Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack II

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Part I:

Thread Rules:

I recognise that this is a fraught topic for any number of you posting here. Some of you will have family in Israel or Palestine. Some of you will have connections to either side of the conflict. What you need to understand is that this site has rules governing posting standards and the appropriate way to talk to other posters, and you will abide by them.

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  • direct labelling of someone as anti-semitic or a terrorist sympathiser for posting that is merely critical of Israel's response over time. I appreciate that Israel has the right to defend themselves from violence, but that does not mean that Israel has carte blanche to attack disproportionately towards people under their care.
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  • Any defense of Hamas' actions on the basis of justification. There's no justification for genocide, regardless of whether or not they have the power to do so.
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Here is a tough one for you relating to Egypt.

Shouldn’t Egypt be doing more regarding opening up borders to save innocent lives. They were the ones originally who said don’t worry about being a country let’s just get rid of Israel and have the whole lot and now they have dropped them like a hot potato. Surely they must feel a little responsible for their fellow Arabs plight.
There are Arab countries everywhere over there that would be happy to look after the Palestine civilians.

Do Palestinians hate Egyptians now ?

If Hamas was slaughtering innocent Israelis and stealing Israeli land would you be talking about Egypt or other neighbouring countries taking in Israelis?????

Will you answer the question this time?
Whatever . It’s going to be an emotive article which I’m not interested in. Have a look at Dave .

“Israel has swallowed Palestinian land and tormented the Palestinian people. The borders drawn up at the end of the Second World War have spread so far into what was once Palestinian territory, territory now shrunken, isolated, squeezed, flattened and besieged on all fronts, that you’d have to be pumped so full of Western propaganda that you fart IDF tweets to not notice the 75-year-long pattern.

That is not an opinion, these are material, historic facts – and to entertain debate on these material, historic facts is to assist with a genocide. “

How’s that?

Borders were drawn up and rejected.
If Hamas was slaughtering innocent Israelis and stealing Israeli land would you be talking about Egypt or other neighbouring countries taking in Israelis?????

Will you answer the question this time?

Why wouldn’t l? Thats what you do as a neighbour. Help your fellow man . You don’t wall them in . Do you care about the children or not ?

How about you answer some questions ?
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Why wouldn’t l? Thats what you do as a neighbour. Help your fellow man . You don’t wall them in . Do you care about the children or not ?

How about you answer some questions ?
Didn’t pick you to be someone supporting global free movement of people. Unfortunately many people in the world are against it including the vast majority of governments. So that’s why Egypt would not accept a lot of refugees. Financially would be difficult as would construction of infrastructure, politically unpopular locally (my guess) as well.
Didn’t pick you to be someone supporting global free movement of people. Unfortunately many people in the world are against it including the vast majority of governments. So that’s why Egypt would not accept a lot of refugees. Financially would be difficult as would construction of infrastructure, politically unpopular locally (my guess) as well.

So what do you think?

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Why wouldn’t l? Thats what you do as a neighbour. Help your fellow man . You don’t wall them in . Do you care about the children or not ?

How about you answer some questions ?
As a neighbour you'd help yours by helping them get their homeland back. Unfortunately the last time the neighbourly neighbours tried to force out them troublemakers they just weren't strong enough or co-ordinated enough.

Neighbours. Everybody needs good neighbours.
With a little understanding, will they find the perfect blend?
As a neighbour you'd help yours by helping them get their homeland back. Unfortunately the last time the neighbourly neighbours tried to force out them troublemakers they just weren't strong enough or co-ordinated enough.

Neighbours. Everybody needs good neighbours.
With a little understanding, will they find the perfect blend?

Do you don’t care about the children ?
Do you don’t care about the children ?
Course I do. When the children, and their families, are forced from their homeland it is a terrible thing. It would be a terrible thing too if Jewish children and their families were forced from their homeland.

Both homelands are the same homeland. The only forcing out should be done to the exclusionists of either side. Forced out and into a mass grave.
Course I do. When the children, and their families, are forced from their homeland it is a terrible thing. It would be a terrible thing too if Jewish children and their families were forced from their homeland.

Both homelands are the same homeland. The only forcing out should be done to the exclusionists of either side. Forced out and into a mass grave.

We are not talking about children being forced from their homeland . ( they can’t actually physically do that because Egypt has walled them in.)
We talking about children being killed (10000) and saving women and children lives of that are stuck in a war zone.

What do you think about the wall?
Why wouldn’t l? Thats what you do as a neighbour. Help your fellow man . You don’t wall them in . Do you care about the children or not ?

How about you answer some questions ?

That doesn't answer the question. Again.

If Hamas forcibly displaces Israelis, Israelis can run to Egypt or to other countries, because that's what neighbours do, right?

All Hamas has to do is kill 30,000 Israelis, destroy every building in Israel and force every Israeli to move from the North to the South and then into the Sinai and according to people like you, that wouldn't be genocide. That would be journalists with an agenda using emotive language

You would have no issue with Hamas doing that. It's war, bad stuff happens in war. It's not genocide or ethnic cleansing, it would just be part of war.
All the IDF would have to do is surrender. Simple. Everyone then goes home happy.
We are not talking about children being forced from their homeland . ( they can’t actually physically do that because Egypt has walled them in.)
We talking about children being killed (10000) and saving women and children lives of that are stuck in a war zone.

What do you think about the wall?

It would be easy to save them. Israel can stop killing them.
We are not talking about children being forced from their homeland . ( they can’t actually physically do that because Egypt has walled them in.)
We talking about children being killed (10000) and saving women and children lives of that are stuck in a war zone.

What do you think about the wall?

What about the wall that Israel built, which basically turned Gaza into the world's largest open air prison?

Why are you so focused on Egypt?

Here's an article from a few years ago, before Oct 7.

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That doesn't answer the question. Again.

If Hamas forcibly displaces Israelis, Israelis can run to Egypt or to other countries, because that's what neighbours do, right?

All Hamas has to do is kill 30,000 Israelis, destroy every building in Israel and force every Israeli to move from the North to the South and then into the Sinai and according to people like you, that wouldn't be genocide. That would be journalists with an agenda using emotive language

You would have no issue with Hamas doing that. It's war, bad stuff happens in war. It's not genocide or ethnic cleansing, it would just be part of war.
All the IDF would have to do is surrender. Simple. Everyone then goes home happy.

How about you tell exactly what to type next time you are ask me a question.

Are you asking me about genocide now or if Egypt should open its border to Israelis if the shoe was on the other foot?
How about you tell exactly what to type next time you are ask me a question.

Are you asking me about genocide now or if Egypt should open its border to Israelis if the shoe was on the other foot?

How about you just answer the very straight forward question asked?
Give the whataboutism and all the other obfuscation a miss and just answer the question. It is not a difficult question.
We are not talking about children being forced from their homeland . ( they can’t actually physically do that because Egypt has walled them in.)
We talking about children being killed (10000) and saving women and children lives of that are stuck in a war zone.

What do you think about the wall?

They are walled in because of Israel, not because of Egypt.
They wouldn't need to go anywhere if Israel wasn't forcing them to flee.

Very very simple.
Not complicated at all.
They are walled in because of Israel, not because of Egypt.
They wouldn't need to go anywhere if Israel wasn't forcing them to flee.

Very very simple.
Not complicated at all.

It's always everyone's fault but Israel's lol
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