Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack.

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Are you really that dim, having Hamas Intelligence units etc under a public Hospital is a massive human shield...

Explain how this excuses killing civilians.
Explain how this excuses killing civilians.

It doesn’t? Civilian casualties are an act of war..go look at every other war in history. It’s horrible..but it happens unfortunately.
Hamas also knew this would happen and don’t care that so many civilians are now dying. They ARE using humans shields. They don’t care for any civilians.
Israel sent warnings-no other army EVER does that. Hamas put blockades in keeping their so called loving people in areas, even shoot their own people for coercing.

Reading your comment again- The same could also be said for Hamas killing civilians when this is their ‘sole intention’ on earth, brainwashed from birth.
It doesn’t? Civilian casualties are an act of war..go look at every other war in history. It’s horrible..but it happens unfortunately.
Hamas also knew this would happen and don’t care that so many civilians are now dying. They ARE using humans shields. They don’t care for any civilians.
Israel sent warnings-no other army EVER does that. Hamas put blockades in keeping their so called loving people in areas, even shoot their own people for coercing.

Reading your comment again- The same could also be said for Hamas killing civilians when this is their ‘sole intention’ on earth, brainwashed from birth.

Hamas are a terrorist organisation. Netanyahu and his govt have positioned themselves as a terrorist state. There is no "Yes, but...".

Just equivalence of action and no care for the deliberate deaths of innocent non-combatants

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It doesn’t? Civilian casualties are an act of war..go look at every other war in history. It’s horrible..but it happens unfortunately.
Hamas also knew this would happen and don’t care that so many civilians are now dying. They ARE using humans shields. They don’t care for any civilians.
Israel sent warnings-no other army EVER does that. Hamas put blockades in keeping their so called loving people in areas, even shoot their own people for coercing.

Reading your comment again- The same could also be said for Hamas killing civilians when this is their ‘sole intention’ on earth, brainwashed from birth.

Explain whats happening in the West Bank then. Is Israel the innocent victim there as well?
What side uses there own people (Palestinians) as human shields?, what side uses suicide bombers?, what side sets up their headquarters and hideaways under public buildings like hospitals and heavily populated areas etc?...
Yes Hamas are bad, they also slaughtered innocent people inside of Israel and are denying their “people” basic services. They are terrorists.

Now we got that out of the way (which pretty much everyone on this already acknowledges) what’s your opinion on a so called modern ally of the west that is currently levelling an area with 2M civilians?

Any opinion on the kids having bombs dropped on their heads using bombs produced by our friends?

Any opinion on Israel settling the West Bank and killing civilians without a care (have you seen the video of children being shot?)

Any opinion on the Palestinians being imprisoned without charges?

Any opinion on what the Israeli government are publicly saying about their intentions in Gaza and the West Bank? Or Israeli citizens openly calling for genocide?

Or all of this is ok with you because Hamas are terrorists? Israel have no choice to do this in your brain?
Explain whats happening in the West Bank then. Is Israel the innocent victim there as well?

You’re not worth responding to after reading every single one of your posts that are 100% incorrect and laughable. So whatever I say, you’ll find a way to argue that the sky isn’t blue. Exactly like my last one..

I don’t even know what you are referring to specifically, my post has nothing to do with the West Bank?! It doesn’t change what I said?For the record I don’t agree with everything Israel does. But why does my opinion matter?

If I post this article Al Jazeera posts blurred doll, claims it to be a dead Palestinian baby

You’ll no doubt argue and say the baby was probably real or it’s just propaganda bla bla rabble rabble
Explain how this excuses killing civilians.
It doesn't but who started this, do you honestly believe Hamas didn't know there would be large scale retaliation when they carried out their barbaric actions, of course they did and don't try and tell me they didn't know it would result in deaths of many innocent Palestinians because of it.
You’re not worth responding to after reading every single one of your posts that are 100% incorrect and laughable. So whatever I say, you’ll find a way to argue that the sky isn’t blue. Exactly like my last one..

