Scape Goat I've lost my faith in Ken Hinkley Part 3

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I have found in life that people don't fundamentally change, they just finesse around the edges. The reasons that cause some people to make fundamental change are usually death of someone close to them or near death experience to themselves, birth and becoming a parent, or alcohol/drug addiction.

In 2014 either when we were 10-1 or after that 4pt loss to Sydney and went to 10-2 there was a graphic of several KPI's for all the teams on the AFL website, and we were first for inside 50's and 8th for conversion for inside 50. Nothing has fundamentally changed over 5 years because Hinkley hasn't fundamentally changed.

I've mentioned several times before that Hardwick talked both before and after the 2017 GF that he said he had to change to get the best out of his side. In a post in the 2017 GF game day thread after the the GF, I quoted an article from Harwick's press conference before the GF, explaining how he had changed.

I then wrote this -
Nelson Mandela was in Sydney a week or so before the Sydney Olympics in 2000 and attended a Sydney University seminar called "What Makes a Champion" put on by Professor Alan Snyder of the Centre for the Mind. Also speaking was Sir Edmund Hillary, Nobel prize winning medical research Peter Doherty, Herb Elliot and others. Nelson said the following about change which has always stuck with me.

"One of the most difficult things is not so much to change society, but to change ourselves. Only when you can overcome the difficulty of changing yourself can you change the people around you."

Dimma did a Nelson and had the courage to change himself, so that he could help change others. Can Ken do that? I don't know, but I hope he can. But we wont know and it will all be in the background for us, just like it was for the average Richmond fan this season. We have to wait and see what happens on field, because we wont be in the inner sanctum to see if that change occurs.

We haven't changed the fundamental way we deliver the ball inside 50 for 5 years and our coach hasn't changed his thinking on this. Hasn't changed the fundamental structure of our forward line.

Our coach has finessed around the edges. We aren't going anywhere much until we make fundamental change re our forward line entries and forward line structure/personnel.
Didn't we interview Hardwick for a coaches role? Can't remember if it was for head coach but I remember him being interviewed...could have been after Choco when we went for Primus over Scott as well.
Edit: I think it was for an assistant to Choco with maybe a succession plan but then Richmond came calling.
Oh man.
Now I wish Hardwick was his mentor. I wonder who is?
He needs someone whom he will listen to about his game p!an ( no, not Donna fellas)
Schoey said this week that the final decision is with the Head Coach who will live or die by the sword.
I am just surprised that Davies can watch this and surely see what so many see continue yet have no influence.
I mean, their is stubbornness and then there is pure belligerence.

We don't need a mentor for our head coach, we need a new head coach.

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So he’s essentially conceded AJ is in shite form but was lucky to get a go to replace Butters.

There is so much wrong with this

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He drops player to poor form and replaces them with players with poor form
We don't need a mentor for our head coach, we need a new head coach.
i think we all know that but there doesn’t seem to be any movement on that front.
Didn't we interview Hardwick for a coaches role? Can't remember if it was for head coach but I remember him being interviewed...could have been after Choco when we went for Primus over Scott as well..
We talked to Hardwick about a succession plan after we reappointed Choco by 30 June 2009. But Hardwick had applied for the Richmond job at that stage. The idea was Hardwick would do 2 years under Choco and then take over - just like Choco did from Jack.
Hinkley won't change. The latest selection of Johnson and refusal to seriously consider Frampton has closed the book on new ideas.


At the expense of someone as committed as George Fiacchi...

Ol' George may not be on the board any more, but he is still as committed as anyone remaining on it.

We talked to Hardwick about a succession plan after we reappointed Choco by 30 June 2009. But Hardwick had applied for the Richmond job at that stage. The idea was Hardwick would do 2 years under Choco and then take over - just like Choco did from Jack.
Yep I remembered and edited my post...
Another sliding door right there Barrett..
Essentially it comes down to Billy being too tall. That's it.

Billy has been stamped as a 'shitt bloke' by some within our club.

In Kenny's Stepford BoysTown, you either play by the rules our you don't play.

