Player Watch #44: Cameron Zurhaar - [] NM offers 5yr deal - CZ interest from SYD/GC - CZ mgr says 'wants to see improvement' & 'team success'

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Not the best audition for the club he’ll be playing for next year, here’s hoping they still offer him a truckload of cash so that we get a decent compensation pick.
Not the best audition for the club he’ll be playing for next year, here’s hoping they still offer him a truckload of cash so that we get a decent compensation pick.
On that performance North should be offering to pay part of his salary just to get him off the books.
...the supporters in the level 3 bay were able to see clearly what was going on.

Cam only applies himself on occasion. Leaves the hard stuff to too few.

I'd appreciate if he at least applied himself like Paul Curtis does. Just get your hands on the footy and hunt!

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He needs to be in the thick of the action and not lean back and be the receiver when the ball is nearby.

We need to get in 5 mosquito pressure small fwd to complement larkey.
Said it in the GDT.

He will play for us next year, cause he's played himself out of a decent contract anywhere else.
Contracts well and truly have dried up I reckon.

Hoping we've altered our offer. If Cam is in, he will sign. Not looking good for him if he continues to wait.
Contracts well and truly have dried up I reckon.

Hoping we've altered our offer. If Cam is in, he will sign. Not looking good for him if he continues to wait.
We should withdraw the offer. Let him walk. He's way ahead of himself. Nothing changes in our forward line. I still maintain Cam is overweight with half hearted defensive effort.
the whole passage that lead to his handball to wardlaw in the 3rd says all you need to know about this bloke. completely checked out, taking no risks injury wise and playing for another contract from another team next. not sure who would offer this snake oil salesman’s a contract after the year he’s had!
He’s a big part of the problem regarding the disconnect from half back to half forward.

He ambles up the wing almost diagonally hoping to get silver service on his chest behind his defender or trying to take a hanger on someone.

He needs to lead hard up at the ball and give the guy a kicking it to him half a chance at a hitting the kick.

Does not work hard enough, which is a shame because he’s capable of some absolutely ridiculous things. Has unfortunately not taken the leap we thought he would. I hope for his sake it’s because it hasn’t clicked in his mind yet that he needs to work harder but I feel even if he goes to a better team he will be the same player just in a better team.
the whole passage that lead to his handball to wardlaw in the 3rd says all you need to know about this bloke. completely checked out, taking no risks injury wise and playing for another contract from another team next. not sure who would offer this snake oil salesman’s a contract after the year he’s had!
That was an absolute cop out handpass that completely sold Wardlaw into trouble. Zurhaar had the chance to at least move the ball forward even under pressure. Instead he laid it off and didn't even lend a hip and shoulder to help George find a tiny bit of space.

That ought to have been when he was dragged for a spray from the coach.
That was an absolute cop out handpass that completely sold Wardlaw into trouble. Zurhaar had the chance to at least move the ball forward even under pressure. Instead he laid it off and didn't even lend a hip and shoulder to help George find a tiny bit of space.

That ought to have been when he was dragged for a spray from the coach.
he shouldn’t of even have called for it back, not sure who marked but zurhaar being a senior player shouldn’t have called for it unless he he had a clear run at goal which he didn’t once he got the ball back.

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