What are dead giveaways that you won't like someone

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They have a punchable face



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. They were those thick rimmed hipster glasses and a Hawaiian shirt
. When they know **** all about a topic yet talk as if they have written a thesis on it
. Tapout clothes
. Girls who describe themselves as having a bubbly personality (the flip does thateven mean)
. Love talking about themselves
. They love every new fad like planking, coning etc etc
. Snap back hats and basketball jerseys when they arent playing basketball

and many more
. They were those thick rimmed hipster glasses and a Hawaiian shirt
. When they know **** all about a topic yet talk as if they have written a thesis on it
. Tapout clothes
. Girls who describe themselves as having a bubbly personality (the flip does thateven mean)
. Love talking about themselves
. They love every new fad like planking, coning etc etc
. Snap back hats and basketball jerseys when they arent playing basketball

and many more
Your describing half the AFL players
" The boats sinking off Christmas Island is a conspiracy"
They start talking about money eg tell you how much they earn, how much their house cost etc.

'Nice place you've got here. <inert generic homely compliment>.'

'Yeah it's a great investment. Median growth has been this much and all the changes we've made have added this much in value and we're getting it revalued and thinking about extending so we can add more value and...'

'Right. Excuse me for a moment, I have this paper cut I need to pour vinegar onto.'

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Limp handshakes are creepy.

I also don't trust grown men with pony tails.

Another bad first impression is to be a pain about the first shout you are included in.

If someone offers you a beer the most appropriate response is to gleefully accept then buy them one back. The slightly acceptable (and only very slightly) response is to politely decline, then not take any part in future rounds at that social engagement. This should at least be padded out with some soft excuse about needing to drive or being on antibiotics. Responding with 'Well I hate to be a pain, but can mine be a white wine spritzer' is not acceptable. Just no.
This actually happened to me two weekends ago -

Some guy who I had only met that night had a go at me for not touching on myki on the tram... Told me that it's only $3, I can afford it and I should pay my way...

When I asked him how exactly he knew what I could afford, he responded by pointing out the fact I was wearing clothes.....

I told him he was welcome to his opinion but I wouldn't be talking to him at all for the rest of the night -

Before this particular interaction, the only thing I remember him talking about was that walking from Smith St to Brunswick St was 'a long way'

Don't think I've missed out on anything with not becoming friends with him...
They cannot formulate a single argument about footy without immediately resorting to some made up by Champion Data stat category.

'Yeah but disposal efficiency and metres gained'. Eat a dick. The whole thing. Eat it.
Oh this is so bad! So footy's the great social leveller. Doesn't matter where you live, where you went to school, who your parents are or how many j's and h's are in your surname or if it ends with a vowel – it gets a good conversation going. I'll put up with any club pretty much, even Carlton, Essendon, and the Eagles, and then they start harping on about how he's good because he won a Brownlow, or they only know the big name players that Bruce knows, or they refer to how Jake Melksham is "nearly elite." Or that anyone is "elite." Or any reference to jargon used by Damien Barrett. What's wrong with having a laugh about Eli Templeton's bizarre, almost ironic existence? Shits me to no end.

Great call re: business. Their parents are usually absolute cream-brick twats and they chose the course. Worst.

Girls in running gear is one. You're allowed two items of athletic apparel but all out is no good. Then again girls scare me so I don't talk to them anyway.

When people talk about weird subjects really suddenly. I remember about a year ago this bloke, sure I was pretty pissed, but at this party he goes after about five exchanges of "oh yeah, so who do you know?" he goes "would you root any chicks here?" and told me how he didn't like this dweeby bloke (not me, I was not the sole dweeb) because he always copied his shoes.

Tapout gear et al goes without saying.

People who come into uni with a Red Bull or something just as heinous... sorry, never gonna happen.

People who have to tell you things they do or things they own or ask you questions so transparently that you know they're just waiting for a "so what about you?"

Shamelessly, the way people dress. I also feel like there's a mutuality of this, especially at uni, the similar people all get together very easily.

Also, awkward pricks. You can tell if someone's awkward and when you get cornered into speaking to them... and you have to drive the conversation, or they're so boring they make you ask questions because they all offer is a "yeah."

Remember down the pub a few times people filling up your jug with their middy from a previous jug and never offering even a false "oh shit sorry, I'll shout the next one." This happened with this prick I once met who turned out to have an addiction to painkillers.

Also, when someone doesn't drink beers at all but will happily drink UDLs or some other lollywater goat piss. I have a respect for people who stick for the waters, born out of jealousy, but these pricks are the worst.

Most people tbh. Luckily everyone really likes me!
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