Opinion Rank these players in order from 1-6: Gary Ablett Jnr, Nathan Buckley,James Hird, Chris Judd, Dustin Martin, Michael Voss

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You've screwed up the analysis again.

Ollie Wines shares the meaningless record for most votes in a Brownlow for starters .. Ollie f'n Wines. You don't get an extra award for getting record votes.

Record votes in finals MVP is meaningless. You don't get any award for the record votes... You still just get an MVP in finals. Etc etc.
Ns... we've covered this but you won't listen. Winning awards for a performance in 1 game is in no way comparable to an award given for performance across an entire season.
Sorry but his record just doesn't stack up to the others.

1. It’s still the equal record better than anybody bar wines could muster

2. I did not mention votes in finals MVP. It’s the amount of times that’s the record

3. 3x NS is the record. This is significant as nobody else has done it.

I know it’s hard going up against the GOAT finals player with the GOAT season but would you like to try again?

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Don't agree. Rarely is a bnf awarded to someone who doesn't deserve it.

Also the Mathews award only goes from 2002. Buckley won the equivalent MVP award before that.
Never said they don’t deserve it, but when you are splitting the elite players of the comp it’s irrelevant, 18 players win a BNF every year, plenty of average footballers have won a BNF.
So you're working out the retrospective Gary Ayres Medallists, though only giving votes to the top 3 on the ground (instead of 5), and giving a 1.5 rating for the Grand Final that was only introduced in 2022?

Why don't you just do it properly?

The expectation is that you do it properly, and then give the final top 3 players for each of the finals series between 2007 and 2010.

Do it properly or don't bother doing it at all.
Interesting that he's decided to apply a combination of NS voting to EVERY final but then also 2022 onwards Gary Ayres 1.5x weighting for Grand Finals.

Sounds like someone is a little scared of using a) the 1-5 voting used to decide Ayres medalists and b) the standard GF weighting that was used for all of Martin's Ayres Medals.

It's all good I'll make the corrections. If a 1-5 aren't supplied then his submission will automatically give Ablett a "2" as we will assume that's why it was excluded.
Ok, hopefully Mr Meow reads this so he doesn’t have a sook on Monday.

But if you are so desperate to include 4th-6th place for votes then what does that say about GAJs finals record if he has to rely on that. Not good I would say. Nobody cares/remembers about 4th-6th place.

Just as predicted.

At least you pretended you were going to watch those finals (most of them for the first time). Proud of you.
Wasn't there a story about R Harvey jumping off his kitchen table to fix an injury by injuring himself more to fix the original injury?
If I recall the story correctly, he’d partly injured his Achilles but it wasn’t injured enough to require surgery. Instead of limping through a season, he jumped off the table to snap it and get the surgery.

No idea if true or not but I’ve heard the story as well.
It's new thread to carry on the dick measuring contest between Richmond and Geelong supporters from the Dusty threads.

Here, the Collingwood, Lions, Eagles, Carlton, Essendon fans can all join in.

They are the best of the best Midfielders who plyed their footy in the 21st Century.

They've won 8 brownlows and 6 Norm Smiths between them.

Gaz Jnr comes 1st and the rest you can throw a blanket over, hard to split.

It wil come down to leadership qualities, carrying your team over the line, Skills and toughness, performances in big games, indvidual awards etc.

Each of these six have their own claim to be the best.

Gaz jnr the most consistent and dominant over a long period, Buckley the most skillful and the best kick, Hird the most versatile, Judd the most explosive and probably had the highest peak. Martin, undoubtebly the best big game performer, Vossy the toughest and the best leader.

How would you rank them over their careers?

For me, I'm leaning towards.

1 Gary Ablett Jnr
2. Voss
4. Hird
5. Buckley
6. Judd
Mine was very similar to yours.
Interesting that he's decided to apply a combination of NS voting to EVERY final but then also 2022 onwards Gary Ayres 1.5x weighting for Grand Finals.

Sounds like someone is a little scared of using a) the 1-5 voting used to decide Ayres medalists and b) the standard GF weighting that was used for all of Martin's Ayres Medals.

It's all good I'll make the corrections. If a 1-5 aren't supplied then his submission will automatically give Ablett a "2" as we will assume that's why it was excluded.

Don’t worry about it I’m not doing it. Doing votes after 3rd place is dumb. They become less accurate and I don’t want whinging from you if I don’t give Ablett 5th spot in a final which could pretty much go to anybody.

What’s also funny is that you are actually the scared one for not using the GF weighting system. I wonder why?

Your “corrections” again you are claiming your opinion as fact like Fadge like a child

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Don’t worry about it I’m not doing it. Doing votes after 3rd place is dumb. They become less accurate and I don’t want whinging from you if I don’t give Ablett 5th spot in a final which could pretty much go to anybody.
How often are there a clear best 3 players on the ground?

For example, using the 2009 Norm Smith voting you shared, Chapman and Gram were the clear best and second best, but who gets third best?

Taylor was voted best on by one judge, but didn't get any votes from any other judge. Does he automatically get the one vote, despite two of the judges having GAJ in their top 3?

Or do you find another player to give the one vote to, because you and the Rance fanbois have spent the past two months talking down the career of Harry Taylor in another thread, and it would be wrong of you to give votes to either GAJ or Taylor?

