- Jun 28, 2000
- 93
- 2
I have been away on business in America. I return on Saturday and make my way to the MCG on Sunday. I have fantastic seats. This cannot make up for the fact that the place reeks of Essenscum (Dan, if you can do it, I can do it better). I make my way to the food area to buy a Mt. Franklin water. It is outrageously priced. I wonder if the Essendon supporters have contaminated it. I think twice about buying it. But I do. On the way back to my seat I see it - the Essenscum supporter standing alone in the crowd. The Essenscum sticks out like a sore thumb. He has no friends around him. How did he get into the ground. My boyfriend Ben and I shake our heads in disbelief, then laugh. He is singing the Essenscum theme song. We relaise he is a fool, but he does not. I sit down, and a thought comes to me. The stupid Essenscum supporter must be, has to be, DAN24.
The Essendon supporter cheers when Gorgeous-sorry, Aaron,-Hamill comes off the ground with slight concussion. What sort of a neutral spectator is he if he cheers injured players off? Carlton supporters around me are not pleased with this reaction. My friends Katrina, Jo, and Rhiannon are not pleased either. Then it is on. The crowd jeer at Essenscum, call him every degrading name under the sun and throw beer cups at his head. I duck, and a meat pie gets him where the sun don't shine.
At the end of the game he is elated. I wonder why. His team has not won here today.
He has been publicly humiliated.
I am not wearing either Carlton nor Mlebourne colours. I am dressed in black pants, sky blue top and black jacket. However, the Essenscum still says hello. Ben tells him to go away. (I could write something else here, but I do not wish to be censored. )
We are disappointed with the loss, but there is a second chance. So we move on with our lives. But the Essenscum cannot. He stays at the G long into the night, and is finally ejected by security, drunk, disorderly, and with mince from the pie smeared on the seat of his pants.
And that was my day at the footy.
The Essendon supporter cheers when Gorgeous-sorry, Aaron,-Hamill comes off the ground with slight concussion. What sort of a neutral spectator is he if he cheers injured players off? Carlton supporters around me are not pleased with this reaction. My friends Katrina, Jo, and Rhiannon are not pleased either. Then it is on. The crowd jeer at Essenscum, call him every degrading name under the sun and throw beer cups at his head. I duck, and a meat pie gets him where the sun don't shine.
At the end of the game he is elated. I wonder why. His team has not won here today.
He has been publicly humiliated.
I am not wearing either Carlton nor Mlebourne colours. I am dressed in black pants, sky blue top and black jacket. However, the Essenscum still says hello. Ben tells him to go away. (I could write something else here, but I do not wish to be censored. )
We are disappointed with the loss, but there is a second chance. So we move on with our lives. But the Essenscum cannot. He stays at the G long into the night, and is finally ejected by security, drunk, disorderly, and with mince from the pie smeared on the seat of his pants.

And that was my day at the footy.