Autopsy Round 22, 2023 : Hawks leash the Dogs

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Newcombe is elite and the rest are just catching up on it. But this was the Jacob Koschitzke game. His best yet.
Neuc was BOG by a country mile, but I agree Kosi was fantastic.

I think it was Kosi’s best game eclipsing his 5 goal effort. Maybe a little grippo on his hands makes the difference (not sure if he is using it)

Many of the marking players seem to use it.

Whatever happened to make Kosi play as well as he did, I hope he keeps doing it.
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Umps made a mistake there as with the sicily kick out non 50m penalty.

The law on bringing stretchers on says that if a player is in possesion when play is stopped that they get a free when play resumes. The rule on throwing it up explicitly mentions its not done if a player is in possession near an injured player.
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What's just so frustrating about the Sicily non-50 at the kick-in and the Worpel non-free when Libba was injured, is that they should be clear cut simple decisions if the umpire knows the rules. No need to be open to any interpretation.

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What a tremendous win by the team yesterday. Got jumped at the beginning of the game and made some really sloppy errors in the first quarter. Wrestled back momentum and control in the 2nd and 3rr before showing mental toughness to hold on and win it in a nail biter.

Duke showed that he's a bona fide star to the rest of the competition. He's tough, courageous and skillful. Loved his goal on the run.

Nash went to Bont again and won the battle. I've always been a Nash fan, but he's meteoric rise as an important part of our midfield is credit to Sammy Mitchell and Andy Collins.

Kosi's hands yesterday were tremendous and he continued to attack the ball and clunk those grabs when we needed them. His confidence looks up and he's playing that way.

Croc's work rate, along with Moore's were excellent and went a long way to us winning.

Amon back in the team gave us great drive but also composure. A terrific free agent signing.

Reeves got the better of English. Noodles 3 best games have been as the sole ruckman and since his suspension, he's really trying to make every game a winner.

Blanck stopped Naughton having an impact, while Scrimma is continuing to grow into the role of a key defensive player. Has always had the ball playing ability, but is adding that defensive pressure to almost every contest he's involved in.

Will Day is our modern version of Silk. Can be plugged and played into any role in the team and do it to aplomb.

Love watching this team continue to develop and grow under the coaches. Think the benefits of having teachers in the coaching group is invaluable to the young group as they continue to learn and implement the style of play Sam wants.
What a tremendous win by the team yesterday. Got jumped at the beginning of the game and made some really sloppy errors in the first quarter. Wrestled back momentum and control in the 2nd and 3rr before showing mental toughness to hold on and win it in a nail biter.

Duke showed that he's a bona fide star to the rest of the competition. He's tough, courageous and skillful. Loved his goal on the run.

Nash went to Bont again and won the battle. I've always been a Nash fan, but he's meteoric rise as an important part of our midfield is credit to Sammy Mitchell and Andy Collins.

Kosi's hands yesterday were tremendous and he continued to attack the ball and clunk those grabs when we needed them. His confidence looks up and he's playing that way.

Croc's work rate, along with Moore's were excellent and went a long way to us winning.

Amon back in the team gave us great drive but also composure. A terrific free agent signing.

Reeves got the better of English. Noodles 3 best games have been as the sole ruckman and since his suspension, he's really trying to make every game a winner.

Blanck stopped Naughton having an impact, while Scrimma is continuing to grow into the role of a key defensive player. Has always had the ball playing ability, but is adding that defensive pressure to almost every contest he's involved in.

Will Day is our modern version of Silk. Can be plugged and played into any role in the team and do it to aplomb.

Love watching this team continue to develop and grow under the coaches. Think the benefits of having teachers in the coaching group is invaluable to the young group as they continue to learn and implement the style of play Sam wants.
Happy with your analysis.
my question is … and surely it is Sam’s…
From the 2nd Qtr the Hawks were the better team… so why did the Dogs get so close.
I feel like our forward pressure has improved a lot this year. At the beginning of the year it was bouncing straight out a lot and ironically we are playing taller now (3 legit talls now vs 1 resting ruck and 1 VFL tall in Greene). Am I reading this wrong? Any theories? I do see a real aerial threat now and less intercept marks. I love seeing Lewis up the ground more as I think this plays to his strengths. That only works if the other big fella’s are doing their job though and we have seen that recently with Kosi and DGB/Ryan. I do think this is the most exciting period of any team’s development - where it is starting the upswing. Go Hawks.
I reckon all the talk about Hawks giving finals a real shake in 2024 are a bit premature, but we are selling a great culture and exciting game plan to the rest of the comp.

