Do GWS have a bright future?

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Only game access membership counts, supporter and pet memberships aren't counted, they are just there to ad revenue.

Most clubs don't even count interstate memberships (outside of Melbourne) even though they guarantee a seat.

Or do you believe the clubs just lie and say they don't when secretly they do?

Actually the AFl count them all. What made it dodgy last year is they clearly expected low growth (which ended up being 2,000 access members), but announced memberships were up 50,000 (including non access memberships they hadnt previously). In reality memberships rose an entire 8,000 last year.

On topic: Gws 9,096 access, 1145 non access. GC 8904 access, 2300 non access. in 2012.
To answer the question of the tread, of course they have a bright can they not when their starting 22 is basically nothing but top 25 picks and they have a heap of extra salary cap.

Because simply having the best youngsters doesn't work anymore.
Teams can no longer go on extensive rebuilding programs flushing out the old and generating that window of opportunity for the GF. It's all about balance these days. The GWS went after experienced players but most clubs foresaw the event and signed up their stars. GWS would be further down the track if it wasn't for that fact.

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I think we are ahead of GWS in most ways but if I was a GWS supporter it wouldn't worry me one bit as they have the foundations for a great team. I think they will also be fine long term its just typical of people to predict doom.

Who will end up better out of us two? I guess only God knows.... and he said GC will be better because him and Ablett are related :D
They will be fine. To be a relatively sustainable AFL club at the moment you need about 30,000 members, some sponsors and be able to occasionally get a similar number to your games. The membership numbers will steadily increase considering the population of Sydney, sponsors won't be hard to pick up/ keep and once GWS become more competitive on-field not only will more casuals come to Skoda to see them play, but a lot more interstate fans will make the trip over as the prospect of a good game increases and the stakes of the outcome also get higher. I can't see them failing at all.
Soccer is no longer for the European wannabies, this has been dead for a while now and if the AFL and people want to think that way they are in for a big surprise. Matches against Liverpool & Manchester untied recently draw full hosues at the MCG and ANZ respectively, with both games selling out quickly. The Swans haven't got close to a full house at ANZ in years.

Crowds are growing at A-League games and the standard is definitely improving.

The other problem which will exist for the AFL and GWS, is getting local/state government support for any further projects involving GWS. Governments will always go with the popular numbers in the area affected, this means WSW. The AFL might have influence in the traditional football states, but as the A-league grows they will find their ability to influence NSW & Queensland governments becomes less. It will also mean that local governments will favour soccer over aussie rules in ground allocation. Its pretty easy maths, support the winter code with more fans and more participants in your region or support the winter code which is smallest (remember local soccer is played in winter).

"Whilst the AFL will keep GWS in Bankstown for at least a decade, if they can't garner local support and the AFL cotninues to have to prop them up, they will either relocate them or fold them outright.

You wish?

Are you a soccer troll?

GWS will be successful in the longer term because OUR game is just a much better and exciting game than the boring 0 0 or 1 1 draw that is common in soccer and have a look at the soccer crowds I dont see that many ordinary Aussies there mainly migrants trying to get their soccer fix from their old countrty.

If soccer is so popular in Western Sydney why dont the WSW sellout Parramatta Stadium for every match?

BTW matches against World famous teams like MU and Liverpool will always sellout as they are events unlike the tenth rate A League
Your average home crowd attendance was 1600 behind WSW. GWS also had the massive advantage of the AFL marketing machine which pumped millions into promoting GWS games, then take into account the hugely marketed opening local debry and the WSW derby and the difference jumps to 3200.

2013 averages dropped overall for GWS by 1100, whilst still continuing to have the massive AFL marketing machine behind it and promotional ticketing, whilst WSW have themselves and a small budget. In a single season when GWS had already had two years in the market place GWS got smashed by a club set up in 3 months. WSW will become the biggest club in the A-league and will seriously have to look at where they play games unless Parramatta stadium has a massive increase in capacity, because 20,000 is already too small, GWS can't get near 20,000, they haven't even half filled Bankstown yet.

As others have said, GWS is only ever going to be a niche player in the Western Sydney sporting market, they are there for tv appeal and the AFL attempting to increase Sydney tv ratings.