To be honest, it really wouldn't matter what your conclusion was, given more rational and informed posters have already done the assessments, and concluded GAJ was in the top 3 players across each of the finals series between 2007 and 2010, and would have won at least one, probably two, and possibly three Gary Ayres Medals in the time. In a much stronger team against much stronger finals opposition than Martin faced.

Not bad for a player who shat the bed in 75% of his finals games....
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Never said they don’t deserve it, but when you are splitting the elite players of the comp it’s irrelevant, 18 players win a BNF every year, plenty of average footballers have won a BNF.
Some elite players are judged to be their club champion in 6 seasons, some only in 2. I hardly think that irrelevant in trying to rank their playing careers.
1. It’s still the equal record better than anybody bar wines could muster

2. I did not mention votes in finals MVP. It’s the amount of times that’s the record

3. 3x NS is the record. This is significant as nobody else has done it.

I know it’s hard going up against the GOAT finals player with the GOAT season but would you like to try again?
Finally you've accepted defeat and changed your argument to Dusty is the goat finals player with the goat season.

These qualifications make your position sensible. We can all move on now I think.
Ollie Wines shares the meaningless record for most votes in a Brownlow for starters .. Ollie f'n Wines. You don't get an extra award for getting record votes.

Ollie Wines is a gun, anyone that disputes his season is just a jealous hater who must have lost money in backing their preference. Even Nathan Brown says to gamble responsibly!!!
How often are there a clear best 3 players on the ground?

For example, using the 2009 Norm Smith voting you shared, Chapman and Gram were the clear best and second best, but who gets third best?

Taylor was voted best on by one judge, but didn't get any votes from any other judge. Does he automatically get the one vote, despite two of the judges having GAJ in their top 3?

Or do you find another player to give the one vote to, because you and the Rance fanbois have spent the past two months talking down the career of Harry Taylor in another thread, and it would be wrong of you to give votes to either GAJ or Taylor?

To be honest, it really wouldn't matter what your conclusion was, given more rational and informed posters have already done the assessments, and concluded GAJ was in the top 3 players across each of the finals series between 2007 and 2010, and would have won at least one, probably two, and possibly three Gary Ayres Medals in the time. In a much stronger team against much stronger finals opposition than Martin faced.

Not bad for a player who shat the bed in 75% of his finals games....

Chapman, Bartel, Stevie J are all considered better finals players than Ablett and that’s just from his own team.
Cleared what one up.

‘Gary Ablett junior flopped in 75 per cent of his biggest games.’

Your words not mine.

You gave GAS





So he had a 25% great game rate. This is now cleared up.

We disagree in GAJ but even you went

Good (with 19 and 1 lol)


Great (with 25 and 1 lol)


So that’s a 50% great game rate. (Really should be 25% idk how tf 25 and 1 is great)
You gave GAS





So he had a 25% great game rate. This is now cleared up.

We disagree in GAJ but even you went

Good (with 19 and 1 lol)


Great (with 25 and 1 lol)


So that’s a 50% great game rate. (Really should be 25% idk how tf 25 and 1 is great)

You said he flopped in 75 per cent of his biggest games you dipsh*t 😂😂

In other words that he failed.
That he played poorly. That he disappeared. I don’t care what you think of my rating system. You know f*k all about the game anyway which has been made pretty clear to anyone who’s ever read your drivel so the onus isn’t on me to prove anything regardless. However when you make a claim like ‘this person has failed 3/4 times he’s played a grand final, I’d have thought that when they’ve picked up norm smith medal votes in 2 of those games, your argument is, you know, pretty much….. shat out the arseh*le or whatever animal has just picked it up and swallowed it 😂😂😂😂

Mate. Here’s a tip.

Watch the games you’re talking about.
Chapman, Bartel, Stevie J are all considered better finals players than Ablett and that’s just from his own team.
Not by me.

And not by the Geelong supporters posting in these threads.

And not by people I know who understand football and watched the 2007 to 2010 finals series'.

They're all great finals players, but GAJ was #1 during the 2007 to 2010 period.

Though happy for you to share any 'analysis' that concludes otherwise, and not just a throwaway statement....
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You said he flopped in 75 per cent of his biggest games you dipsh*t

In other words that he failed.
That he played poorly. That he disappeared. I don’t care what you think of my rating system. You know f*k all about the game anyway which has been made pretty clear to anyone who’s ever read your drivel so the onus isn’t on me to prove anything regardless. However when you make a claim like ‘this person has failed 3/4 times he’s played a grand final, I’d have thought that when they’ve picked up norm smith medal votes in 2 of those games, your argument is, you know, pretty much….. shat out the a-hole or whatever animal has just picked it up and swallowed it

Mate. Here’s a tip.

Watch the games you’re talking about.

Mate I have, out of 8 GFs for both Ablett’s we’ve exactly agreed on 6/8. Take away the pumping up of 07 and 09 and we are golden.

I might be harsh but only playing “good” when you are the best player in the match is a flop.

You just like to live in a world where nobody points out the Abletts deficiencies. It’s ok, we know.

Opinion Rank these players in order from 1-6: Gary Ablett Jnr, Nathan Buckley,James Hird, Chris Judd, Dustin Martin, Michael Voss

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