News Luke Beveridge meltdown in post game press conference, launches an extraordinary tirade at Tom Morris, apologises

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When he brought up the fact that Tom Morris was a Melbourne supporter, I was pretty confused. Very bizarre move to make.

If he really wanted to deal a blow he should’ve gone straight to bringing up the fact that Morris is a Trump supporter.

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Well, this changes everything.

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No, I wouldn’t, because I’m not stupid. I heard him say it at the time and I took it to mean that all-things-being-equal (ie, nothing they weren’t expecting to happen in the meantime happening), Hunter had been “dropped” for this weeks game, and wouldn’t be playing.

I wasn’t sitting there thinking “bloody hell, Bevo must really hate Hunter, because even if they lost half their 22 to Covid this week and Hunter was available, he still wouldn’t play!”.

But you evidently were, because you said you were “shocked” when you heard it.

The only way I would have taken what he reported as the way took it would have been if he’d specifically added on something like: “even if they get injuries or unavailabilities in the meantime, he still won’t play”.

Otherwise, it was painfully obvious that the gist of what he was saying was that all-things-being-equal, Hunter wasn’t going to be in the 22.

Perfectly happy to acknowledge we differ on this.

I think the wording he uses is important, especially because he is a journalist. You think as long as the words are somewhere near the mark the listener can fill in the blanks.

But this part is somewhat beside the point. His sloppy wording isn’t why Beveridge ripped him, it is just something I hate.

Beveridge ripped him because he is a dirty filthy self-serving master-pleasing gossip raking big noting snake masquerading as a sports reporter.

You might like this kind of conduct from Morris. I don’t.
He pointed out that Tom Morris did not follow proper procedure by reporting the leak to the club and confirming his source. These journos do need to be held to account for not following correct procedure.


Sorry what the **** is this post.

Proper protocol by reporting the leak to the club?? Hahahahah
Journalists are massive tools - sensationalists and vultures not many that id say i respect..

In saying that what the hell did Tom Morris do wrong?!!
he has a contact at the bulldogs who has given him good information two games in a row. He reported on it and was proved to be right until a very late injury. That’s their job he did absolutely nothing wrong
Beveriges and the clubs problem should be focussed on stopping the leaking and figuring out a way to beat the demons - he came across as absolutely unhinged today.

Also I’m sick of this sport throwing out the mental health and well-being card get some perspective
I am now officially a fan of Bevo. AFL talks plenty about mental health of players and staff but allow these gutter rumour spreaders to say what they want with little regard to the impacts. Morris, Caroline Wilson and Sam Edmund are collectively all the same pieces of s*it that spread rumours that aren't corroborated.

Wilson and Edmund rightfully got smacked for making up BS about the Crows camp and now Bevo has called out Morris for his bias and rumour spreading in public.

Journalists double and triple fact check, rumour spreaders just write stuff that they hear. Neither of the 3 mentioned are journalists by definition.

Loved what Bevo did
Looks like Tommy done himself a mischief

He totally lost it IMHO. He reacted as soon as Morris asked a question and then kept going on with it. He told him he wasn't welcome in the conference. Morris replied by saying it is an AFL conference. Then he basically pulled up stumps and went home.
Beveridge was in a sour mood well before Morris spoke. This was utterly embarrassing. Morris had every right to ask the question. Bulldogs seem a little precious this season

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I thought it was fantastic hearing him
shred Morris’ soul to pieces in a non aggressive way.

These cretinous, pond scum dwelling TMZ style parasites such as Morris should be ran out of the game.

The only thing missing was bevo chucking that footy at his head ..
Beveridge was in a sour mood well before Morris spoke. This was utterly embarrassing. Morris had every right to ask the question. Bulldogs seem a little precious this season

Beveridge didn’t vent his spleen on Morris because he asked that question.

He did it because Morris is engaging in very unethical reporting against his club’s interests.

There is clearly somebody employed by the Bulldogs who is acting against the Bulldogs' interests. There is no way the AFL should be allowing this to happen, they should be telling Fox it is not on. The integrity of the competition and god knows what else is compromised because of the conduct of whoever is feeding Morris what should be confidential information.

Morris has no right to this information and in fact it is wrong he is getting the information. If it is whistle blowing on wrongdoing within the club, completely different matter. Report the hell out of it. But this is not the wrongdoing of the club Morris is reporting on, it is a wrong being done to the club. If the person was found out they could be very fairly summarily dismissed. That is enough to tell you the conduct is wrong, and Morris is party to it.

So the issue isn’t whether Morris has the right to ask a certain innocent sounding question. That is why the subsequent commentary provided by the Fox panel was way down the wrong track. They, like you, were defending Morris’s right to ask the question. The question had **** all to do with Beveridge’s outburst.
Beveridge was in a sour mood well before Morris spoke. This was utterly embarrassing. Morris had every right to ask the question. Bulldogs seem a little precious this season

Morris is obviously paying someone inside the Dog kennel to give him the gossip on team selection.

This outrageous behaviour deserves to be investigated using the full sweeping powers of the AFL Integrity Battalion and bring justice to Bevo and anyone else who is upset in the fortified Footscray compound.
Morris is obviously paying someone inside the Dog kennel to give him the gossip on team selection.

This outrageous behaviour deserves to be investigated using the full sweeping powers of the AFL Integrity Battalion and bring justice to Bevo and anyone else who is upset in the fortified Footscray compound.

The villainous umpires have not in recent times been providing the Footscray Soviet with the armchair ride they received in 2016 and this goes against the founding principles of their Union.
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Bit of drama to help boost interest in the first round of the season, you love to see it.

Hope Beveridge can find the leaker and have them dealt with appropriately, for Footscray's sake.

As for Morris, I don't follow AFL media closely enough to know if he is good or bad or whatever.

I think he handled the situation fairly well in the moment, though. It escalated quickly.

Maybe Tom and Luke can one day have a beer and put this behind them.

The AFL industry is a small community and nobody needs this kind of resentment hanging around long-term.
Bevo does make a point shouldn't Morris have rung the club first to confirm or deny the leak instead of going straight to the press? a professtional journlist would have done that imo
One upon a time a story would have gone through sub editors and editors to make sure its fact.
Not these days. It's all about being first
Vladimir Bevo. Doesn’t like press reporting on facts and wants to fill the room with journos that will only say positive things about his bulldogs.

Take aim at your own club giving out the info, rather than a journo doing their job.
I really can't take this post seriously with that avatar, sorry.