Hopefully some FA's and trade targets are taking notice
12-13 wins makes the top 8.
We are on 7 wins with 2 games to go.
You think 5 more wins is beyond this group?
I don't.

I'm not expecting finals, but we're a good chance.
Great win! Really impressed to be able to back it up after last week.

Make no mistake, this game was won on pure workrate. We outran, outhunted, outchased and outspread the Dogs all day.

In a couple of years no team will be able to run with us. We have so many elite runners on the list and this has been a very clear direction under Sam Mitchell. To think that we’re doing this with the least number of pre-seasons under our belt in the entire league is scary. Going to be quite fun to watch in the near future.

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First stat shows why we kick the ball to Moore outnumbered in a foward line heaps, always running both ways.

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No, of course they don’t. They are idiots. On the AFL tit. Don’t question anything.
Would love to hear the the official explanation of Sicily’s tackle from behind in the protected area.
Think we will? Course not. It’s a stupid, corrupt organisation running this game. Dare to raise a voice, you will be shut out.

Particularly when 50 was paid in the Richmond game for a similar thing (player not clearing the protected area, play on called last, and kick taker was impeded)

It was definitely 50
I’m still reading through the comments, and this may have already been said, but this is the best commentary exchange of the year

Question: How do you stop Newcomb? The answer “put Finn Magginness on him.” 🤣

That was commentary GOLD!

I‘ll find the commentators… and edit this post.

It was a really witty piece of commentary. Summed up how the game way playing out without 10 mins of carryon
Just for fun let’s look at the group you highlighted in terms of their draft position.
Day= pick 13 (Apparently Port were dirty we got him and rightly so… but they did OK (not as good) with Bergman.
Neuc = Mid season draft. If he is not already, he will become the best MSD ever.
Moore = pick 67. Delisted and relisted by the Hawks. Now a genuine quality player.
Lewis = the last pick in the 2016 draft at 76. …. You said etc and I choose Sic as the etc.
Sicily = pick 53 in the 2013 draft.
Nash = a Cat B rookie on his way out the door until Sam put him into the midfield in the VFL. Now a quality mid.
Blank = a MSD
Mitchell = pick 29. Delisted but coming good.

and there are many more in our team. Breust being one.

The Hawks have a team of triumphs of effort, character and improvement over pure initial talent (=high draft picks in the national draft).

The Hawks are building a team under Mitchell that every other club should be astonished by and every future free agent should be scared by and want to be a part of.

While other rebuilding teams are languishing at the bottom with losses that no club supporter could easily stomach, the Hawks are the Youngest team in the comp beating teams in the top 8 for fun.

I came into this year thinking 5 wins was a pass. We have 7 wins, 4 against the best.

Whatever happens from today, Every free agent is now thinking the Hawks are THE destination club.
What about this team even more random in recruting last win under Clarko and completely outplayed the was a much more Clarko type win very defensive and choke them
In from that day. Reeves ward Blanck DGB cmac bmac Amon bruest a few more
Without talking about the usual suspects I certainly think Ward and MacDonald are coming on nicely also

Ward from memory had no preseason and had a mid season injury so for someone so young his probably playing underdone. Think he will be our most improved next year

Bramble and Frost out makes the team just look so much better. Not having a John Hay like liability down back makes our transition from defence far more deadly
Without talking about the usual suspects I certainly think Ward and MacDonald are coming on nicely also

Ward from memory had no preseason and had a mid season injury so for someone so young his probably playing underdone. Think he will be our most improved next year

Bramble and Frost out makes the team just look so much better. Not having a John Hay like liability down back makes our transition from defence far more deadly

Peak Jon Hay was a weapon
Why do they keep sending Fisher and that bald headed umpire to Launceston. I'm going to have a heart attack yelling abuse at them one of these days.

Boy oh boy Newc was awesome, and I really thought Ned held his own against English too.

Our skills looked way off in the first half, but the lads kept at it and got better as the game went on.

Enjoyable afternoon.
There are a few things that could have changed the scoreline a fair bit

The Sicily tackle in the goal square was BS. I'm really surprised/impressed that Sicily took it in his stride and didn't flip out.
The 15m pass to Breust that was actually totally fine.
A few of our kicks didn't make the distance and we didn't have anyone on the goal line to compete
Naughton was completely impotent in front of gol
We missed a couple of very gettable ones.

This could have been a really different game. Think we were all over them for 3/4

Autopsy Round 22, 2023 : Hawks leash the Dogs

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