Rumour Nadia Bartel on the nose beers and breaching lockdown rules.

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Whoop de doo she's doing coke, like who f*n cares except those with boring lives.

Wow tho at the clear footage of her doing it however, like seriously? She's going to get reamed by the media.

Yeah honestly though it's not the coke that'd be getting a reaction from most people, it's the likely lockdown breach. Everyone else sits at home, but she's above the rules?

I'm not in Victoria and I truly sympathise for those struggling in lockdown, but snorting coke with your WAG friends is a massive slap in the face to those struggling with mental health issues in lockdown. The shadow pandemic is kids struggling, but it could just as easily be the rich and entitled ******* everyone over time and time again.
Seriously, if she's coking up, then getting behind the wheel, what a selfish dumb tart putting others at risk.

As a parent, you'd hope she's not getting high as a kite with the kids around, would deserve to lose custody rights.

Nah, only a North Korean dictator would change custody rights over something as minor as kids safety. I sure hope no dictator premier prioritises citizens safety over freedoms. I wanna snort coke and drive, let me.
Wonder what is more likely to negatively impact kids? Home schooling with no nanny around to look after you (due to lockdown rules) while your insta famous Mum swans around promoting god knows what or seeing said Mum snorting drugs with a bunch of other attention seeking vapid floozies?
Genuine question, asking for a friend...

Love it!

Let me know if you ever get an answer.
If you film your friends doing things in private that could get them in trouble and it gets out (whether you meant it to or not), you’re a narc.


And considering we all know this would be at minimum a monthly occurrence, why the * would they film it?

I don't film having a drink at the pub with mates.

I guess the consequences are minor, but still.
In a post on her Instagram account on Friday evening, Bartel said she was “embarrassed and remorseful” for her actions.

“I have let you all down by my actions,” she wrote.

Seriously anybody who feels letdown by a nobody they have never met needs to make better life choices.
Honestly looks like a deliberate setup and leak, perhaps a cry for attention.

Seriously though, it's time for a rebuild. Can we get a new generation of WAGs? These idiots are years past their use-by date.

Or are the younger generation just not that bothered with this crap?

ye it does look that way otherwise she has some shitty friends
I've never had an interest in doing any of the stuff myself but for some strange reason I have always found women attractive when they do it. I guess I just like rule breakers while breaking no rules of my own.
Not odd at all.... jimmy knew what he was doing

(sorry mucked up the reply ... was in response to Jim's wholesome family pic on the same day this happened)
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No idea why blokes don’t find her attractive?
I saw the nude photo, one of the most unattractive bodies I've seen. She has baseball-sized **** near her armpits. How a cosmetic surgeon can sign off on that is beyond me. If a woman wants to do that to herself she has serious issues.
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