Society/Culture How about we all just grow up and not be so petulant. The Chol 'incident'

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Jun 6, 2016
AFL Club
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Pines Football Club
Really? This is somehow news.

I know the media is most to blame for this absolute bs!

How the farg is this an incident or even 'sexual assault' as being reported? In what fargin universe is this somehow a 'mental disadvantage' for a footballer?

FMD! How do we want to treat our footballers? We are talking about football right? Y'know where you have to be mentally and physically prepared. It's a seriously tough game, not sure mates ribbing you, and you fold, would warrant you playing this game - let alone at the top level.

So one of your team mates grabbing you on the ass or giving you a dick punch in a jovial way is somehow detrimental.

Well if that is that is the case which I seriously doubt, then we may as well take our bat and ball and go home. Game over period! Shut the game down if this is the 'protocol' to go on, may as well go on any 'team sport' as well.

FFS world just grow the farg up.

Sick and tired of all this pc bullsh1t coming into our game. FARGIN GROW UP!Fargin children!

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Really? This is somehow news.

I know the media is most to blame for this absolute bs!

How the farg is this an incident or even 'sexual assault' as being reported? In what fargin universe is this somehow a 'mental disadvantage' for a footballer?

FMD! How do we want to treat our footballers? We are talking about football right? Y'know where you have to be mentally and physically prepared. It's a seriously tough game, not sure mates ribbing you, and you fold, would warrant you playing this game - let alone at the top level.

So one of your team mates grabbing you on the ass or giving you a dick punch in a jovial way is somehow detrimental.

Well if that is that is the case which I seriously doubt, then we may as well take our bat and ball and go home. Game over period! Shut the game down if this is the 'protocol' to go on, may as well go on any 'team sport' as well.

FFS world just grow the farg up.

Sick and tired of all this pc bullsh1t coming into our game. FARGIN GROW UP!Fargin children!

If it is a coach doing the tapping of the **** or arse, is that okay?
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It is the Media’s fault full stop. Why the need for a camera in the changerooms? Everyone attending the game sings the song after the game. The players know the cameras are on and some act like children accordingly.
Sexual assault is obviously too far, especially in context, but I love the delicious irony of the victims of this sort of locker room harassment being harangued to "grow up" and stop being children. Especially given the victim seems blase about it.

My guess is that teams on the road are living in close confines 24/7 and resilience is being tested. A few dickhead young teammates are getting a little more bored or carried away, probably harder to bear at the moment without off-field escape, maybe even getting closer in many ways.

But until now I'm talking in general. The 'Chol' incident itself is a case of the media's pedantic scrutinisation and search for story or scandal. By all means report it to the team staff heads confidentially and maybe have a sit-down intervention about it, to see whether it is nothing or there is more to it. The player welfare of Majak Daw is hard to ignore in this case. If this was a racist trend in the game (thoughtless or malicious), you'd like that rooted out. But it seems more like racial staring and noticing something a little risque that might possibly suggest power imbalance. If it was an older white player being groped like Luke Hodge, it probably would just get a bit of a talkshow laugh, but his being newish in the side and visibly black brings in a thematic chorus of disgruntled ex-players. Just unfortunate that it happened, was captured, was debated, but if it leads to the stopping of ethnic minority player from being abused in some country town club, then there could be some progress out of it given the unique quality of the media incident.
Sexual assault is obviously too far, especially in context, but I love the delicious irony of the victims of this sort of locker room harassment being harangued to "grow up" and stop being children. Especially given the victim seems blase about it.

My guess is that teams on the road are living in close confines 24/7 and resilience is being tested. A few dickhead young teammates are getting a little more bored or carried away, probably harder to bear at the moment without off-field escape, maybe even getting closer in many ways.

But until now I'm talking in general. The 'Chol' incident itself is a case of the media's pedantic scrutinisation and search for story or scandal. By all means report it to the team staff heads confidentially and maybe have a sit-down intervention about it, to see whether it is nothing or there is more to it. The player welfare of Majak Daw is hard to ignore in this case. If this was a racist trend in the game (thoughtless or malicious), you'd like that rooted out. But it seems more like racial staring and noticing something a little risque that might possibly suggest power imbalance. If it was an older white player being groped like Luke Hodge, it probably would just get a bit of a talkshow laugh, but his being newish in the side and visibly black brings in a thematic chorus of disgruntled ex-players. Just unfortunate that it happened, was captured, was debated, but if it leads to the stopping of ethnic minority player from being abused in some country town club, then there could be some progress out of it given the unique quality of the media incident.
This is the issue that I have with it to. Where has the outrage been about this sort of behaviour when it has been shown in the past (which it has on countless occasions). There is nothing racist here and Hugh Riminton (who initially brought it up) would be best served staying in his lane.

If we want to have a proper discussion about whether this type of behaviour is acceptable or not (which I don't propose to do here, I'm happy for my opinion to stay mine) that is fine, but trying to link it to some sort of mythical disadvantage is not doing anyone any favours. I see that Mr. Lamumba's brother was quoted in the paper about it as well.

