Vic How would you rate Daniel Andrews' performance as Victorian Premier? - Part 5

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bloody hell out of the frying pan into the fire for one aggot .... the mind fairly boggles:

'Victoria is set to miss the first target on its vaccination road map, with Victorians set to wait an extra two or three days before they can enjoy an extremely modest easing of restrictions.
Under the road map announced on Sunday, contactless outdoor recreation such as golf and tennis will be permitted once 80 per cent of Victorians aged 16 and over have had a first dose of vaccine.

The road map forecast that the threshold would be reached this Sunday, September 26.

However, as of Thursday, 76.2 per cent had received a first dose, with the state on a trajectory to achieve 80 per cent by Tuesday or Wednesday.
Health Minister Martin Foley confirmed on Friday that the restrictions will not be eased until the threshold is met.'
I did post at the time that the timing seemed optimistic.
I'm almost certain I read or watched a 60 minute bit of neo Nazis in Australian society like 6 months ago, from a handful within Australia to thousands on the street, sure is a big turnaround.

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Brett telling it as it is. Best CHO and by a distance.

I hear the comment, but then I read the conclusion about Ivermectin in what I found in the US National Library of Medicine. I've not yet found a more credible source.

Ivermectin: a multifaceted drug of Nobel prize-honoured distinction with indicated efficacy against a new global scourge, COVID-19 (

We believe that the evidence to date supports the worldwide extension of IVM treatments for COVID-19, complementary to immunizations. The indicated biological mechanism of IVM, competitive binding with SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, is likely non-epitope specific, as reviewed [8], possibly yielding full efficacy against emerging viral mutant strains. IVM has been safely used in 3.7 billion doses since 1987, well tolerated even at much greater than standard doses [34,35] and used without serious AEs in the three high-dose COVID-19 treatment studies noted above [34,36,37]. In the current international emergency of COVID-19, with mutant viral strains, vaccination refusals and potentially waning immunities over months presenting new challenges, IVM can be an effective component of the mix of therapeutics deployed against this pandemic.

Feel free to diminish at your pleasure.
I did post at the time that the timing seemed optimistic.
You would have thought they would have known almost exactly when we were going to reach targets considering its mostly done on appointments now....and they should have erred on the side of caution...and brought it forward if achieved them early, instead of saying dates and making people feel disappointed.
I'm almost certain I read or watched a 60 minute bit of neo Nazis in Australian society like 6 months ago, from a handful within Australia to thousands on the street, sure is a big turnaround.

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I'm certain you are not a credible source of information. You are a useful political asset.
I hear the comment, but then I read the conclusion about Ivermectin in what I found in the US National Library of Medicine. I've not yet found a more credible source.

Ivermectin: a multifaceted drug of Nobel prize-honoured distinction with indicated efficacy against a new global scourge, COVID-19 (


Feel free to diminish at your pleasure.
It’s almost reached the point where any position ridiculed by progressives as “nuts” or “conspiracy stuff” gains extra credibility.
Clearly the protesters, because some bald tattooed guy nobody knows had a megaphone. This emphatically proves every single protester was a Nazi, and if you think otherwise, you're also a Nazi.

No one said they were all nazis.

But they were all marching with nazis.

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What on earth are you talking about?

Andrews political choices are completely different to the medical choices that are being pushed onto us, Andrews telling me to get the jab and trying to mandating it is completely different to arguing about the science behind the vaccine and studies.

What rock were you living under? The vaccine was most certainly advertised and pushed as giving you immunity, for the Alpha variant it looks like it did give you that immunity, however roll around to the Delta variant and it quite clearly is not immunizing anyone and is nowhere near as efficacious as proposed, these things are basically facts that aren't being argued, what is being argued is the side affects and if it is simply worth it for a young healthy person to get vaccinated, the vaccine clearly has issues/problems, and some of those are yet to be fully flushed out. Given the VAERS on the TGA website has last time I checked almost 500 deaths attributed to the vaccine after having their shot, I'd say it's fairly normal for people to have concerns and want to discuss it further.

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You might want to read that TGA website a bit better as your spreading misinformation here. 500 people have died after getting the vaccine not from the vaccine. For example I had the vaccine last week, if tomorrow I had a heart attack, the TGA investigates it. Is it linked to the vaccine? Anyway a grand total of 9 deaths are attributed to the vaccines. Which still is sad for all involved. But it is an extremely minimal risk. 9 from 24.8 million doses. All from astra zeneca. None from pfizer.

12 people died from covid died today.
What on earth are you talking about?

