Things that sh*t me the seventeenth

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Or an unforced error from Serena. You are not trying to play properly, just win a point, so you could just smash a serve or return as hard as you can and just get lucky with it painting the lines. Winning a game would be next to impossible but a point would be doable.
Just watched a few videos of pro women destroying d1 etc players. The guys don't have a damaging serve to worry them. Saw one play where guy lands a serve in and her return was flawless he couldn't cover it. I think that's the difference
Where a pro doesn't make it that easy to return like that. And if they do it's precise. I think if he served inside line to outside he left too much open space for return. He should have served wide to wide then the best thing she could do is nail the sideline which you sometimes see the pros do and it gets a rousing applause.

Long story short, the pros have better positioning.
Lot of guys just think they are that much better than women at everything and when they see evidence they aren't yeah they don't like it

You should see the comments for jiu-jitsu.

Guy wasn't trying
He let her, even when it's clearly training
He wanted to be put in those positions
She's not that good
Submission would never work in reality

I've been smoked by high level competitors and while I wasn't going beast mode, if I did. I'd run out of energy fast or they would step up accordingly. I rolled with one of the best in the country and she could have killed me if she wanted.

I think some guys really are insecure that they can't handle seeing a woman better than them at something.
Pied Piper GIF by DEAD FLIP

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This is one of the many examples of people getting shamed and attacked on Instagram.

I follow this guy and he is great for diet advice and also calls out bad people on Insta.
If Meta gave a crap about this then they would give more power to creators to easily remove trolls without having to restrict all people they aren't following. Meta could do this by using a karma based system whereby creators could set a threshold to restrict known trolls and problematic accounts, second user accounts etc. They claim to be doing so much but they're only marginally better than Twitter.

Almost had a Border Security moment, going through the scans and such at the airport.

Took off my belt, got scanned by the machine. Something was amiss. Upon them using the wand, my lower stomach and groin area
was apparently pinging wildly :p.

I was getting defensive (Bay 13 persona was starting to make an appearance!) and yet if I had to I was prepared to drop my shorts for further inspection. Luckily after coming to the conclusion that it was the metallic button on my shorts causing the commotion, I was let through.

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People using a take away coffee cup when they sit down at a cafe. It’s literally going in the bin for no reason. In fact, using a take away coffee cup when you could just use a keep cup. 2.7 million take away cups are thrown in the bin every day.

It’s beyond disgusting.
Quite often the largest coffee is in a takeaway cup.
Reading this I thought - we could probably search BigFooty for the date and read what people were saying about it at the time.

This has me wondering if the Black Saturday in Victoria thread was/is a thing.
People using a take away coffee cup when they sit down at a cafe. It’s literally going in the bin for no reason. In fact, using a take away coffee cup when you could just use a keep cup. 2.7 million take away cups are thrown in the bin every day.

It’s beyond disgusting.
I do this because I dislike sitting and waiting for service.
Mate I don't even remember if I said to him or my bloody colleague!

And he's my colleague's partner for God's sake - who I will never meet. What's he gonna do, come to my work and beat me up?
Question, is it possible the wife has caused this, like perhaps he prefers Cameron and would correct you if you did say Cam but “going crook” or whatever is her description and might be wildly innaccurate (or light hearted).

I think correcting someone in your name preference is fine but “going crook” over it seems extreme to me as well.
I found this amusing
Throw in the comments around her outfit and it showcases how many insecure men roam the planet

The craziest thing to me about it (aside from ever offering unwanted advice) is she absolutely crushes the first ball, like smokes it and he STILL wants to correct it? Mate, she quite obviously knows what she’s doing
It surprises me that in a place like Melbourne you can still get disposable cups, I'd have thought everyone would be doing a mug deposit scheme by now.

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