I don’t even know what you are referring to specifically, my post has nothing to do with the West Bank?! It doesn’t change what I said?For the record I don’t agree with everything Israel does. But why does my opinion matter?

If I post this article Al Jazeera posts blurred doll, claims it to be a dead Palestinian baby

You’ll no doubt argue and say the baby was probably real or it’s just propaganda bla bla rabble rabble

JPost is propaganda. Israel is a propaganda state. There is even a specific name for Israeli propaganda - hasbara.

Are you going to point to a calendar on the wall next? Wednesday BAD!
It doesn't but who started this

Netanyahu encouraging illegal settlement of Palestinian areas, and IDF looking the other way when Palestinian farmers are killed on their own land. Or the conflicts in the 60s, then 73. This didn't start on Oct 7. And it will likely never end.

Violence begets violence. And those pulling the strings on either side have no desire for a peaceful settlement.
Crazy reports on abc.net.au today.

Israel has arrested over 3000 Palestinians in the West Bank in less than two months, this on top of the roughly 300 Palestinians killed in the West Bank by the IDF and settlers since the war began.

3000, its kind of like, using the war as a distraction for the removal of Palestinians from a territory they wish to occupy.


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Netanyahu encouraging illegal settlement of Palestinian areas, and IDF looking the other way when Palestinian farmers are killed on their own land. Or the conflicts in the 60s, then 73. This didn't start on Oct 7. And it will likely never end.

Violence begets violence. And those pulling the strings on either side have no desire for a peaceful settlement.
Somebody needs to step in and stop it. America tells Israel they can't have all they want. Those in America lobbying the US government are very culpable as well.
As for Hamas, I guess Qatar or somebody needs to tell them to release all hostages immediately, and don't fire any rockets at Israel, Israel to release all the Palestinians who haven't faced a trial.
Won't happen of course, but thats what I think.
Somebody needs to step in and stop it. America tells Israel they can't have all they want. Those in America lobbying the US government are very culpable as well.
As for Hamas, I guess Qatar or somebody needs to tell them to release all hostages immediately, and don't fire any rockets at Israel, Israel to release all the Palestinians who haven't faced a trial.
Won't happen of course, but thats what I think.

I think most people would like to see that. The chances of it happening are remote. So people continue to die, the desire for revenge keeps growing, hatred rolls on, and anyone striving for peace on either side or externally are sidelined.

Humanity, eh... what a species? ☹
Hamas weren't even in existence when this started.
You know very well I was referring to the October 7 attack on the musical festival and the launching of thousands of missiles at Israel from the Gaza strip by the Hamas terrorists...
You know very well I was referring to the October 7 attack on the musical festival and the launching of thousands of missiles at Israel from the Gaza strip by the Hamas terrorists...

Oh it started way before October 7. Decades.

But here's some numbers from more recent times.

Yes Hamas are bad, they also slaughtered innocent people inside of Israel and are denying their “people” basic services. They are terrorists.

Now we got that out of the way (which pretty much everyone on this already acknowledges) what’s your opinion on a so called modern ally of the west that is currently levelling an area with 2M civilians?

Any opinion on the kids having bombs dropped on their heads using bombs produced by our friends?

Any opinion on Israel settling the West Bank and killing civilians without a care (have you seen the video of children being shot?)

Any opinion on the Palestinians being imprisoned without charges?

Any opinion on what the Israeli government are publicly saying about their intentions in Gaza and the West Bank? Or Israeli citizens openly calling for genocide?

Or all of this is ok with you because Hamas are terrorists? Israel have no choice to do this in your brain?

Holocaust Survivor
22nd July, 2014

As a Jewish youngster growing up in Budapest, an infant survivor of the Nazi genocide, I was for years haunted by a question resounding in my brain with such force that sometimes my head would spin: ‘How was it possible? How could the world have let such horrors happen?’

