Movie Star Wars - Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker - Spoilers and Rumors

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In light of the last couple years and recent spat of news regarding the direction of a couple movies......The Rise Of Skywalker will be the last cinematic movie I see.

I'm no longer paying to watch virtue signalling, PC propaganda in movies.

From now on it'll only be Podcasts, MMA and Playstation as my only source of entertainment.

You're really sticking it to Disney by paying to watch :$
In light of the last couple years and recent spat of news regarding the direction of a couple movies......The Rise Of Skywalker will be the last cinematic movie I see.

I'm no longer paying to watch virtue signalling, PC propaganda in movies.

From now on it'll only be Podcasts, MMA and Playstation as my only source of entertainment.
Hahaha I doubt that.

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I think this thread will be a gala of frowns when IX releases and is viewed.
It's entirely possible it is shit. Still, the worst Star Wars film is still better than most sci fi.(besides the prequels.)

But the outrage whenever something other than a white guy hero/antihero is pushed is ridiculous.
It's entirely possible it is s**t. Still, the worst Star Wars film is still better than most sci fi.(besides the prequels.)

But the outrage whenever something other than a white guy hero/antihero is pushed is ridiculous.
Just like those guys in the video posted above were talking about....Abrams sucks at writing and his co-writer has penned some of the worst scripts ever. That doesn't bode well for IX, in a vacuum. It's almost like they want to go out of their way to make something that just shocks and surprises, conjuring up plot points and twists that throw people off...going by some rumors.

The main reason I HATED TLJ was simply it was such a bad story. But throwing in all the SJW stuff too just makes a bad story become badder. It's like how they went out of their way to mention how Lando in Solo is pansexual. It's not necessary or at all important to the story.
Random thought, the PT for all its MANY flaws does feel very linked to the OT in tone, style, themes, etc. despite using very little of the same imagery (you have lightsabers and robes but everything else is pretty different). The ST uses a lot of the same imagery, but don't really 'feel' like the same films. Speaks to Lucas's talent for movie world creating I think.

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Having read the comments, she says people shouldn’t be so vicious, which isn’t unreasonable. I don’t accept the argument that you can’t dislike it because people worked hard (the same argument used by Game of Thrones cast members) but neither would I walk up to an actor and say they are shit at their job because I’m not an arsehole.

This doesn't surprise me.

Such a shit movie - and sounds like RJ really is a campaigner.

Admiral Ackbar Actor Tim Rose on Johnson’s The Last Jedi
Tim Rose who played Admiral Ackbar recently detailed how he was humiliated on the set of The Last Jedi as well as disappointed by what was in the script for Admiral Ackbar. Rose noted his disappointment in the script saying, “And I looked at my script and I went, ‘Oh, Ackbar’s going out of the window. Well, that’s that then!'”

He then detailed how he was humiliated on set:

“We finished all of our bits and they asked me to come down to camera. And I thought, ‘Oh well, maybe they’re going to say thank you for being one of the heritage characters and giving 30 years and all that.’ But what they did was, they gave me a Millennium Falcon sign that had the day and the date on it, the scene number, and they said, ‘Can you look at camera and say ‘It’s a wrap?’ Because that would be really funny.”
He added:

“I was actually in tears in the suit because I thought – after everything, after hoping there’d be something, after knowing there wasn’t going to be anything else, Ackbar’s final moment before he went in to the box was just a big joke about ‘It’s a wrap.’ They just thought ‘Wouldn’t it be funny?’ And that was the sum total of my life as Ackbar.”
Admiral Ackbar Voice Actor Tom Kane on The Last Jedi
Admiral Ackbar voice actor Tom Kane recently appeared at Star Wars Celebration in Chicago earlier this year, and openly criticized Johnson’s The Last Jedi.

Kane stated, “And I was not really thrilled how they blew him out the side of a ship. I’m like who is this Holdo woman? Nobody knows her. No one is invested in her. Who is she? Why is she saving the fleet? If anyone’s going to save the fleet it would be Ack…”

Given a number of actors from Rian Johnson’s The Last Jedi have spoken out about the film, it would be no surprise that a number of the crew on The Rise of Skywalker would also be criticizing the film.

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