Universal Love The Kelly Gang

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Apparently Kelly met with Ross Lyon sometime prior to being drafted and was told by Ross that he would never make an AFL footballer (or something to that effect). Hence Kelly wants no association with Lyon and thus Freo. Hence Freo not being a trade option, at least while Ross is there.

'Apparently', indeed.

So Ross met with a player for the express purpose of telling him he would never make it in the AFL?

Sure, sounds legit.:rolleyes:
You cam imagine how it was sold to them, though. A chance to garner compassion, show that it wasn't about the GFC, talk about how hard it can be as a trailing stay at home spouse etc. One or two gotcha questions later, the paper has their soundbite

A competent manager makes sure that interview doesn't go like that though.
An interesting scenario would be if next season TK wins Brownlow or has equivalent massive season and someone like Carleton, North or St. Kilda throw a massive offer at him, much higher than WCE's offer. I wonder if that extra sort of cash would change their perspective. o_O
Anyway I'm not going to bother thinking about much after today. :)

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How the club manages the PR will be interesting though if Caitlin keeps sounding off on social media and I bet the WAGS meetings will be interesting. But that won't affect the onfield stuff at all IMO.

I think this would be an interesting side note, has she even met with the other players partners? It is hard moving from home to a new town, but if you are isolating yourself from other players partners it would be close to impossible to settle in.
It’s all about that fat contract at WCE which might not even be there next year, hence turning down Freo and the desperation to get to WCE.

Well done on Catlin destroying any good will towards her family , reeks of self entitlement ...with TK staying silent on both his manger and catlin’s Behaviour he is condoning it.

Looking forward to a whole year of this sniping shit from the kelly’s, and you know they won’t be done when they get their wish next year.

They will continue to attack GFC from afar...if anyone thinks TK is a professional this should wake them up.

I want him gone
They could be in perth right now if they didn’t rule out freo.

Zero sympathy for this entitlement.
Who says they? I reckon his mrs couldn't give a shit whether Tim plays for Freo or not. It's Tim that doesn't want to play for them. There's the conundrum...
Just over 700 kids out of millions get to live their dream and play AFL Footy each year
The Kelly’s would do well to remember that.
What’s she going to tell her kids when they start aspiring to play footy at the highest level?

‘That’s terrific kids, have dreams.....but make sure you don’t leave home to follow them’
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Lol. Get some perspective.....last time I checked $120k is a decent wage

There are genuine battlers in this country that would love to be in the Kelly’s position
Yeah it's a great wage. Just saying it's not like he's in the poor house or something if he's not playing footy.
Good on us for not trading him for poor value.
Good on Kelly(and his missus) for turning down Freo and fronting up at Geelong next year even though it's hard for them.

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Yeah it's a great wage. Just saying it's not like he's in the poor house or something if he's not playing footy.
Good on us for not trading him for poor value.
Good on Kelly(and his missus) for turning down Freo and fronting up at Geelong next year even though it's hard for them.
HE is an utter professional.
I can only imagine the amount of complaining and whining he has to put up with at home.
The irony in all this is that in all likelihood he’ll be in Freo colours in 2020 anyway.

I hope she settles down and makes the most of what is not a good situation for her and supports Tim

Can’t be easy for the lad.....but his commitment to on field performance is first rate
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Wow. Twitter is like 95% on Geelong's side. People that had previously sided with Kelly and his family are all on our side now due to this interview. This has seriously backfired on her, because it screams of entitlement.

Any backlash against her doesn't help Geelong. It only helps some Geelong supporters feel good about the situation. Backlash makes her want to go back to Perth all the more, and Tim along with it. It weakens GFC's hand if there are to be negotiations, as the Kelly's will be all the more adamant to want out.
Any backlash against her doesn't help Geelong. It only helps some Geelong supporters feel good about the situation.

Not if it's not solely from Geelong supporters. Many other club's supporters are reacting in the same way too. As long as Geelong don't respond, they will come out better from this.

She has a husband who made over 200K this year and is complaining about not getting free flights, which Geelong can't do due to the cap. That screams of entitlement, and people do not like that.
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I would take anything the Addy publishes with a seriously large helping of salt. It is possible that this is effectively them throwing Miller under the bus for sales.

The following aren't the words of someone who has been thrown under the bus.


No one is suggesting the move with three kids was easy. However, she could have achieved a better and more harmonious outcome by speaking to the CEO or those in charge of welfare privately. Our reputation in player welfare matters is up there with the best.

I can recall the interview with Caitlin before the Carji. She looked displeased to be there and when asked about having a babysitter so they could have some fun her response was something along the lines of the children aren't happy.

And the outburst runs counter to the comments of Tim's manager who said if it was possible to move the club to Perth, Tim would have re-signed.

No club is perfect and if we could have been more helpful off field, privately addressing the issues was always going to be more helpful to Tim and that should have been her foremost consideration. Self serving for mine.
Sorry, my point was more so that she isn't going to be particularly world-savvy.
She has 3 kids and lives on the opposite side of the country. She would be a bit.
I think we as footy fans aren't used to this family situation and are a bit put out by someone who doesn't give a flying faark about fans, footy clubs etc.
It would've been part of the conversation, not the purpose of it.

So, it goes something like this, then...

ROSS: Nice to meet you, Tim. Thanks for coming in.

TIM: Thanks for meeting me, boss. Good to have a chat to someone in the system about my prospects of playing in the AFL.

ROSS: Yes, so about that...I don't see how you'll ever make it as an AFL player.

TIM: Riiiight. So what was the point of having me in to talk, in that case?

ROSS: Well, that's just the way I roll. Always worthwhile to waste everyone's time having a redundant meeting to tell someone something I can't possibly know for sure. And to burn any bridges for the future, just in case you do actually amount to something.

TIM: O.....K. So that's that, then?

ROSS: Yes, I think so. Got to keep moving, you know. After all, I've got another one of these at 11 where I'll sit with yet another draft hopeful and try to crush his dreams of ever making it in footy as well. You would think I might have better ways to spend my time, being a head coach in the AFL and all. But I find this passes the time rather well. (maniacal laughing ensues)

TIM: Weeeell, I guess I'll be going then. It's been.......real, I guess. (leaves)

ROSS: (picks up phone) Sharon, can you send in my 11 a.m. now? Only three more of these and then I can break for lunch, right? (grins)
Seriously, what a **** up! We should have let him go but now this saga has the potential to be divisive throughout all of the 2019 season. It's a distraction that we just didn't need.

And what planet is Cook living on these days? "We have to be confident, otherwise we would have traded him". Really? So not only does Cook believe that there's a chance he'll stay but he's actually confident that he'll stay beyond next year. Please... No, you shouldn't be confident. And yes, you should have traded him. This club has seriously lost its direction since Hocking left and I have a feeling that it's going to get worse before it gets better.
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