Politics & Government Soon to be ex President Trump

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I'll be the first to admit, as opposed to Trump as I am, that the reaction from some has been embarrassing and actually encapsulates why he got elected in the first place.

Like it or lump it, he won a clear majority of states and a decent electoral college majority (if not the popular vote) and thrashing around calling everyone who voted for him stupid won't achieve anything except further embolden those who felt compelled to protest vote in the first place. People are pissed off and feeling disenfranchised; abusing or belittling them won't achieve anything.

However, some people still seem to only want to point out the hypocrisy and dummy spits. I'm really yet to see much that doesn't involve gifs, or memes having a loose relationship with the truth, or smarmy references to 'cucks' that articulates why his supporters think he is going to be good for the US.

I don't like the tenor of his changes so far. Muzzling the EPA is sinister and his stance on climate change deeply troubling given what all but the most blind denialists know. This immigration ban, as much as some want to say it is no different from what Obama did, goes well beyond that. I think the words of the Iranian foreign minister, in relation to the ban actually ring quite true; he said it is a gift to extremists and I fully agree with him. Mongrels like IS and al-Qaeda want Muslims in the West to be marginalised because it is completely inevitable that a bi-product of that is that Muslim communities will become more fertile ground for extremism. This absolutely plays into that marginalisation.

These reports of people in the Immigration department being told they might as well look for another job if they don't like the changes also jar. The public service is meant to have some degree of independence from the executive.
Some interesting comments the past few pages. Do those having a go at celebrities or Obama actually like what Trump is doing or just trying to call out hypocrisy?

It's the absolute hypocrisy that's the biggest issue.

You only have to look at how these Liberal women who make a song and dance about women turn on any woman who doesn't share their views.

Liberals in the US are making a big song and dance about immigrants yet constantly attacking Melania Trump. Perfect example, Chelsea Handler.

Acts outraged about the Trumps then attacks Melania by saying she can barely speak English. Can you imagine the outrage if Trump said someone could hardly speak English.

And then you have the women's march, some of the celebrity key note speakers are mentally unhinged. Madonna and Judd went full loco and the world saw their rants. Hollywood Liberals really do live in an echo chamber.

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Protests are working. Too chickenshit to visit a factory in Wisconsin (a state he won).


That just solidifies the views of those who voted for him. So bravo protesters.

All those people who work in that factory and all their families, they will look at who organised the protests and they will never support them or their views.

The protests won't change anyone's mind. They will just steel the resolve of those who put him into power.

The Liberals make the most noise in the US, but the silent voter just watches and remembers.
Inside deal, Hilary promised to not challenge Trump's legitimacy if he left her friends alone.
You're probably being sarcastic, but Saudi has been left alone and will continue to be left alone despite being the single biggest source of militant Islam for one reason and one reason only; oil.

Plus if they fall out with Saudi Arabia, paradoxically, containing the Jihadis becomes a fair bit harder in spite of the above.

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You're probably being sarcastic, but Saudi has been left alone and will continue to be left alone despite being the single biggest source of militant Islam for one reason and one reason only; oil.

Plus if they fall out with Saudi Arabia, paradoxically, containing the Jihadis becomes a fair bit harder in spite of the above.

Sarcasm ain't my thing, it was tongue in cheek :p
I think he just enforced what he could quickly to show he's following through on his election platform. I don't think they believe it's a good protection measure at all.

I actually think he's doing it quick so that once the 90 days is up he can declare he did what he said he would.

They'll probably have a few extra vetting procedures introduced by the end of it and he can walk away early in his tenure with a tick besides an election promise and it's a non issue come next election.
I'll be the first to admit, as opposed to Trump as I am, that the reaction from some has been embarrassing and actually encapsulates why he got elected in the first place.

Like it or lump it, he won a clear majority of states and a decent electoral college majority (if not the popular vote) and thrashing around calling everyone who voted for him stupid won't achieve anything except further embolden those who felt compelled to protest vote in the first place. People are pissed off and feeling disenfranchised; abusing or belittling them won't achieve anything.

