Live Event 2018 Trade Radio

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Just like Geelong missed the memo about the risks in dragging young families away from their support group.

They rolled the dice and didn' get the result they wanted.

Yeah I don't think this is on Geelong at all. It was Kelly's decision to nominate knowing he might get picked up by an interstate club. If he didn't want to move interstate then he should have stuck to the WAFL. Not Geelong's fault at all.
If you enrol in the national draft, it means you implicitly accept that you may need to move interstate and even to the opposite side of the country.

If players (can't/won't/don't want to) accept this, they are welcome to continue playing for local or state leagues.
Maybe he was open and honest about a preference to be in Perth and his concerns that he might struggle away from support. Geelong thought it was worth the risk at the pick because they clearly rated him a better player than any others available - they’d either convince him to stay or be able to trade him for a better pick(s) a year or 2 later.

I agree it would be simple if any player was happy to go anywhere, but we are talking about people here, and we are all different.

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Yeah I don't think this is on Geelong at all. It was Kelly's decision to nominate knowing he might get picked up by an interstate club. If he didn't want to move interstate then he should have stuck to the WAFL. Not Geelong's fault at all.

There has been a lot of players drafted who didn't want to move interstate. Quite often they state that when interviewed. Some like Wingard make it crystal clear and clubs take note.

The player takes a risk of being forced to move but that doesn't mean they can't force a move home post getting drafted.

As I have said. Geelong knew the risk and took it. Kelly's family situation has changed post draft but it isn't a surprise. Now it is up to all parties to reach a reasonable outcome. Forcing Kelly to stay and work somewhere he / his family doesn't want to be is not reasonable.

Thats life.
There has been a lot of players drafted who didn't want to move interstate. Quite often they state that when interviewed. Some like Wingard make it crystal clear and clubs take note.

The player takes a risk of being forced to move but that doesn't mean they can't force a move home post getting drafted.

As I have said. Geelong knew the risk and took it. Kelly's family situation has changed post draft but it isn't a surprise. Now it is up to all parties to reach a reasonable outcome. Forcing Kelly to stay and work somewhere he / his family doesn't want to be is not reasonable.

Thats life.

So what you're basically saying is it's ok for players to tamper with the draft by saying "Don't select me".

As for forcing Kelly to stay. Well he did it all himself, again he nominated for the national draft and he signed the 2 year contract that came with it. The company (GFC) he works for then has a right to make him honor the deal he signed. Not hard to understand really.
We can’t get overs in compo. Pick 20 is the most we can get. We will get unders for gaff and reasonable compo for lycett.

I’d have thought that’s overs for Lycett but I’m no expert. I’d expect him to be a line ball player edging to 2nd round rather than end of 1st round.

The move is for family reasons.

It does not mean he should agree to work for a substandard employer who offers less opprtunities

I find this concept to be quite simple but Cats fans are so caught up in getting a 10 pick draft upgrade they are blinded.

This is someones life. You only get one to live. Cats failed to read the tea leaves and the gamble hasnt come off. So because of this Cats fans expect Kelly to chose what is best for Geelong instead of doing what he considers best for himself and his family.

That's Crazy talk.

Geez I don't know how to explain it to you but I will try and make it very simple. HE IS CONTRACTED and hence can't dictate at all.
Geez I don't know how to explain it to you but I will try and make it very simple. HE IS CONTRACTED and hence can't dictate at all.

Who said anything about dictating terms.

You obviously dont have much life experience in HR matters. Employers can force employees to honor their contracts but when family issues are a factorthe discussion changes.

Do you think the Eagles are happy with Mitchell breaking his contract? No. But his family wants to move back home so the club allows it.

Hiw many times have commentators s said recently 'contracts dont mean much these days'. Plenty.

So if Geelong force Kelly and his family to stay against their wishes that wont end well. Nor will it look good.

Geelong are not innocent here. Thwy knew and took the risk. They will end up with better draft picks then they uaed on Kelly in a strong draft.

Thats reality.
I’d have thought that’s overs for Lycett but I’m no expert. I’d expect him to be a line ball player edging to 2nd round rather than end of 1st round.

Maybe slight overs. But port would know that we would match band 3 (pick 41) so they will make sure it’s band 2 (pick 21) to avoid a trade situation.
Maybe slight overs. But port would know that we would match band 3 (pick 41) so they will make sure it’s band 2 (pick 21) to avoid a trade situation.

Has a free agent ever been matched? Adelaide threatened to get Dangerfield trade but I don’t recall it ever happening.

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Who said anything about dictating terms.

You obviously dont have much life experience in HR matters. Employers can force employees to honor their contracts but when family issues are a factorthe discussion changes.

Do you think the Eagles are happy with Mitchell breaking his contract? No. But his family wants to move back home so the club allows it.

Hiw many times have commentators s said recently 'contracts dont mean much these days'. Plenty.

So if Geelong force Kelly and his family to stay against their wishes that wont end well. Nor will it look good.

Geelong are not innocent here. Thwy knew and took the risk. They will end up with better draft picks then they uaed on Kelly in a strong draft.

Thats reality.

You have no idea do you. Why don't you listen to the man himself instead of referencing irrelevant HR matters in the normal workforce. Kelly has said he understands he is contracted and is happy to honour it if an acceptable trade for Geelong can't be reached.

So there will be no problem according to the man himself if he is held to his contract. Therefore it's clear that Geelong hold the cards in the negotiation!
You have no idea do you. Why don't you listen to the man himself instead of referencing irrelevant HR matters in the normal workforce. Kelly has said he understands he is contracted and is happy to honour it if an acceptable trade for Geelong can't be reached.

So there will be no problem according to the man himself if he is held to his contract. Therefore it's clear that Geelong hold the cards in the negotiation!

What else would he say? He knows the Cats must allow this to occur as he is contracted.

Do you think Kelly's wife will be happy to stay? The kids?

And you say I have no idea!:cool:

I bet you were one of the posters who argued blue in the face that he is happy and won't ask for a trade.

If he is forced to stay he won't be happy because his wife and kids will be disappointed as hell they aren' going home. Happy wife happy life.
Agreed. No way did Port or Essendon win. Port got 3 players their old clubs were happy to see gone. Essendon got one great player, one okay player, and an ego.

Devon Smith is a gun.

Adam Saad's no.1 asset is that he can bounce a footy. Pity he goes missing 90% of the time.

Stringers career peaked when he was 20 years old.
I think it's more that McClure is trying to do the whole "blokey banter" stuff and just can't pull it off, so he comes off as a smug douche.

Dal Santo honestly sounds more bemused and embarrassed, than actually angry.

Fair call. It's definitely more Dal responding to McClure's dickheadedness, rather than instigating any tension or arguments.
There was a guy who rang in and asked if Moorabool St had been converted to a one way street.

Cats seemed pretty happy supporting players getting to their families when it was Danger and Hendo, or in facilitating Gaz to break his contract to get to the Cats for unders....but as soon as one of their 'required' players wants to leave for family reasons....well...

Good call by the Trade radio caller.

Although if you really want hypocrisy it was listening to Steve Rosich say how Neale is contracted and wont be going anywhere while literally in the next breath excitedly rabbit on about targetting contracted players like Lobb and Hogan.
Don't act like it was because of this, you wouldn't of matched anyway don't be so dumb no club has ever matched a free agent why would Lycett be the first?

Because we would get more than 40 via trade and we would be ok if he accepted the matched offer.

Why wouldn’t we match band 3 is the real question.

Live Event 2018 Trade Radio

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