Crows are the only bad thing !!!!!!!

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Sep 9, 2000
AFL Club
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Glenelg, Redbacks, Lakers
After reading what crowz4eva wrote I just had to reply.
The only bad thing about living in this great state of South Australia is that the bloody crows are here! I can stand Port Power and hope they kick the bloody chardonnay sipper crows asses every showdown but the crows are so bloody annoying and I just hate them ! Being an Essendon fan, it was so annoying this season when Essendon were breaking all kinds of records and were the greatest team in history so far YET the bloody crows were on the front page of the sports pages ! They are a joke and their fans piss me off, the players most annoying are Bickley,Ricciuto and "overrated" Burton !
Oh well at least they will go crap again in 2001, The only news on them will be negative thank god ! I like that sort of crow news !
Normally I don't reply to crap like this, but I'm in the mood tonight.

When the Crows were winning premierships and breaking records in 1997/98 I bet they weren't on the front pages of the Melbourne sport pages....horses for courses. I remember the stories over there were about how the Saints and North Melbourne LOST, not how the Crows won so well.

As for that old furphy "chardonnay sippers" ...get with the times - the Power and Essendon would consume just as much wine at their coterie get togethers as every other team.

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While sipping my delightfull Pauletts chardony and snacking on a fine goose liver pate' I came across this most curious topic. Someone who doesn't love my wonderfull Adelaide Crows. It can't be. Eastaugh 36. How can you write such terrible hurtfull things. It's enough to make mw want to trade the Beamer for urgggg a Holden!!!!!!

Now please, be a good chap & f*#% off.
the ****y crows broke no records in 97/98, in fact I reckon they were plain lucky and they will be one of the least remembered premiers due to their flukiness, they are a team of softys too, anyway they will have a bad year this year believe me......and I cant wait ! also, I dont reckon port or essendon could compare to those crow chardonnay whimp supporters, especially port
ps - bickley is soft
ok i dont know many crows supporters so i wont comment
but burton is far from overrated
and bickley is even further from soft, poor skills maybe but you cant knock the guys heart
eastaugh grow up, you are embarrassing the club you say you love with your childish garbage
mate, you dont know what its like to live in this great state with such moronic idiotic crows supporters ! they get a hell of a lot of publicity for such an ordinary football team !
Woo Hoo, we have a doozy here.

The Crows broke several records when winning their back-to-back premierships. Most wins on the road...first to win p/ship from 5th position. Only team to win finals interstate...

As for Bickley being "soft". That guy's had numerous injuries from his ferocious desire to get the ball. I recall one time when he split his scone so badly the doc said you could see his skull. And he played the next week.

This is all I'm posting on this thread. I know within myself the Crows are just as good as any other team and the sooner this thread disappears into the ether the better.
Once again the moron has spoken! U easty thinks that Essendon are the only team that should get publicity! Well that’s wrong!

U have to take into consideration that u live in South Australia, which only mainly has a supporter base of Crows and Port fans!

It is the same in every other state easty, In Sydney u will get all Sydney over the news, same as Brissy and Perth.

In Melbourne I don’t hear anything about the crows or port or any other interstate team for that matter and u know y coz I live in Victoria and only get news that is more concerning too me and the rest of Victoria!

Black And White Forever
winning the flag from 5th is not a proud record to have, if anything it means they werent the best team that year, and mags - you go for collingwood, say no more ! lol

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You are spot on mate. I spent heaps of time previously on bigfooty talking about the merits of rewarding the top team on the ladder, since OBVIOUSLY, the best team over 22 weeks, deserves more credit than the best team over 4 weeks (the GF winner)

I've said it time and time again, but that is why Manchester United are recognsied as the "premeirs". Not because they won the FA CUP, but becasue they finished on top.

Premiers means "best". North Melbourne were the "premier" team in 1998 according to the definition. But stupidly, Adelaide were called "premiers" because they won 3 mathces in September.

At the risk of infuriating bigfooty again, I will, state it ONE MORE TIME.

The Grand Final winner should be called "final series champions". The top team of the H&A SHOULD be called Home and Away premiers.

Two separate trophys for two separate achievements. If you win the GF, you should NOT be champions of the whole year. You should JUST be the champions of that 4 week tournament. That way, the Crows get recognised, and ALSO the Kangas get recognised for being the most consistently winning team in 1998.

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Crows are the only bad thing !!!!!!!

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