Why is Laurie Oakes Treated Like a God?

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Mar 3, 2005
Tombstone, AZ
AFL Club
Western Bulldogs
Is it just because he's been around since the dawn of time?

I know he's got a lot of contacts in Canberra, and as a result he snags a few exclusives. But his opinions bore me to death. Really, most senior political correspondents have more interesting opinions IMO. I haven't read his stuff since he's moved to the Tele, but his articles in the Bulletin used to be pretty unimaginative. He also puts me to sleep every time I see him on TV.

Does anyone really rate him as the foremost political journalist in the country?

Watching those nine ads with Julia Gillard saying one of the priviliges of being PM is having the great Laure Oakes comes to your *forgot the word* is double facepalm material.

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Well past his used by daet and just turning into a grumpy old man.Time to give it up Laurie!
Watched it on channel 9. I thought the debate was going badly and then I saw that the last tweet was from and 'aged pensioner'. (nifty pensioner I thought, how does he know how to tweet). He tweeted something to the effect the neither of them had discussed pensions, old age care etc etc.
Debate ends and guess what, its a Current Affair add for their latest round of stories about, guess what, pensions, old age care etc etc.

Me smells a rat, and thats not a dead one up Laurie's ar%#.

Not sure who is more pathetic, pollies or commercial broadcasters.
And neither of them made a joke about masterchef!
He certainly has it in for Gillard and is being fed from somone senior in the ALP.

Tonight he nailed Gillard over opposing the rise in the pension and the maternity leave scheme. Has to be someone from cabinet.

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He certainly has it in for Gillard and is being fed from somone senior in the ALP.

Tonight he nailed Gillard over opposing the rise in the pension and the maternity leave scheme. Has to be someone from cabinet.

Wonder who that could be.

Hmmmm...who would have an axe to grind...
He certainly has it in for Gillard and is being fed from somone senior in the ALP.

Tonight he nailed Gillard over opposing the rise in the pension and the maternity leave scheme. Has to be someone from cabinet.

That was a big story because the leaker claimed Julia's reasons were that pensioners don't vote for Labor and that women who wouldn't benefit would be lost to Labor, implication being: why waste money on them?

Goes right against the touchy feely inclusive everyboy's princess rhetoric she's spinning and reveals a cynical, heartless political operator.


But the biggest part of the story is that someone very senior in Labor is leaking against Julia - twice now, at key moents.

Who could it be?

btw the reason why Oakes is treated like a saint by the political class is that he has a record of getting the best and most deadly stories.
You can see why they are nice to Oakes now. He is a nasty piece of work if you get him offside, not only does he break the story, he sets you up at the same time so that if you lie, you get caught.

Gillard tried to pass it off on the Libs and Oakes said, nope closer to home.
is there any onus on Oakes to put up or shut up ?

As far I can see the 'leaks' make Gillard look even more decisive not less.

I have raised my kids recently and I'm not too enamoured with all the handouts which seem to have apperared recently. its a legitimate concern.

Or is it ham fisted attempt to paint childless julia as 'anti-family'
is there any onus on Oakes to put up or shut up ?

As far I can see the 'leaks' make Gillard look even more decisive not less.

I have raised my kids recently and I'm not too enamoured with all the handouts which seem to have apperared recently. its a legitimate concern.

Or is it ham fisted attempt to paint childless julia as 'anti-family'

So no issue for you that she opposes a policy solely because their are no votes in it. Then hits the hustings telling punters how good she is to the people she didn't want help!!??

Not real high standards you have are they.
So no issue for you that she opposes a policy solely because their are no votes in it. Then hits the hustings telling punters how good she is to the people she didn't want help!!??

Not real high standards you have are they.

We haven't established if the allegations are true or not yet.
You can see why they are nice to Oakes now. He is a nasty piece of work if you get him offside, not only does he break the story, he sets you up at the same time so that if you lie, you get caught.

Gillard tried to pass it off on the Libs and Oakes said, nope closer to home.
It's interesting to me how quickly he turned on Jules. It seems like only last week he was gushing like a giddy schoolgirl at her post- spill acceptance speech.

At least it makes this boring election slightly more interesting I guess.
So no issue for you that she opposes a policy solely because their are no votes in it. Then hits the hustings telling punters how good she is to the people she didn't want help!!??

Not real high standards you have are they.

She has denied that very forcefully this morning with a great big fat NO.

How do you judge Abbotts standards on telling un-truths ?
She has denied that very forcefully this morning with a great big fat NO.

How do you judge Abbotts standards on telling un-truths ?

I find it hard to believe anybody can believe she's not lying here. He wouldn't be running with this if his source wasn't good. Latham is proved right again. The Labor party exists to win elections and that is their sole aim, and they'll do anything to achieve it.
Latham is proved right again. The Labor party exists to win elections and that is their sole aim, and they'll do anything to achieve it.
This is the same for every party. Talk to any ex-political staffer (Labor, Liberal, Greens, Democrats, independents, it doesn't matter) and they will all tell you that they cannot overemphasise how much every single decision is driven by what's most likely to get them reelected.

Why is Laurie Oakes Treated Like a God?

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