Another US shooting - Newtown, Connecticut

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A bit like self defence isn't it?

Yes apparently when the US dropped two nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 it was to save lives and in self defence.

Israel for example acted in self defence in the recent Gaza attacks - even though it was Israel that broke the cease fire and also assassinated a Hamas leader (who they were negotiating with for peace only several days earlier)

Yes its certainly self defence.

Just like the hijackers in the 9/11 planes - they acted in self defence.
You haven't expressed anything close to a public policy argument. You simply alternate between childish insults and broad ideological absolutes. You can't discuss this issue on its individual merits so you instead try to claim that those in favour of tighter gun control automatically support everything governments do everywhere - thus your pictures of the poor victims of US military expeditions overseas. (Ironically, most of the people in favour of increased access to firearms in the States are by and large the same people who vote for candidates who favour an interventionist US foreign policy.)

For reference, an example of a public policy debate (rather than ideological grandstanding) would be to discuss the scope of what defines "arms" in a second amendment sense. We know there are some limits already... citizens aren't allowed to possess minuteman missiles with nuclear warheads for example. So, an interesting public policy discussion is where a line could be drawn, in the current context, should semi-automatic rifles be out of scope.

Don't even attempt to sandbag me with you're narrow minded conformist view of the world.

I dismiss your entire limited rationale.

Now, will HTB respond with...

a) a childish insult
b) a broad hardline ideological statement with no real policy argument
c) a strawman argument that paints supporters of gun control as either fascists or advocates of some other heinous act (perhaps paedophilia is next cab off the rank)
d) an actual considered response that reflects the complexity of the issue that may point toward compromise or bravely considering that there may be cogent arguments on either side...

*holds breath*


Did you run out of pictures?
Hahaha. Such a legend in his own lunch box. You think you are a heavyweight but everyone is laughing at you. Calling people "conformists" like a grade school goth. You started becoming a parody of yourself about 4 pages back. Now you are just predictable. You've jumped the shark.


Done with you Rick.

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Now, will HTB respond with...

a) a childish insult
b) a broad hardline ideological statement with no real policy argument
c) a strawman argument that paints supporters of gun control as either fascists or advocates of some other heinous act (perhaps paedophilia is next cab off the rank)
d) an actual considered response that reflects the complexity of the issue that may point toward compromise or bravely considering that there may be cogent arguments on either side...

*holds breath*

A little bit of b) but also;

e) completely dismissing your viewpoint with a generalisation and no engagement.

Was pretty obvious. Surprised you didn't have it as an option.
At the end of the day I don't care about your laws. See how it works?

This is the part where your mental illness reared it's ugly head again.
I am not responsible for your "emotional comfort" and your level of irrational hysteria makes you incapable of properly analysing anyones motives.

You are the stereotypical drama queen. Governments love people like you.
The extremist finally rears it's ugly head.
You would be stoning women if you were born in a muslim nation.
Now you are correlating my right to free choice with terrorism.

My 6 year old nephew is more rational than you.

How does this infantile level of emotional manipulation work out for you in real life?

Do you go about the world attempting to shame everybody with your world view, because you deem yourself to be some self appointed guru?
You would be the sort of person who will one day end up castrating males at birth because they are all potential rapists.
Yes, you really are that conceited and stupid. You represent everything that is wrong about democracy.
Chill out, baby!
Obviously struck a nerve.
You ran out of rational argument after your first post, so you've resorted to the old 'I'll just abuse the bastard out of the argument' routine. You actually give a pretty good description of yourself in this post!
Rant. Rant. Rant.

Nurse! Emergency bed 5!
Keep going.
They've got you now. The Gun Lobby mind controllers now own the sheepdog. Get around back!
May as well mingle with the flock, let loose the old rhetoric and sow the fear factor with wild conspiracy theories. They'll believe anything, you know. As long as it's scary.
This allays the need to argue with facts. They won't have a baa of the facts, ewe know.
Attention folks!

There are sick and twisted nutcases out there that are utilising the pictures of healthy living children for emotional blackmail purposes in order to whip up support for their extremist views.

This is causing the parents of these children extreme anguish. Wise up and please take note.

