I saw you Dan

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Jun 28, 2000
I have been away on business in America. I return on Saturday and make my way to the MCG on Sunday. I have fantastic seats. This cannot make up for the fact that the place reeks of Essenscum (Dan, if you can do it, I can do it better). I make my way to the food area to buy a Mt. Franklin water. It is outrageously priced. I wonder if the Essendon supporters have contaminated it. I think twice about buying it. But I do. On the way back to my seat I see it - the Essenscum supporter standing alone in the crowd. The Essenscum sticks out like a sore thumb. He has no friends around him. How did he get into the ground. My boyfriend Ben and I shake our heads in disbelief, then laugh. He is singing the Essenscum theme song. We relaise he is a fool, but he does not. I sit down, and a thought comes to me. The stupid Essenscum supporter must be, has to be, DAN24.
The Essendon supporter cheers when Gorgeous-sorry, Aaron,-Hamill comes off the ground with slight concussion. What sort of a neutral spectator is he if he cheers injured players off? Carlton supporters around me are not pleased with this reaction. My friends Katrina, Jo, and Rhiannon are not pleased either. Then it is on. The crowd jeer at Essenscum, call him every degrading name under the sun and throw beer cups at his head. I duck, and a meat pie gets him where the sun don't shine.
At the end of the game he is elated. I wonder why. His team has not won here today.
He has been publicly humiliated.
I am not wearing either Carlton nor Mlebourne colours. I am dressed in black pants, sky blue top and black jacket. However, the Essenscum still says hello. Ben tells him to go away. (I could write something else here, but I do not wish to be censored. )
We are disappointed with the loss, but there is a second chance. So we move on with our lives. But the Essenscum cannot. He stays at the G long into the night, and is finally ejected by security, drunk, disorderly, and with mince from the pie smeared on the seat of his pants.

And that was my day at the footy.

Wish it was me, but it wasn't. I was sitting on the 4th deck of the Southern Stand, I was giving hell to all the Carlscum filth around me. But not to the extent that you mention.

Unfortunately, there were more Melbourne supporters around me. I prefer there to more Carlton, so that my heckling of them can be heard.

(I'm actually not as bad as you might think)

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Oh before I forget. I saw you too Julia........ Now where was it???????

Oh yeah Harrys Practice!!
Pretty bitter and twisted stuff there Julia... any of it based in reality?

Having spent some time in Brunswick, Carlton and North Melbourne I know all about arrogant, ill-informed & unattractive behaviour from football supporters... funny thing though - most of them were Carlscum (hence the lifelong distaste).

How can you even think of playing the tryhard-sophisticated-pretentious-Carlscum-mutton-dressed-up-as-lamb-higher-moral-ground card ("I've been away on business in America, I drink Mt Franklin Mineral Water rather than that loathesome beer, and I don't wear any football related clothing at the footy because I'm a frontrunner") when the focal point of your odious club, your lovely president, is a groping recidivist, a bigot and a drunk... and frankly the embodiment of everything embarrassing about the Ugly Australian stereotype?

Hope to see you at the game in a week and half. I'll definitely be there. Will you?
If you do make it I'd advise wearing the safe neutral colours again - these may come in very handy.

All the very best sweetheart


PS. Nothing less than Pellegrino's shurely)
That's a pretty good post Dutchman,

I'd also like to know why she wasn't wearing any Calscum merchandise. I'm not surprised, as I'd be embarassed to wear it too.

Anyway, Hirdhasbigears, I'll probably be sitting on the 3rd level of the Southern stand (called level 2A in front of the superboxes), for Carltons match (loss) against Brisbane. Come say hello. I'll probably sledge you, and send you away in tears.

Then you'll come crying back to me, when you realise how good looking we Essendon supporters are (particularly me), and we can go back to my place for a bit of you know what.......

Then we'll have kids that are half Carlton, and half Essendon, which is unacceptable, so I'll have to dump you, before anything gets too serious. Don't take the dumping personally, but a half Carlton/Essendon kid is a mutant (the Carlton half anyway), and is a menace to society. It's for your own good.
The reason I was not wearing any Carlton merchandise, for the first time this year I might add, was because I was on my way to a business dinner after the game. Some people would just not go to the football if they had other such places to attend but I, being a loyal supporter, went. I drink Mt. Franklin STILL SPRING (NOT mineral) water because I don't want to get the zits you have all over your oily skin and water keeps your skin healthy, and I was away on business in America because my job required I do so, not because I am a frontrunner.
And I am not a frontrunner. I stayed and saw my team lose last week. I wasn't good but I stayed. Now that is a loyal supporter.
Dan, even though it was not you it just shows what a disgraceful group of people Essendon supporters actually are.
Dutchman, sweetheart, my Carlton scarf certainly came in handy last year. Don't forget, darling, history repeats itself.
As for the person (if that's what you are) making degrading remarks about Anthony Koutoufides, we all realise that you are just jealous of his football prowess and wish it was you who was the Brownlow favorite. But, sadly, you run around suburbia trying to look good whilst the crowd laughs at umpires but in fact, the crowd aren't laughing at the umpires, they're laughing about how big your butt looks in your shorts.
I don't know how you could say Anthony Koutoufides is homosexual without actually having experienced an interlude with him yourself. If you knew him you'd realise he's actually a lovely person who treats people with kindness and respect but then again you wouldn't know about that either.
And it wasn't Harry's Practice you saw me on, it was actally RPA. I'm the nurse who did your vasectomy, teeny peeny.

On a final note, carn Blues for tomorrow and go the gorgeous Hawk boys for tonight! (except Paul Salmon and Daniel Harford ewww!)


PS. Dan I wouldn't go out with a w***er like you even if my life depended on it. Think I'd want my kids to be feral Essendon supporters? As if! Next time you want to reveal your fantasies online though, go to your home page www.get-a-life-you-loser.com
Luv Jules
So, explain again just why you couldn't wear your scarf? Surely it would complement the ensemble you earlier described...... And you could take it off before the business dinner?

Sounds like an excuse not to show your colours if you ask me.....
I'm shocked to witness this unseemly spat, especially from la femme.

Fortunately we don't allow tradespersons or women in at the club. It makes for a much more respectful environment.

As for that bounder Elliot. Typical behavior from a boy from a LESSER private school - they try ( oh how they try ) but ... let's face it .. class will out.

Now if he had been in some trouble with some high spirited chaps, that's PERFECTLY understandable .. could happen to anyone ( cough ! ).
Fair reply Jules. Unexpected depth there.

Best of luck to your chaps tomorrow and we'll hopefully see you next week... furtively trying to stuff your scarf into your shoulderbag as you try to sneak away from Jolimont around 3qtr time...

As I have said many times already here, one has to respect Carlton's achievements this year in light of some deficiencies in your list and you can't be counted out just yet... but I wouldn't hold your breathe...

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Julia i love that name. Anyways i think you may have been a little rude but you seem to be paying for it with such great comebacks like the jump out of a cake one. That was pretty damn funny hehehehe. Anyways cmon Blues beat the pants off brissy and give a good game of football next week with the dons. If Brisbane win they'll just get rolled by essendon, i want an interesting match.
Why do Carlton seem to think history will repeat ?

Ever heard that song by that Aussie band ? The songs goes : "history never repeats. I tell myself, before I go to sleep."

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I saw you Dan

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