Society/Culture Tony Blair admits: I would have invaded Iraq anyway

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A group of uni students and unemployed hippies discussing an issue around a bong does not make something 'a well known fact'.

What is your fascination with pulling out this uni students and unemployed hippies argument over and over. I suggest you try a new strategy because it adds nothing to the argument and makes you look silly.

Ever heard of Seymour Hersh and the Salvador Option.

Here's a link to some extensive material on the matter, although I doubt you will read it because it's pretty comprehensive.

Just one example (although not strictly about death squads) tell me what you think of the British soldiers that were arrested in Basra dressed as Arabs. After being stopped at an Iraqi checkpoint with fake ID, they shot two policemen and took off. They caught in after a quick pursuit and their car was found chock full of arms, and was booby trapped. There just happened to be a religious festival on that day. Tell me what you think of the British busting them out of prison with tanks and helicopters.

Here's a link to just that one example:
They wanted to get rid of Saddam and his despotic regime which they did.

Worst case scenario is that the Iraqi people would be similarly off without him. Best case scenario was that they would be better off.

Surely people can't argue that Iraquis were better off with Saddam still there.

Simple yes or no - Do you agree with Madeleine Albright?

Because if you can't see the devastation that the Iraq wars had on it's people, you are either completely ignorant, or pretty callous.


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Hm, maybe this wasn't fanciful?

The Trial of Tony Blair

The Trial of Tony Blair is a satirical drama, based around the notion that the former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair is to face charges of war crimes by an international tribunal, following his departure from 10 Downing Street. Directed by Simon Cellan-Jones, it was first aired on More4 on 15 January 2007 and repeated on 5 March 2007 and during Blair's last week as Prime Minister on 23 June 2007.
The programme is set in 2010 and stars Robert Lindsay as Tony Blair, Phoebe Nicholls as Cherie Blair, Peter Mullan as Gordon Brown and Alexander Armstrong as David Cameron....
Hm, maybe this wasn't fanciful?

He wouldn't stand a chance in a neutral International Court.

- It's illegal to launch a war of aggression
- they did not have Security Council backing (this would have been illegal anyway)
- the Security Council had a process in place with weapons inspectors
- the Coalition of the Killing actually fully undermined the UN and the Security Council - time is running out, UN is an irrelevant institution, etc
- Not that it matters, the UK's sign-off by the attorney general was based on the most complex, hanging by a thread legal argument centred around WMD. Now phony Tony says he would have invaded anyway.

I wonder why "time was running out", maybe because the inspectors had searched the entire country and hadn't found any WMD.

From Australia, Tony would have in the dock beside him
- John Howard
- Alexander Downer: how many times did I hear him say "time is running out", the UN is irrelevant, etc. How ironic that he is sucking from the UN's teat right now in Cyprus.
- Darryl Williams for being a yes-man and a disgrace to the office of Attorney General.

F*** you to all of them.

It's not going to happen though. I will cut the MCG turf with nail scissors if Western Powers ever hand over one of their war criminals (if they let me)
Actually how do you prosecute war criminals in a parliamentary democracy? Do we get to hang the whole Cabinet, or just a selected few. I recall the libs held a vote on the issue and they were sycophants down to the last one. Disgraceful. If it was up to me they'd be all doing some hard time.
- Alexander Downer: how many times did I hear him say "time is running out", the UN is irrelevant, etc. How ironic that he is sucking from the UN's teat right now in Cyprus.

Yeah, right, that hadn't even crossed my mind. What a pompous, hypocritical little shit. I hope he gets a bad case of gout :mad:
Simple yes or no - Do you agree with Madeleine Albright?

That interview occured in 1996. :confused:

You've tried to use that before unsuccessfully too. I suggest a new trawl of youtube videos. Maybe those wacko 911 sites you seem to love could have a few that will suit your argument.
That interview occured in 1996. :confused:

That's right, the Iraqi people have been under siege for nearly 20 years.

Madeleine Albright thought it was OK to kill half-a-million Iraqi kids to get at Saddam. Based on your earlier posts, you seemed to be in agreement with this principle in the second Gulf War. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you weren't aware of the devastation it caused or the death toll.

You've tried to use that before unsuccessfully too. I suggest a new trawl of youtube videos. Maybe those wacko 911 sites you seem to love could have a few that will suit your argument.

Not my fault that you can't understand basic science. Get back to me when you learn the melting point of steel, and the maximum temperature of an office / jet fuel fire. It's that simple but for some reason your brain isn't up to it.
Now are Iraquis better off with or without Saddam ?

If you are comparing their current tragic lives with the situation before the Iraq war, when Saddam was on his best behaviour under UN sanctions, then clearly they are worse off now. Nobody could doubt this. Iraq has been hell on earth since the 2003 invasion.

Why didn't the West take action againt him when he was at his worst in the 1980s?

For the record, Blair was keen on taking up the fight with Iraq well before 9-11. He supported Clinton's proposed air strikes and military action in the late 1990s when the French and Russians and everybody else in the world (except Australia) opposed it.

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