Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack II

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Part I:

Thread Rules:

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  • direct labelling of someone as anti-semitic or a terrorist sympathiser for posting that is merely critical of Israel's response over time. I appreciate that Israel has the right to defend themselves from violence, but that does not mean that Israel has carte blanche to attack disproportionately towards people under their care.
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  • Any defense of Hamas' actions on the basis of justification. There's no justification for genocide, regardless of whether or not they have the power to do so.
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Thanks all.
Play nicely, all.
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Nothing like that at all actually.

Hamas have no real capacity to eradicate Israel, unlike Israel who keep having government members say they want to remove the Palestinian people… and keep actually doing things to remove the Palestinian people… and have the capacity to remove the Palestinian people.

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Hamas have no real capacity to eradicate Israel, unlike Israel who keep having government members say they want to remove the Palestinian people… and keep actually doing things to remove the Palestinian people… and have the capacity to remove the Palestinian people.
35 years ago China being the most powerful country in the world was a ridiculous notion - but they're nearly there.

Things can change pretty quickly - I think neither possibility from the original post (the Iran one rather than Hamas) is impossible and beyond future capacity
35 years ago China being the most powerful country in the world was a ridiculous notion - but they're nearly there.

Things can change pretty quickly - I think neither possibility from the original post (the Iran one rather than Hamas) is impossible and beyond future capacity

35 years ago there were already people talking about the huge population China had.
20 years ago the head of General Motors purchasing was telling suppliers if they weren't in china in the future , they probably wouldn't be buying their stuff.
35 years ago there were already people talking about the huge population China had.
20 years ago the head of General Motors purchasing was telling suppliers if they weren't in china in the future , they probably wouldn't be buying their stuff.
Make it 45 years ago. I thought the Open Door Policy was '88 rather than '78.

But in terms of population, if I was Israel I'd be concerned about the Iranian population advantage.
35 years ago China being the most powerful country in the world was a ridiculous notion - but they're nearly there.

Things can change pretty quickly - I think neither possibility from the original post (the Iran one rather than Hamas) is impossible and beyond future capacity
45 but otherwise yeah.
This has to end now. Ww1 was i believe at least 30 million death's, WW2 60 million deaths in Europe ( Russia alone 20 million), alot in the Pacific and Asia as well from Japan's aggression.

We have global warming, potentially new diseases transferring from Animals, threats from asteroids. Leaders need to cooperate.
Surely this conflict and Russia/ Ukraine are unnecessary
yep , they™ .G.A.M.E.D. it , props to
bravo, antony.

on the other hand, there’s the familiar story of lies from israeli apologists.

MashaGessens awards rescinded , Gessen dated my friends common-law's wife , her niece in StPetersberg and broke her heart 🟪 , Gessen broke the young woman's heart , aunt lives Hampton
45 but otherwise yeah.
PJK saw* it , PeterZeihan exFriedmanStratfor has his demographics = destiny maxim (he's a blowhard , see:bNelson's advisor at American institute TSwtz) , zeihan international strategy in DunedinOtago w flyingnunR

Kissinger may have given Sino's a hand grenade sans pin w 1child

Assange 13yr ago v HRC at State saw merger of SiliconSanJose × state power in DC

Kissinger builds up Sino's to beta-test new world coordination and operations , schmidt takes his seat

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At 5:20 a.m. on Tuesday, about a dozen Israeli agents in disguise raided one of the biggest hospitals in Jenin in the occupied West Bank, where they assassinated three young Palestinian men who were sleeping.

The agents arrived dressed as doctors, nurses, patients, and Palestinian civilians, including a woman in a hijab and a man in a wheelchair, a video that surfaced of the raid on Jenin's Ibn Sina Hospital showed. At least one of the agents can also be seen carrying a baby bassinet.

The video showed them pulling out assault rifles as soon as they entered the hospital, where they were reportedly targeting a Hamas-linked man.

The operation reportedly took around 10 minutes, according to Israeli reports, during which three Palestinian men were killed while sleeping in their beds. The Israeli army said that only one of the assassinated men was reportedly a Hamas member.

The raid left parts of the hospital destroyed, with beds upturned and blood stains covering the floor and equipment.

The attack was carried out by an Israeli undercover unit known as the Musta'ribeen, or Mista'arvim in Hebrew.

The operation reportedly took around 10 minutes, according to Israeli reports, during which three Palestinian men were killed while sleeping in their beds. The Israeli army said that only one of the assassinated men was reportedly a Hamas member.
So who were the other two????
So who were the other two????

I did see one report, not sure if that was about the 'Hamas linked' one of the three or not.

The article didn't say much, IIRC, beyond that he was in hospital because he was a quadraplegic and he'd been there for months, he was killed in his sleep and the rest was his family and the hospital staff expressing how they felt about the situation.
Here's some stuff the Israeli Defence Force was sharing...... and if anyone claims they're not immoral war criminals, they're gullible and simple.

If I hear "oh, they're a modern military trying the most ever to reduce civilian casualties" I won't be able to hold it in any more.

An 11 October post reportedly read: “Burning their mother … You won’t believe the video we got! You can hear the crunch of their bones. We’ll upload it right away, get ready.” Images of Palestinian captives were captioned “Exterminating the roaches … exterminating the Hamas rats … Share this beauty.” A video of an Israeli soldier allegedly dipping machine gun bullets in pork fat had the caption: “What a man!!!!! Lubricates bullets with lard. You won’t get your virgins.” And: “Garbage juice!!!! Another dead terrorist!! You have to watch it with the sound, you’ll die laughing.”
Your poor logic that states that two things are alike, just because they are both unlikely to happen.
When you're talking about two groups of people inciting genocide without the means to do so, I'd say the comparison is apt. Unlike your Jessica Alba wet dream 💦
Bombing kindergartens now.

Well, the IDF committed war crimes to shoot a paraplegic in his hospital bed because he was a threat. The IDF claims all Palestinian males as Hamas, so why not kill the under 18's as well?

The Australians who have gone and fought overseas for the IDF should have their Australian citizenship revoked and not be allowed back in the country.
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