Address the actual issue, is this sort of "ribbing" of teammates appropriate? If we decide it's not then stick up for everyone that it happens to, not just the supposedly marginalised ones.

FFS John Hopate did the same thing, to someone who wasn't a teammate, and everyone had a chuckle at it. Was the bloke he did it to sexually assaulted? Nobody even asked the question (not to say that we shouldn't have)!
but I love the delicious irony of the victims of this sort of locker room harassment being harangued to "grow up" and stop being children

Are you saying that I'm suggesting Chol grow up? If so - babow - you've completely misread the op.

This should not even be news, it's a footy team FFS! If the media are so desperate to shine light on this, something so trivial and non news then I guess the world must be in good shape right now. The world needs to grow up, not Chol, who stated he took no offence. He's being the adult here.

But noooooooooo, we have to make it news so the public can be offended on his behalf.

If that is not the epitome of childish then I don't know what is.

As for reference of the Hodge incident being different because of skin colour, well I don't know where you're going there. This has zero to do (should) with skin colour. But not doubt some f***wit pc journo will turn it into to that. Insert eye roll here.
This is the issue that I have with it to. Where has the outrage been about this sort of behaviour when it has been shown in the past (which it has on countless occasions). There is nothing racist here and Hugh Riminton (who initially brought it up) would be best served staying in his lane.

If we want to have a proper discussion about whether this type of behaviour is acceptable or not (which I don't propose to do here, I'm happy for my opinion to stay mine) that is fine, but trying to link it to some sort of mythical disadvantage is not doing anyone any favours. I see that Mr. Lamumba's brother was quoted in the paper about it as well.

Address the actual issue, is this sort of "ribbing" of teammates appropriate? If we decide it's not then stick up for everyone that it happens to, not just the supposedly marginalised ones.

FFS John Hopate did the same thing, to someone who wasn't a teammate, and everyone had a chuckle at it. Was the bloke he did it to sexually assaulted? Nobody even asked the question (not to say that we shouldn't have)!

Pretty much this.

This is so trivial, all it is is ribbing, GAF about anyone else, it's within the team. It's not in the schoolyard, it's not at another persons workplace, it's not in someone's home.

It's in the change rooms where the team is singing the club song and ribbing team mates.

If that sort of ribbing offends anyone, because it doesn't offend the players obviously, then don't watch the footy. Stay away from life in general if something so nothing offends.
What's the difference between a coach and a player? If the intent is not to assault then what is the problem?

You're OK with your local TAC cup boys being anally fingered and having their penis smacked by their Coach?


Or is it only OK after they enter the AFL system the following year as 18 year olds?

Or maybe after their first 2 year contract expires at 20?

What specific age does it become OK for the Coach anally finger and grab their wangs exactly?
You're OK with your local TAC cup boys being anally fingered and having their penis smacked by their Coach?

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Or is it only OK after they enter the AFL system the following year as 18 year olds?

Or maybe after their first 2 year contract expires at 20?

What specific age does it become OK for the Coach anally finger and grab their wangs exactly?

Why are you bringing minors into a non debate? This has zero to do with under age players, this is about the hyperbole around what is essentially nothing, it's banter (for want of a better word) among team mates in a football team. Nothing more, and it's no one elses business.

If members of the public take offence to something so trivial then that's on them.
Why are you bringing minors into a non debate? This has zero to do with under age players, this is about the hyperbole around what is essentially nothing, it's banter (for want of a better word) among team mates in a football team. Nothing more, and it's no one elses business.

If members of the public take offence to something so trivial then that's on them.
Not just members of the pubic who were offended, Chol clearly was too.

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If this was about two dudes in a mixed netball team grabbing a chick by the pussy and touching her **** we wouldn't even be having a discussion about it; they'd just be two perverts who never deserve to be looked at the same way ever again and that's probably for the best. But because Mabior has the same plumbing as the two blokes feeling him up, it's totally different behaviour even though it's basically the same action. It's funny to juxtapose this sort of thought against typical sentiments in a male-dominated forum like BigFooty on things like how men are treated by domestic partners and how the authorities don't take crimes against men seriously, and yet here we have people justifying something that's obviously sexual assault by definition because he's a bloke and they're just other blokes kidding around and you're a snowflake if you have issue with it, yeah the boys etc.

Media is 100% spot on to be asking questions about poor personal conduct that's visible to the public in a professional environment. Can't imagine there's too many other work places where the "It's just banter" "No big deal" "You had to be there" excuses for feeling co-workers up would get you off the hook.
Not just members of the pubic who were offended, Chol clearly was too.

He stated he wasn't. A paste from this article

"I have no issue whatsoever with those players, or any of my teammates, but understand that is not the sort of example we should be setting," he said in Richmond's statement.

Members of the public have no business taking offence of what happens in the change rooms, if they do that's on them no one else.
He stated he wasn't. A paste from this article

"I have no issue whatsoever with those players, or any of my teammates, but understand that is not the sort of example we should be setting," he said in Richmond's statement.