TV atm is where the money is esp main stream FTA TV not SBS!When soccer can get onto 7 or 9 in prime time and pull in 1 Billion plus dollars the you might have an argument but at the moment its just wishfull thinking and no differernt to what I have heard from soccer urgers for 50 years!
GC are ahead with the on field performance, they are ahead in off-field structures and financial performance. They are also ahead in local community recognition and profile. This ticks all the main boxes so yes they are streets ahead.
Pure comedy... Ever thought of providing some actual evidence? E.g say.... Membership numbers??
GWS will be successful in the longer term because OUR game is just a much better and exciting game than the boring 0 0 or 1 1 draw that is common in soccer

The population of Perth as doubled in my lliefetime. The increase in population is almost entirely due to immigration yet Australian Football still maintains it's strong position. Somebody must be liking our game.

have a look at the soccer crowds I dont see that many ordinary Aussies there mainly migrants trying to get their soccer fix from their old countrty.

When the media interview the soccer fraternity I'm struck by the strong accents that abound.

But that's off topic.
It's quite pointless comparing a summer sport to a winter sport.
It's quite pointless comparing a development to a glaring oversight.

It's a bit like sticking an AFL team in Tasmainia and saying "look at all the little devils take to AFL".
Ok lets look at this, and let me preface by saying i have no dislike for the Suns at all.

Performance - Yes in their 2nd year they won 3 to our 1. Will be very interested to see how this year goes a tick to the suns
Structures - Um im fairly certain we have seen Suns fans complaining their training centre is a shed so Im sure we are ahead there. Both have great little stadiums so equal there. so would say a tick to us.
Financial position - Umm and how the hell would you know this?? I did read somewhere we didnt have that much of a loss in our 1st year, less than what they thought. Dont know the financials of the Suns or our 2nd year.
Recognition and Profile - I dont know how you would say they are well ahead here, we are well known throughout Sydney, consistently on radio with our sponsorship partners, attending schools and benefits. Im fairly certain it would be the same for the Suns up there as well (since both are building). A tick to both
Let me add
Memberships - We have more, yes we have a bigger population but the point still stands. Tick to us
Jumper sales - as has been stated we are ahead here as well. Tick to us

So over all I would have us in front, just. But both are doing a great job in bringing Australia's Game to large areas of this country.

So your next troll is??

Big question... Do you see GWS get 8 wins in their 3rd ever season in 2014 Like the suns 3rd season of 2013? I doubt it with this current Squad. GWS will be very lucky to get 3-4 wins in 2014.
Jesus, just stumbled upon the Western Sydney Wanderers game on SBS and wow, their crowd is mental! I hate A league and I have now watched more of WSW than GWS, couldn't look away. The crowd was up there with the scousers. If Adolf D saw that he will be sweating.
Jesus, just stumbled upon the Western Sydney Wanderers game on SBS and wow, their crowd is mental! I hate A league and I have now watched more of WSW than GWS, couldn't look away. The crowd was up there with the scousers. If Adolf D saw that he will be sweating.

ratings of 110k on SBS, hardly worth sweating over

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You bought the ratings - which I can tell you on further analysis - are double the GWS Sydney ratings average of 21k for the season, and only cross 40k twice (round 1 and 2) - into this like it was some sort of victory for you.

Although considering WSW recent success, the fact that Western Sydney is soccer heartland numero uno, and considering GWS recent lack of success, and that WS would have to be the most hostile area to AFL football in Australia, it is extremely hard to judge.

Different demographics in play as well, i would imagine.
Although considering WSW recent success, the fact that Western Sydney is soccer heartland numero uno, and considering GWS recent lack of success, and that WS would have to be the most hostile area to AFL football in Australia, it is extremely hard to judge.

Different demographics in play as well, i would imagine.

And thats all very true.
And thats all very true.

I wonder what a semi-successfull GWS would pull in ratings and crowds, and by semi, i mean competetive at home ( winning some) and winning maybe 1 or 2 on the road, finishing in around 10th to 12th spot.

Would ratings double from a extremely low base, would crowds rise to around 15/20k at Skoda, and would community football in WS increase at a faster rate than what it is presently doing.

The ACT which has quite a strong local football history, with a strong local comp, with multiple divisions, increased its number of junior teams 10% last season, due pretty well entirely to GWS playing in Canberra, giving the game much needed local exposure, it appears that Canberra is starting to return to its previous history of throwing up some very good players - Davis, Tutt, Bruce boys.

