Movie Transformers: The Last Knight (2017) - Directed by Michael Bay. Release day June 22!

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He earned 80 million dollars

PLUS 8% of merch sales. How could you turn that down?

Haha 8% of merch, no sh1t? Wow.

But yeah but once you've got that in the bank whats the point, what can you do with 200 mil that you can't do with 100? Would have thought he would move onto other projects and things he is passionate about. Hang on maybe he actually is passionate about slow motion CGI shitfests, gratuitous ass shots and offensive racial stereotypes. Would make alot of sense :D
I managed to get a sneak peek of the storyboard. it looked something like this.


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I took you more as an Oliver Stone or Mel Gibson fanboy.

OS is okay, far better than Mel.
Mel also has to answer for his **** up against the Jews/ Brando, Mel must now beg for forgiveness and be commanded by Jewish overlords who seek to suckle his teats.
Also, tbh, this machine world is BS...machines don't have sentience, as such, they'll do what they're programed to do, just like capitalist worker drones who obey their masters at the expense of their health and the health of the planet...come on, I can only stomach so much BS in a storyline, what's next, the machines want sex without the feeling or the organs.

Also, tbh, this machine world is BS...machines don't have sentience, as such, they'll do what they're programed to do, just like capitalist worker drones who obey their masters at the expense of their health and the health of the planet...come on, I can only stomach so much BS in a storyline, what's next, the machines want sex without the feeling or the organs.


My goodness, Michael Bay still? I thought he would have been as sick of making these as we are of him. I suppose he has a few more passion projects in the pipeline and guanteed ca$h is better than another Island, but please, move on man. Give us something fresh. His style is stale and there are no signs of improvement, as said above, give us a new interpretation, do it for the children, they are getting dumber and dumber.
My goodness, Michael Bay still? I thought he would have been as sick of making these as we are of him. I suppose he has a few more passion projects in the pipeline and guanteed ca$h is better than another Island, but please, move on man. Give us something fresh. His style is stale and there are no signs of improvement, as said above, give us a new interpretation, do it for the children, they are getting dumber and dumber.

I'll watch it at home with the kids for a family movie night. :)

How did you handle the moment when Trans 4 raised the topic of statutory rape and how its all good and actually funny?

I think that what amazes me the most, that Michael Bay could not only raise the subject but say that its okay to its young audience.... and yet there wasn't much said about it in the wider community. Back in the day Sharon Stone being a murderous bisexual in Basic Instinct was very controversal and had gay protests from coast to coast... yet statutory rape in a movie based on a kids TV show.... box office gold.

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Ok so i finally got through that age of execution movie.

I think it might be the worst thing ive ever seen. They essentially turned Optimus into a serial killer with such amazing dialogue as "i'll kill you all!!!" And "either protect my family or i'll kill you"

How can parents let their kids watch something so blatantly sociopathic?
Can we have a pre-transformers 1 movie with no humans and the story about the allspark and all that shit. Maybe the cybertronian war? Pls.

That would require proper backstory and character development. Why did Bumblebees voice disappear after the 1st movie? Oh ignore that, he's cuter without it. What happened to that female autobot in the 2nd movie? Probably a stay at home mom. Those bumbling stereotypes in the 2nd movie? We won't go there.... Michael Bay doesn't care about telling the robots story unless it involves a crash and/or explosion. Remaking the same movie over again has so far been a winning formula, why mess with it? You'll go see it anyway.
That would require proper backstory and character development. Why did Bumblebees voice disappear after the 1st movie? Oh ignore that, he's cuter without it. What happened to that female autobot in the 2nd movie? Probably a stay at home mom. Those bumbling stereotypes in the 2nd movie? We won't go there.... Michael Bay doesn't care about telling the robots story unless it involves a crash and/or explosion. Remaking the same movie over again has so far been a winning formula, why mess with it? You'll go see it anyway.
I don't think i will tbh. I didn't like the last one and will only see a transformers movie if it has little human involvement from now on
The marketing of Age of Extinction was primarily aimed at the Chinese market. It was a phenomenal success there and provided a large portion of its $1b+ box office gross.

The way it was also promoted, with the image of Optimus riding Grimlock's back, was also another master stroke.

Even though I knew it would be shit, the mere presence of the Dinobots, and my favorite transformer in Grimlock, meant that there was no possible way I'm not going to see this film.

And it was an absolute ****ing **** tease, they were in it for 5 minutes with **** all background/development (even by Bay film standards, it was ****ing ridiculous). But I know it's going to happen all over again in Transformers 5, it will be shit but absolutely I will see it.
The marketing of Age of Extinction was primarily aimed at the Chinese market. It was a phenomenal success there and provided a large portion of its $1b+ box office gross.

The way it was also promoted, with the image of Optimus riding Grimlock's back, was also another master stroke.

Even though I knew it would be shit, the mere presence of the Dinobots, and my favorite transformer in Grimlock, meant that there was no possible way I'm not going to see this film.

And it was an absolute ******* **** tease, they were in it for 5 minutes with **** all background/development (even by Bay film standards, it was ******* ridiculous). But I know it's going to happen all over again in Transformers 5, it will be shit but absolutely I will see it.

Thanks. I was pretty certain it was aimed at that market watching it.

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