Members of the public have no business taking offence of what happens in the change rooms, if they do that's on them no one else.
At the time he looked very annoyed.
Media is 100% spot on to be asking questions about poor personal conduct that's visible to the public in a professional environment. Can't imagine there's too many other work places where the "It's just banter" "No big deal" "You had to be there" excuses for feeling co-workers up would get you off the hook.

Then let's pack up footy altogether, because a minority might get offended on behalf of someone who was not offended. It's a change room in a football team FFS. This sort of team mate ribbing happens at all footy clubs, blunt reality, deal with it or don't up to you.

But if you expect the whole of society to throw their arms up in the air and cry 'assault' because of a few then no, deal with it or FO.

You're exactly the person who I'm talking about, expecting society to cancel itself to suit a minority.
At the time he looked very annoyed.

So you're a mind reader now, ok, then you must've watched something else.

He clearly had a laugh at the team mate who grabbed him (y'know team mate ribbing).

If you're going to clutch at straws and assume how someone feels without knowing then you're just proving my point.
1. My experience shows me that this behaviour is not uncommon amongst male groups. Good luck outlawing it.

2. I've been on the recieving end of similar manlove pranks from teammates and housemates. I didn't 'enjoy' it but I didn't take offence either. The intent is to joke around rather than be sinister.

3. I personally don't do that stuff, I'm just not into dishing it out. Some people are good at pulling it off and some aren't.

4. A simple bum tap is not groping.

5. It depends on the victim and whether or not they take issue with it. If it offends them, don't do it to them. Respect always.

6. If the victim doesn't care or even enjoys it, it's really none of anyone's business to use it to take action on their behalf.

7. This behaviour should be done in private. Not a good look doing it where it an be viewed by children, females, organisation management or media personnel etc.

8. The media jumping on the moral high horse is somewhat a bit ric given they have been happy to show camera footage of bumtaps/dick taps/Hopoates/flirt remarks from player to player, and then laud it as a good thing. The media behaviour in the recent past has contributed to this behaviour being done in front of cameras.

Boys will be boys is true. I didn't take offence to it but there's always appropriate and inappropriate places and situations to conduct certain behaviour.

I made the remark that some of the stuff I've seen would horrify posters on here on another thread full of the usual main board shitfighting. To be honest most of that behavior was tame and nothing close to what some were speculating. (lol).

Anyway that's my two cents, bigger fish to fry in this poor economic and health climate right now.
When my mates and I reached that original "nightlife" age (around 18-22) we would play pranks such as dishing out a "sack tap" to a friend who was preoccupied sipping their beer, or dropping change (usually dirty ass silver coins) in each other's beer and then insisting they scull it down. It was innocent fun for us and we all joined in, despite some of those "taps" being rather painful.

There was nothing sexual about it in our case. I don't understand the issue, unless there is an age/power imbalance involved (per Mal's disturbing strawman).

When did we all start becoming offended on behalf of those who are not offended themselves?
Then let's pack up footy altogether, because a minority might get offended on behalf of someone who was not offended. It's a change room in a football team FFS. This sort of team mate ribbing happens at all footy clubs, blunt reality, deal with it or don't up to you.

But if you expect the whole of society to throw their arms up in the air and cry 'assault' because of a few then no, deal with it or FO.

You're exactly the person who I'm talking about, expecting society to cancel itself to suit a minority.
I'm pretty happy with the reaction of society thus far. It made the news, Vlaustin and Short both acknowledged what they did was wrong and the Richmond playing group as a whole said this was not acceptable, the majority in the football landscape seemed to agree this was poor behaviour. On the contrary, it sounds like you're the one who has found the whole of society has not reacted in the way you'd like; that's why you've made a thread asking everybody to grow up is it not?

Anyway, I'm guessing by your repeated insistence that dick touching is JUST RIBBING that you were that one bloke at your club that struggled to know where the line was. There's always one!
I'm pretty happy with the reaction of society thus far. It made the news, Vlaustin and Short both acknowledged what they did was wrong and the Richmond playing group as a whole said this was not acceptable, the majority in the football landscape seemed to agree this was poor behaviour. On the contrary, it sounds like you're the one who has found the whole of society has not reacted in the way you'd like; that's why you've made a thread asking everybody to grow up is it not?

Anyway, I'm guessing by your repeated insistence that dick touching is JUST RIBBING that you were that one bloke at your club that struggled to know where the line was. There's always one!

Oooh boy!, so you actually believe that society as a whole has a real issue with footy players doing what footy players do because a couple of players said so?

Obviously you don't realize that players can't just say 'nah it's just us team mates' to the media because it's not politically correct.

There was nothing wrong with it, only to a minor few, it's a football team not a politically correct organization and nor should it be.

Don't think I'll bother explaining what sheep mentality is to you and that you've been hoodwinked. Think we're done here.
If it was a one-off incident, probably no harm done. But it looked, at least to me, like something they engage in on a regular basis (e.g. during training and whatnot). I'd imagine it would get old rather quickly if anyone was at the end of constant and regular groping in the groin and arse.

In terms of whether it was "sexual harassment", I would say yes if Vlastuin and Short were homosexuals. Homosexuals shouldn't be going around groping groins and arses indiscriminately for their own sexual gratification.

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