GWS as a team can't get a lot worse, there is more upside than down it would appear to me.
ENOUGH WITH THE F#£KEN SOCCER !!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
It is inevitable that to some extent, soccer will come into the discussion.

GWS, because of location and demographics, are in competition with soccer for the market share. So any discussion about their future will, inevitably, include that to some extent.

I happen to not share the view that GWS is doomed because of this, and nor did I have any wish whatsoever to disparage GWS by comparing it unfavourably to WSW or soccer in general in western Sydney.

But, it's a bit hard to discuss where GWS are going without taking into consideration their market and potential competition.
It is inevitable that to some extent, soccer will come into the discussion.

GWS, because of location and demographics, are in competition with soccer for the market share. So any discussion about their future will, inevitably, include that to some extent.

I happen to not share the view that GWS is doomed because of this, and nor did I have any wish whatsoever to disparage GWS by comparing it unfavourably to WSW or soccer in general in western Sydney.

But, it's a bit hard to discuss where GWS are going without taking into consideration their market and potential competition.

GWS's penetration in WS is much, much, much lower than soccers, but the WS market is big enough for it to carve out a solid support base, this has been repeated ad-nauseum, but it actually appears to be true.

But true, comparing to soccer is inevitable, but considering the different seasons is also a bit of a non/entity.

Comparing to RL clubs would make more sense, and WS RL clubs have a hell of a lot more to lose, losing a NRL RL club in WS is a hell of a lot more serious than GWS folding or a soccer club folding, the A-league would just open another one, GWS may just move to Canberra.
Afl and a league are played at different times of the year. And u do realize people are allowed to like more then 1 sport right? Hell I support gws, Perth glory, parra eels, western force, Perth wildcats and Newcastle united in the EPL.
You bought the ratings - which I can tell you on further analysis - are double the GWS Sydney ratings average of 21k for the season, and only cross 40k twice (round 1 and 2) - into this like it was some sort of victory for you.

who was talking about a victory?
someone said AD would be sweating it.
I don't think so
do you disagree?
the top team in their own heartland get 40k on FTA in their own heartland (biggest city in Australia) - big deal
GWS, because of location and demographics, are in competition with soccer for the market share.

You guys don't think very deeply do you.
THe GWS play in the AFL which plays iun the winter time.
The WSW play in the AL which is the summer time.
The GWS if anything are in competition with anybody it's the WS NRL clubs.

The GWS is a development project of the AFL based on growing the game in WS.
The WSW are a belated inclusion that was obvious mistake by FFA not to have a team in the highest area of highest concentration of soccer participation (and to have teams in dodgey areas).

Let's face the facts. The AL is a summer league because it cannot compete with AFL, NRL and SRU.
AL depends on immigrant families and depends on Melbourne and Sydney population concentrations.

If the AFL, NRL or SRU instituted a summer league it would achieve the same interest from people not excited by cricket etc. In SA the GAA went to a summer league and received a tremendous boost in participation.

There is absolutely NO point in discusing the comparison why, beause each will have zero affect on each other.
ZERO. How many times have you heard a person say "I'm not going to watch AFL because the cricket was so good" or vice versa. How many times have you heard a person say "I'm not going to watch GWS because I intend to watch WSW" It just doesn't make the slightest sense at all.

If anything the only possible connection, is a good one. People might say, "I'm all for the WS I'm going to support the WSW and GWS". There is support for this argument. If you meet a sandgroper or a croweater he is liable to emotionally support all his state teams. Why should WS be any different. WA is hugely AFL and the Glory is very small and not too many people would attend soccer (quite a few the other way around) but that doesn't mean there is some sort of competition going on. The Glory is seen as summer option for those who are so inclined.
comparing to soccer is inevitable, but considering the different seasons is also a bit of a non/entity.

A bit? Are the AL going to change their season just for WSW?

WSW against GWS and the Swans, NRL and SRU.
Glory against AFL, NRL and SRU
AU against AFL.
Roar against AFL, NRL and SRU.
Victory and Heart against AFL, NRL and SRU.

Comparing to RL clubs would make more sense, and WS RL clubs have a hell of a lot more to lose, losing a NRL RL club in WS is a hell of a lot more serious than GWS folding or a soccer club folding, the A-league would just open another one, GWS may just move to Canberra.

Yes, but we're not allowed to mention that.

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