The off topic thread 5.0

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If politicians and CHO's didn't make joke statements like "don't touch the ball" and "don't browse" there'd be nothing to laugh at
If politicians and CHO's didn't make joke statements like "don't touch the ball" and "don't browse" there'd be nothing to laugh at
What was Callum thinking?
Surely even the most staunch Gladys supporters can see her lockdown guidelines are terrible.

Lol mate it's not even about that, it's when you ask questions and pretend to be innocent but every man and his dog knew what you were doing and you still won't own it. Just own that when you asked if we were going into lockdown you were just waiting for this exact situation to gloat and lord over and mock NSW?
Lol mate it's not even about that, it's when you ask questions and pretend to be innocent but every man and his dog knew what you were doing and you still won't own it. Just own that when you asked if we were going into lockdown you were just waiting for this exact situation to gloat and lord over and mock NSW?
Think Vic should be the last state to mock anyone. We have the worst of the bunch.
Think Vic should be the last state to mock anyone. We have the worst of the bunch.

Huge number of infringement notices issued in NSW suggests the regulations are there, people are just disobeying them.

Every day Gladys stands up and says to stay at home unless absolutely necessary, and every day we report cases that have been 'in the community'. Why are people out and about? Ridiculous.
Huge number of infringement notices issued in NSW suggests the regulations are there, people are just disobeying them.

Every day Gladys stands up and says to stay at home unless absolutely necessary, and every day we report cases that have been 'in the community'. Why are people out and about? Ridiculous.

Because lots of people are selfish and only think about themselves. Last year during the lockdown the son of family friends of my family died at the age of 50 and the funeral could only be attended by 10 people. Last night my Mum’s cousin collapsed at home and died (she was battling brain cancer for 18 months so she wouldn’t have survived it). While people are out there flaunting lockdown because they are selfish, tragedies are happening within families.
Huge number of infringement notices issued in NSW suggests the regulations are there, people are just disobeying them.

Every day Gladys stands up and says to stay at home unless absolutely necessary, and every day we report cases that have been 'in the community'. Why are people out and about? Ridiculous.
So maybe the regulations aren't working?
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