However, some people still seem to only want to point out the hypocrisy and dummy spits. I'm really yet to see much that doesn't involve gifs, or memes having a loose relationship with the truth, or smarmy references to 'cucks' that articulates why his supporters think he is going to be good for the US.
Agree with all of this. It's quite pathetic, really. News media has reached saturation point - already too much information for people to process, much of isn't news, but party propaganda - the traditional news outlets have become somewhat irrelevant . This means they too now have to provide hysterical, sensationalist coverage of normal events in order to maintain their market share.

Past presidents (and Aussie prime ministers) pulled all kinds of shit, but they never received the same degree of scrutiny which the Trump administration is currently undergoing. The whole thing is laughable. I'm astounded by how sucked in everyone has become. e.g. People rioting in the streets of London over an American president blocking immigration from Syria. o_O

Get a f**ken grip on yourselves, people. This is exactly the type of controversy which Trump was hoping for. Get everyone screaming about Muslim immigrants & Islamic terrorism, or waffling on about the wall on the Mexican border. And meanwhile his government gets busy dismantling many of the impediments to big business (such as the EPA, minimum wage and corporate taxes.)

I don't like the tenor of his changes so far. Muzzling the EPA is sinister and his stance on climate change deeply troubling given what all but the most blind denialists know.
There is nothing "sinister" about it. Trump and people of his ilk simply don't give a flying f**k about the environment. Environmental concerns just get in the way of their ability to make huge profits.

This immigration ban, as much as some want to say it is no different from what Obama did, goes well beyond that. I think the words of the Iranian foreign minister, in relation to the ban actually ring quite true; he said it is a gift to extremists and I fully agree with him. Mongrels like IS and al-Qaeda want Muslims in the West to be marginalised because it is completely inevitable that a bi-product of that is that Muslim communities will become more fertile ground for extremism. This absolutely plays into that marginalisation.

These reports of people in the Immigration department being told they might as well look for another job if they don't like the changes also jar. The public service is meant to have some degree of independence from the executive.
It's really a non-issue in the overall scheme of things. It make headlines, but whether or not a few thousand people from the Middle East get turned away matters very little to >100 million Americans.

The liberal media use this (and the subsequent protests) to attack Trump, but he knows he has the majority of the country on his side because he campaigned for the election with anti-immigration rhetoric and won quite comfortably. Trump is quite happy to play the anti-Mexican and anti-Muslim card and watch the media immolate.

Him and his cronies are laughing.
How devoid of anything in your life must you be to take part in one of these Rent a mobs? Sad.

Easy money I guess for those who have no desire to contribute anything to society.
I reckon watching Bomberboyokay melting on Bigfooty has been the best part about Trump winning
How devoid of anything in your life must you be to take part in one of these Rent a mobs? Sad.

Easy money I guess for those who have no desire to contribute anything to society.

That just solidifies the views of those who voted for him. So bravo protesters.

All those people who work in that factory and all their families, they will look at who organised the protests and they will never support them or their views.

The protests won't change anyone's mind. They will just steel the resolve of those who put him into power.

The Liberals make the most noise in the US, but the silent voter just watches and remembers.

His "I get you and will help America" shtick is undermined by hiding in the presidential palace instead of risking the chance of meeting some good Heartland people.
Urban dictionary: "Cuck" a weak, feckless, spineless, and decidedly pathetic specimen of manliness.
This is not strictly true. That's the user's intention, but Cuck has been used solely by right-wingers and Trumpanzees to denigrate liberals for their left-wing humanist beliefs. It is purely a political term. You don't see anyone labelling a weak, feckless, spineless right wing person as a "cuck".
This is not strictly true. That's the user's intention, but Cuck has been used solely by right-wingers and Trumpanzees to denigrate liberals for their left-wing humanist beliefs. It is purely a political term. You don't see anyone labelling a weak, feckless, spineless right wing person as a "cuck".

It's used because a lot of these left wing men look very effeminate and weak. Not because of their humanist beliefs.
His "I get you and will help America" shtick is undermined by hiding in the presidential palace instead of risking the chance of meeting some good Heartland people.

He'll be gaining more votes already by using these people as window into what America would look like with these people in charge.

He's not going to lose any of those Heartland people by not turning up, but they'll get pissed at protesters if they keep doing what they are doing.

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