Standards are one thing, but we're here to win games.

KT and Koch and Ken remind me of a previous place of employment.

It was a family run business, so they had their own way of running things (That's KT and Koch) - they were actually good people, but hired a General Manager for years who really couldn't do his job very well (That's Ken), intact after a while it became clear his job was a bit pointless, he had become such a part of the family who owned it he kinda was like family.

The problem with this guy is that he grated all of the staff (that's the supporters base) when it became clear he was a bit pointless at his job, he always heard you but never listened, he had his own way of protecting his job.

For years the family owners (That's KT and Koch) knew what everybody thought but just smiled and carried on, it was much easier to tell everybody they understand peoples concerns but then kept doing nothing about it.

Eventually they realised they kept losing good people due to this one person, and the bad culture it created.

Out of nowhere they eventually did the unthinkable and fired this General Manager.

Now what that did was create a new and vibrant culture - and they also put a more appropriate person in charge, one more suitable to that role (ironically a real positive go-getter, he's still in charge).

KT and Koch will eventually have to act (they will be hearing all the noise) - but I fear they have a lot more smiling and telling everyone else it's just dandy for a while yet.

The family owners still have their own issues that annoyed people but they owned the business so they could do as they please.

Eventually they will have to act on what they already know, otherwise they will lose face themselves, (and we might start losing quality coaches)

If we had a more positive coach, who rewarded form and brought excitement back instead of a jaded old stubborn 'Ken' - I think the issues surrounding KT and Koch will go away, after all, nobody can make everybody happy.

Eventually KT and Koch will want that 2012-14 feeling back, I can't imagine they are happy with Ken but haven't reached the tipping point with it yet, it will come though, ego's are at stake.

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It was a family run business, so they had their own way of running things (That's KT and Koch) - they were actually good people, but hired a General Manager for years who really couldn't do his job very well (That's Ken)

Ha! I know the people you're referring to and that's a great analogy.
Koch, KT and Davies went to Ken's house and made him the 3 year offer that weekend after we lost the EF. It was their decison, they have to own it.

Those 3 have backed the wrong horse, and they know it.

100% agree and is the absolute centre of our Club's malaise.
So Hinkley won't change. Bassett according to REH's theory won't change. We all know what style Norwood dished up with him in charge. Schofield and Monty our two main hopes to stir things up?

I think Bass deserves a little more credit, the same as what Schofield gets already. (they are both very smart coaches clearly)

Two Premierships in 4 years as coach of Norwood.

2010–2013. Norwood. 91 (68–23–0) 74.7%

If Bassett was delivering these kinds of results I don't think anybody would care how we played.

Ken is in charge people, he needs to go before we lose Bass or Schofield. Monty reminds me of Ken tbh.
We don't need a mentor for our head coach, we need a new head coach.
How many mentors do they need to go through before they realise the guy is a dud.
Richo, Walsh, Voss (lol)...etc..
Keep Ken on the books if need be, get a new coach and wheel out a cardboard cut out to the coaches box of Ken sipping coke....No one would know the difference.
Which part of 13% forward efficiency doesn’t Hinkley get FFS? It’s all well and good to have “forward pressure” but it’s f@&king pointless if it doesn’t generate goals.

Scoreboard pressure Ken, scoreboard pressure is what’s important. If AJ isn’t scoring himself or contributing to others doing so then his inclusion is futile. Get him out of the side and sign him up for fat camp while you’re at it.
Until we get a full team on the park I will reserve my judgement on Ken, there's signs he has improved from 2018 but now we don't have the cattle to show it...

However, I don't believe we'll be so lucky with injuries.... so...
Koch, KT and Davies went to Ken's house and made him the 3 year offer that weekend after we lost the EF. It was their decison, they have to own it.

Those 3 have backed the wrong horse, and they know it.

The 100% soft cap tax means they are legally responsible if they sack him. They know that if we sack Ken and get slugged with it, the members will say they have to pay up for ******* up.

That's why they won't sack him, and Ken knows it. That's why this malaise I have been talking about for 2 or 3 years will continue because no one will make fundamental change.

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