Movie What's the last movie you saw? (5)

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La Belle Époque (2019)

A quirky, stylish and heartfelt French drama-comedy. An ageing man whose marriage is all but over, receives a gift for an agency called "the time travellers", who recreate a period or event and let clients live them out for a night. The protagonist elects to revisit Lyon in the 70s, the night he met his wife.

The concept is perhaps better than the landing, but nonetheless the film is a warm way to spend two hours.

Doria Tillier is mesmerising.

Worth watching if you enjoy European rom-coms.

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Armand Assante is a funny campaigner btw. Hated him too for years but now appreciate his acting.
The Trial of the Chicago 7 - pretty good! Usually I think Aaron Sorkin needs a great director to be paired with in order to rein in his worst features (eg David Fincher, Danny Boyle), but this was reasonably restrained and a well done film. The cast are uniformly excellent, with Sacha Baron Cohen probably the standout for mine. Will no doubt be popular come Oscar time.

Kajillionaire - Quirky film about a couple of grifters who have raised their 26 year old daughter in their world of theft and scamming, trying to come up with a big scam to get the $1500 they need to pay off their rental arrears. Very enjoyable and likable, it was very gently funny and also at points surprisingly moving and beautiful. This was a pretty unique movie and one I hope gets seen.
Birds of prey- can't review as I have fallen asleep 4 times within the first 5 mins

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30 Minutes Or Less

Slacker/stoner style comedy with some action. A couple of bumbling man children kidnap a pizza delivery boy and force him to rob a bank for them.

Starts pretty strong but peters out around the middle toward a sudden and 'is that it?' ending. I know I'm now watching Lord of the Rings here but they could have found a better conclusion than that. It's fine simple entertainment if you like this style of humour and aren't repulsed by Jesse Eisenberg, which many people are. I'm not.

To be fair, thread title just asks what you last watched - not to review ;)

It was a great start, meandered a little in the end and then had a big finish. So many subtle jokes that were great and a lot of toilet humour that was well done. Not as good as the first but still worth a watch.

Two and a half hours of explanations interspersed with the odd action piece. Apart from Pattinson's right hand man, I don't think any of the characters were loveable/hateable enough to justify its bloat.

And as is often the case with Nolan films, the sound mixing was terrible, which isn't a great thing for a dialogue heavy blockbuster.
I think KK2 is a great sequel.

Ups the stakes, develops the characters, builds the lore. Makes interesting characters more prominent. Still cheesy but these are movies called "the karate kid".

Now, part 3... *shudders*
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Jeepers Creepers 3: Ravenous

This got panned on IMDB but I really liked it. Lots of tension and good acting. Most criticism seems to be that it's out of sync with the first two movies. But if you watch it as a stand-alone movie it's good.
Jeepers Creepers 3: Ravenous

This got panned on IMDB but I really liked it. Lots of tension and good acting. Most criticism seems to be that it's out of sync with the first two movies. But if you watch it as a stand-alone movie it's good.

IIRC most of the criticism is because the director is a convicted child molester who shouldn’t have been allowed behind a camera again.
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