Religion Where did this "religion of peace" mantra come from?

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So, it's okay if 9 million of them think it's okay to kill a fellow Muslim who comes out as an atheist because...the British?

Oh so you don't actually know what Sharia is then. Or specifically the model proposed for Malaysia?

How about we butt the **** out of their countries for a change?

We are in no moral position to tell anyone what to do.

"Brave" SAS soldiers crushing a student led communist movement.

And fleabitten sure they welcome money, who doesn't? Doesn't mean they don't forget either.
So that soldier is pictured is a member of the British SAS and the heads belonged to Malaysian kids, are you absolutely sure of that?

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So that soldier is pictured is a member of the British SAS and the heads belonged to Malaysian kids, are you absolutely sure of that?

What would your opinion of that be, if it is an accurate photograph?

And yes I'm very confident that is a legitimate photograph of a British soldier (commando judging by the hat) with the heads of two dead Malayans (they weren't Malaysians until later). It was supressed at the time like an Abu Ghraib shot, but it is a well known photo in SE Asia (australia don't wanna know though of course)

Australia was also involved in that 12 year terror campaign. Bravely I'm sure.
Oh so you don't actually know what Sharia is then. Or specifically the model proposed for Malaysia?

How about we butt the **** out of their countries for a change?

We are in no moral position to tell anyone what to do.

I'm commenting on the religion and using the example of one of our nearest neighbours. The poll that I linked to shows that more than half of Malaysian Muslims favour the death penalty for apostasy and stoning for adultery. These are barbaric practices and clearly violate human rights, but here you are saying we should butt out.

Here's another statistic: 96% of Malaysian Muslims say that a wife should always obey her husband and 92% say she can never divorce him. How does that fit in with your feminist views? Which ideology has precedence?
The quest for Malaysian gender equality is a battle that Malaysians have to battle - The West cannot continue to be arbritary moralisers and do-gooders with other nations domestic issues...

also I like how people refer to other nations issues with gender inequality as if it's all somehow hunky-dory in our own backyard..

look at our PM for goodness sake...
I'm commenting on the religion and using the example of one of our nearest neighbours. The poll that I linked to shows that more than half of Malaysian Muslims favour the death penalty for apostasy and stoning for adultery. These are barbaric practices and clearly violate human rights, but here you are saying we should butt out.

Here's another statistic: 96% of Malaysian Muslims say that a wife should always obey her husband and 92% say she can never divorce him. How does that fit in with your feminist views? Which ideology has precedence?

Depends how you define apostasy though mate, could mean simply being another religion, but more likely it means outright blasphemy, so how was it phrased in the poll question?

It fits in with my views of not ****ing with other countries or lecturing them on morals when capitalists have killed more people than Muslims in the last 70 years by far (in the name of money).
Depends how you define apostasy though mate, could mean simply being another religion, but more likely it means outright blasphemy, so how was it phrased in the poll question?

Which one of those are you okay with applying the death penalty to?

I don't know exactly how the question was phrased but the report says "A majority of Malaysian Muslims (62%) who want to see sharia as their country’s official law also support taking the lives of those who convert to other faiths."
The quest for Malaysian gender equality is a battle that Malaysians have to battle - The West cannot continue to be arbritary moralisers and do-gooders with other nations domestic issues...

Do you also apply that logic to racial equality? Are you okay with the persecution of homosexuals in other countries? I'm interested to know whether you're willing to turn a blind eye to all abuses of human rights that happen overseas, or it's just Islam that you'd rather leave alone.
Do you also apply that logic to racial equality? Are you okay with the persecution of homosexuals in other countries? I'm interested to know whether you're willing to turn a blind eye to all abuses of human rights that happen overseas, or it's just Islam that you'd rather leave alone.

This is a false premise you realise?

There's nothing you or anyone else in this thread have stated that specifically ties Islam to this behaviour.

When you do, we can have that discussion.

Personally I'm not a fan of religion on the basis that it has been proven to be quite harmful. But I'm very sick of hypocritical conservative white males who try to use any possible justification at hand just to validate the racism they were raised with and refuse to adjust.
What would your opinion of that be, if it is an accurate photograph?