It was a naïve question, that of a child. I know better now: such is reality. Whether in Vietnam or Rwanda or Syria, humanity stands by either complicitly or unconsciously or helplessly, as it always does. In Gaza today we find ways of justifying the bombing of hospitals, the annihilation of families at dinner, the killing of pre-adolescents playing soccer on a beach. …

There is no understanding Gaza out of context – Hamas rockets or unjustifiable terrorist attacks on civilians – and that context is the longest ongoing ethnic cleansing operation in the recent and present centuries, the ongoing attempt to destroy Palestinian nationhood.

The Palestinians use tunnels? So did my heroes, the poorly armed fighters of the Warsaw Ghetto. Unlike Israel, Palestinians lack Apache helicopters, guided drones, jet fighters with bombs, laser-guided artillery. Out of impotent defiance, they fire inept rockets, causing terror for innocent Israelis but rarely physical harm. With such a gross imbalance of power, there is no equivalence of culpability. …

And what shall we do, we ordinary people? I pray we can listen to our hearts. My heart tells me that ‘never again’ is not a tribal slogan, that the murder of my grandparents in Auschwitz does not justify the ongoing dispossession of Palestinians, that justice, truth, peace are not tribal prerogatives. That Israel’s ‘right to defend itself,’ unarguable in principle, does not validate mass killing.

Dr. Gabor Mate
It doesn't but who started this, do you honestly believe Hamas didn't know there would be large scale retaliation when they carried out their barbaric actions, of course they did and don't try and tell me they didn't know it would result in deaths of many innocent Palestinians because of it.
Israel did .

It is called the Nakba and they started it in 1948. Its never stopped.
It doesn’t? Civilian casualties are an act of war..go look at every other war in history. It’s horrible..but it happens unfortunately.
Hamas also knew this would happen and don’t care that so many civilians are now dying. They ARE using humans shields. They don’t care for any civilians.
Israel sent warnings-no other army EVER does that. Hamas put blockades in keeping their so called loving people in areas, even shoot their own people for coercing.

Reading your comment again- The same could also be said for Hamas killing civilians when this is their ‘sole intention’ on earth, brainwashed from birth.

Israel is a rogue state.

Hamas may be a pack of campaigners but all they've done is stand up to a rogue state that commits more and more war crimes every year.

"They sent warnings" You know what, campaigners who beat their wives to death usually send warnings too. Do you support them as well?
It doesn’t? Civilian casualties are an act of war..go look at every other war in history. It’s horrible..but it happens unfortunately.
Hamas also knew this would happen and don’t care that so many civilians are now dying. They ARE using humans shields. They don’t care for any civilians.
Israel sent warnings-no other army EVER does that. Hamas put blockades in keeping their so called loving people in areas, even shoot their own people for coercing.

Reading your comment again- The same could also be said for Hamas killing civilians when this is their ‘sole intention’ on earth, brainwashed from birth.
The so called doll has a name.

You're a disgrace.
Israel did .

It is called the Nakba and they started it in 1948. Its never stopped.
Al Jazeera your source of info I'm assuming?

Conflicts started long before 1948.

For example, go back to the 1929 violent riots by Arabs, which forced Jews to completely leave Gaza and other parts of Israel. Following these riots, and the death of nearly 135 Jews, the British prohibited Jews from living in Gaza to quell tension and appease the Arabs.

You could even go as far back to 600AD, when the Arabs colonised the area during the Islamic conquests shortly after the death of Mohammed.

Also regarding the "Nakba" - Do a little more research and you'll find that in 1948 the Arabs refused UN resolution 181, then invaded Israel with the intention of wiping it off the map. However they subsequently lost and in the process displaced a bunch of Arabs as they ran or were expelled from captured territory. That is the reason most of the Arabs were displaced. Of course Al Jazeera won't tell you that. Some Arabs did remain, and that is why ~15% of Israeli citizens are Arabs. They enjoy equal rights as Jews and many are doctors, lawyers, some are in parliament and many serve in the IDF.

Regardless of the above, the idea of "who started it" is a moot point, and completely irrelevant to what's happening today. Both Jews and Arabs have claims to the land, but there will be never be any peace in the area while Hamas are in power and brainwashing Palestinian kids.

I'd suggest you go and have a read of their charter. It says "Israel will exist and will continue to exit until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it"
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