really difficult time imagining that these will be any good because Netflix is becoming a dumping ground for blockbusters.
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