Is Sandy Hook Victim Allison Wyatt Really A Girl Named “Lily”?

Is this a bombshell revelation? Or some fluke of bad reporting? This will need some investigation for sure.
I screen capped this picture from website. Its an article on the Sandy Hook Shooting. In the article they mention the victims and show pictures of the children who were killed in the shooting. In that article you will find a little girl named Allison Wyatt, who according to the article was killed during the shooting.

NEXT, you will find the SAME picture of the little girl named “Allison Wyatt” on an Instagram Page with a plea for help from a woman named Cathy Gaubert talking about the picture of her little girl named Lily being used and associated with the horrific events in the Sandy Hook Shooting.

Attention folks!
There are sick and twisted nutcases out there that are utilising the pictures of healthy living children for emotional blackmail purposes in order to whip up support for their extremist views.
This is causing the parents of these children extreme anguish. Wise up and please take note.
In a tearful interview today, a distraught mother Polwarth-Merino cross related how images of her 4 month old lamb was cynically used to promote the gun lobby cause.
"I can't understand how they could fleece such a dewy-eyed darling like my Lambkins." she bleated. "I'd like to ram that gun up their...They can all get flocked! The shear audacity."

New compact M16 released via all Wallmart stores in the USA - suitable for 5 year olds and older. Can be collapsed and stored away in any standard school bag

$139.95 plus 1 standard magazine (monthly repayment plans available at reasonable interest rates)

(does not included any hollow point ammunition)

Attention folks!

There are sick and twisted nutcases out there that are utilising the pictures of healthy living children for emotional blackmail purposes in order to whip up support for their extremist views.

This is causing the parents of these children extreme anguish. Wise up and please take note.

Why do CTs have trouble providing links?

First, I want to be able to follow a link to the daily mail article. Then I want to be able to follow a link to Cathy Gaubert's instagram page. Then I want to be able to compare the photos being shown of Allison to the photos of Lily.

This Cathy Gaubert could be anybody, if she really posted this at all. So hard when nobody links to anything but the conspiracy itself.

You have to register on the forum link this guy links to and I don't want to register.

Does it mean the daily mail has incorrect pictures or somebody else provided incorrect pictures?

Not sure why it has to mean the girl doesn't exist in the first place.

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Why the **** would ANYBODY take any notice of the opinions of a professional REGULATOR when it came to libertarian matters?
You do not possess the operating software to engage in this discussion.
You are an entrenched professional dogmatic statist.
Where's the rebuttal or counter-argument? Where's the cognisance?
Rant again, with no substance other than the ironic use of personal abuse.
Strawman stuff.

Personal freedom or libertarianism is a myth, as is democracy.
Both are unrealistic notions of idealism. They just provide the compass, not the destination.
In our society, cynically labelled as 'Democracy', the system tends to address both individual rights and the collective rights.
If one dominates, the other ceases to exist. Fascism v Anarchism.
In other words, the respective rights of one are compromised by the other.

In the absence of a practical alternative, I actually like it this way.
The last x pages has been a huge waste of time reading, and responding to. No longer even the facade of a 'debate', just personal attacks.

But the 'debate' started off insincerely anyway, with the anti-gun people pitch-forking against anyone pro-gun. As tho you "have to" be anti-gun otherwise you're an idiot, immoral, etc.

I'm not ant-gun, infact I am pro-gun and for gun rights. Its the level of those rights that are being debated surely... I know some people have expressed an extreme views dismissing gun rights completely.....

Its where you draw the line..... Where do you draw the line on gun ownership??? or should it be a free for all?
If only the 15 year old victim had easy access to high powered assault weaponry, he may have been able to protect himself from this vicious attack:

A 15-year-old boy has been stabbed by another 15-year-old boy at a school in Melbourne's eastern suburbs.

Police said they were called to Ashwood Secondary College at 8.40am. The boy received slash wounds to the upper body and was taken to the Royal Children's Hospital.

The injuries are not believed to be life-threatening.

Police said they arrested another 15-year-old boy at a house in Chadstone shortly after.

Read more:

Turn up for the books.

Big war hero with media profile spreading paranoia about the gun laws trying to be introduced, has been killed by a mentally ill bloke, from behind.

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