Andrews political choices are completely different to the medical choices that are being pushed onto us, Andrews telling me to get the jab and trying to mandating it is completely different to arguing about the science behind the vaccine and studies.

What rock were you living under? The vaccine was most certainly advertised and pushed as giving you immunity, for the Alpha variant it looks like it did give you that immunity, however roll around to the Delta variant and it quite clearly is not immunizing anyone and is nowhere near as efficacious as proposed, these things are basically facts that aren't being argued, what is being argued is the side affects and if it is simply worth it for a young healthy person to get vaccinated, the vaccine clearly has issues/problems, and some of those are yet to be fully flushed out. Given the VAERS on the TGA website has last time I checked almost 500 deaths attributed to the vaccine after having their shot, I'd say it's fairly normal for people to have concerns and want to discuss it further.

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No drug or vaccine is foolproof. There is a mountain of data that suggests that whilst the vaccines might not guarantee anything, they will reduce your chance not only of getting very sick, but also contracting and passing on the disease. 6 BILLION of them have now been administered worldwide.

We are all of us going to meet covid, probably quite soon. At which point, you’re better off vaccinated.
I'm just pissed off. I don't know how many times we've been told something just to get disappointed. I know it's only a few more days but my patience has gone. Especially seeing so many numnuts running around the place doing there own thing.
They said at 80% First Dose of over 16's - the date was only ever indicative
No one said they were all nazis.

But they were all marching with nazis.
Notice the choice of words here to manipulate the narrative.

In reality, it was "Nazis" who chose to march with them. It's also worth bearing in mind these "Nazis" were defending John Setka and the CFMEU building, and for some reason, had megaphones.

Do all these armchair "incel" Nazis just happen to buy megaphones as a hobby? Do they also pledge their loyalty to the higher ups of the CFMEU?
Notice the choice of words here to manipulate the narrative.

In reality, it was "Nazis" who chose to march with them. It's also worth bearing in mind these "Nazis" were defending John Setka and the CFMEU building, and for some reason, had megaphones.

Do all these armchair "incel" Nazis just happen to buy megaphones as a hobby? Do they also pledge their loyalty to the higher ups of the CFMEU?

There are two main influencers with this mob. One of them, Avi Yemini, describes himself as the proudest Jewish Nazi in the world.

His security guys are nazis, and his cameraman is a nazi. His 'news' outlet is actively organising these things in the telegram groups.
I'm just pissed off. I don't know how many times we've been told something just to get disappointed. I know it's only a few more days but my patience has gone. Especially seeing so many numnuts running around the place doing there own thing.
I'm with you mate, surprised this thread this arvo has been more focused on said numnuts when again we have been told something only for the goalposts to be moved. enough is enough. 76-77% Sunday is close enough to 80% surely they aren't stupid enough to realise that at this stage they are just adding fuel to the fire with these kind of announcements. for the record I'm jabbed and second dose in a couple of weeks, adhered to the rules pretty well, work in construction in an office role, not anti or pro vax nor do judge anyone in their views if you wanna get it great if you don't great. I'm just over it all like everyone else and we simply can't go on like this if the powers to be keep letting lockdown string out, they have all the most current tools in place to combat it the best we can and given ample opportunity to get a jab so why not have a crack at the dates they announced last weekend
rant over lol go Rabbitohs
There are two main influencers with this mob. One of them, Avi Yemini describes himself as the proudest Jewish Nazi in the world.

His security guys are nazis, and his cameraman is a nazi. His 'news' outlet is actively organising these things in the telegram groups.
The same Avi Yemeni who was literally lost for 3 hours on the day of the shrine protests? Who literally spent 3 hours roaming the city looking for the protest groups as his viewer count was plummeting?

Sure, he must be the evil mastermind behind all this. Nothing more to see here folks, just ignore this guy getting his head smashed by a cop at Flinders Street.

The same Avi Yemeni who was literally lost for 3 hours on the day of the shrine protests? Who literally spent 3 hours roaming the city looking for the protest groups as his viewer count was plummeting?

Sure, he must be the evil mastermind behind all this. Nothing more to see here folks, just ignore this guy getting his head smashed by a cop at Flinders Street.

Yes, same Avi. Unless you're implying there's a second Avi out there somewhere?

He is also a wife basher, I'm assuming you're already aware of that.
What do you call it when John Setka uses the hells angels to rough up people not obeying the CFMEU?

Except they were actually cleaning up all throughout the day?

Didn't happen.
Are you calling co health staff liars? Can you say some dumb****s did not spit at nursing staff?
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