FTA-TV Homeland *Spoilers*

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Nothing in that episode made sense, but just enjoy the ride! Saul is the real star of this show.

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I'm not sure Javadi can be trusted. Also, is there a link between Abu Nazir and Iran? I can't actually remember. If not, how does Javadi know about Nazir's plans?

It's one of the parts of the show that kind of annoyed me for a while because these groups worked together to apparently achieve a common goal. It just felt very unrealistic to me. But it is a tv show so i'm over it.
Fun episode. That it's straining the bounds of plausibility just adds to it, I guess.

I mean, the guy from the CIA coming to the woman's home and blurting that all out in front of a 'stranger'.

That a man could get into the home of the head of the CIA and put some sort of device, which i presume will transmit or do something evil, is doubly ridiculous.

And as someone brought up earlier, why they would allow Carrie to be anywhere near that operation at the motel defies any kid of logic. Could have blown everything.
I'm assuming the baby is now at risk due to blood loss?

Not to be to cruel (to a tv character), but hope she has a miscarriage. Can't see Carrie taking care of a baby really adding to Homeland's dynamic.
Whats the bet Saul gets Brody back in secret and they are just about to prove Brody didn't do it and then the senator becomes head of the agency and ****s it all up.

That will be this seasons cliffhanger, put your house on it
I'm really enjoying this series despite its flaws. Carrie in the car at the stake out was not the best idea, and why have a fully trained sniper on the roof only to have Quinn take the shot? Surely the military guy was perfectly capable of taking her out?

Saul's missus is bad. Spends all day in a hotel having sex with that spy (who she doesn't know is a spy), and then comes home to all night sex with Saul - what a ho! Saul was getting sloppy seconds! :D
Quinn had to take the shot, the other guy was just an extra.

Quinn taking the shot sets up a future plot with an already disenfranchised Quinn racked with guilt over Carrie losing her baby because some fool shot her.

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Despite the mess I'm enjoying this season more than last year's.

I think the show's problem is not making Saul the primary protagonist from the beginning and being afraid to dump Claire Danes and Damian Lewis because they are characters who really shouldn't be involved this much at this point.
I dunno about Saul. He's paid the ransom for Brody. and at the same time shot the real guy who did the bombing. Now, presumably, every scrap of DNA is about to be eaten by acid. I can't but help think that Saul has got a whole other agenda playing out now.

Did we ever resolve who was the mole inside the CIA from season one? The whole thing with the guy who managed to kill himself in custody.
Loved it again. Damien Lewis going through withdrawals was brilliant. Enjoyed the Dana scene as well and I'm glad they skipped 16 days (although surely Carrie should be showing now).
Lewis is a genius, the part where he was brushing at his head and arms like a junkie was amazing.

If he took the right movie roles many Oscars would be coming his way

Are we supposed to feel sorry for the daughter? Oh sorry I wasn't a better dad when I was living in a hole for 8 years.....
So, Saul has incriminating stuff on the soon to be head of the CIA. A man he not only despises but a man who is hell bent on changing the CIA, on turfing the spy tactics that Saul believes in. A man who's philosophy for the organisation is diametrically opposed to that of Saul. So does Saul say to him, "Dude, withdraw your nomination quietly, slip away, that way my wife's dignity is preserved, and the agency is inured against damage"? No, he doesn't. He makes the utterly stupid demand of "some more time before your inauguration" .

I enjoy watching it, but the utterly stupid stuff is starting to annoy me. Then to find out that there is a series 5 on the cards...
So, Saul has incriminating stuff on the soon to be head of the CIA. A man he not only despises but a man who is hell bent on changing the CIA, on turfing the spy tactics that Saul believes in. A man who's philosophy for the organisation is diametrically opposed to that of Saul. So does Saul say to him, "Dude, withdraw your nomination quietly, slip away, that way my wife's dignity is preserved, and the agency is inured against damage"? No, he doesn't. He makes the utterly stupid demand of "some more time before your inauguration" .

I enjoy watching it, but the utterly stupid stuff is starting to annoy me. Then to find out that there is a series 5 on the cards...

As it stood when the old dude took over there would be no place for Saul given their relationship. It'll be much more plausible now if Saul continues to work for the CIA IMO.

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