And yes I'm very confident that is a legitimate photograph of a British soldier (commando judging by the hat) with the heads of two dead Malayans (they weren't Malaysians until later). It was supressed at the time like an Abu Ghraib shot, but it is a well known photo in SE Asia (australia don't wanna know though of course)

Australia was also involved in that 12 year terror campaign. Bravely I'm sure.

Well it's not an accurate photo relative to what you said which was, "Brave" SAS soldiers crushing a student led communist movement,the soldier pictured is not from the SAS Regiment. Additionally, the picture does not establish that the heads belonged to "Malaysian kids".
Which exactly "12 year terror campaign" are you referring to? Your clear emphasis on Brave in relation to SAS soldiers suggests that you are questioning whether that term/quality is compatible with or relative to SAS soldiers.
This is a false premise you realise?

There's nothing you or anyone else in this thread have stated that specifically ties Islam to this behaviour.

When you do, we can have that discussion.

Personally I'm not a fan of religion on the basis that it has been proven to be quite harmful. But I'm very sick of hypocritical conservative white males who try to use any possible justification at hand just to validate the racism they were raised with and refuse to adjust.

Seriously? I'm giving you statistics from a survey of the world's Muslims, most of the stats taken from the subset of Muslims that are in favour of Sharia law being instated in their country. How much more tied to Islam can you be? If you're distracted by the fact that I was using Malaysia as an example, I can switch countries if you like.

FYI, I'm not a conservative white male. Like anyone with the ability to think for themselves, my opinions fall all over the left/right axis. I'm very much anti-racism and pro-multiculturalism, pro-environment, pro-marriage equality, anti-guns. But here on Big Footy I seem to be participating mostly as a critic of feminism and Islam, so the sheep automatically portray me as a conservative.
Interesting reading the comments thus far.

A healthy lack of personal attacks masquerading as 'debate'....good to see.

All I can say is that it's of eternal fascination to me the way those amongst us who shout the loudest of the need to treat women and homosexuals equally, are also the most shrill and self righteous regards the need to 'tolerate Islam'....the religion which holds the most barbaric and primeval attitudes and practices towards both groups on the planet.

Someone explain that shit to me.

I guess when your beholden to radical left wing ideological orthodoxy your hooked in, for better or worse.

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All religions have blood on their hands. It's just that some have better propaganda units and powerful friends who support and cover for them.

All religions have blood on their hands. It's just that some have more than others and continue to do so. particularly amongst their own bretheren.
Here's another statistic: 96% of Malaysian Muslims say that a wife should always obey her husband and 92% say she can never divorce him. How does that fit in with your feminist views? Which ideology has precedence?

I think that the patriarchal manner of islam is its own worst enemy. Women are considered property by their fathers and husbands, to be used and traded at whim. There are hateful, brutal punishments meted out to women in muslim countries for crimes that wouldn't even be considered misdemeanors in our society. Any advocate of Sharia law in my opinion is a campaigner.
Do you also apply that logic to racial equality? Are you okay with the persecution of homosexuals in other countries? I'm interested to know whether you're willing to turn a blind eye to all abuses of human rights that happen overseas, or it's just Islam that you'd rather leave alone.

what exactly am I to do about any of this anyway?

start another kony campaign?

nothing I say or do will change these things happening in countries that i have absolute nothing to do with - It's up to those nations to come to the changes themselves, just like what has happened here slowly over the last half century...
Islam is a particularly awful religion, all religions are, but Islam more than most. Imagine what would have happened to John Cleese had Life of Brian been made about Mohammad. There are a lot of moderates in the religion, but if you think there are only a small number if extremists, I suggest reading up on the Danish cartoons.
Or the number of muslims who called for Salman Rushdie to be put to death for blasphemy, for writing a work of fiction.

"He must be killed. The Qur'an makes it clear – if someone defames the prophet, then he must die." The artist formerly known as Cat Stevens.

I am constantly amazed how the left is so accepting of an unreconstructed, women hating, gay hating, bigoted religion. Constantly amazed.
It fits in with my views of not ******* with other countries or lecturing them on morals when capitalists have killed more people than Muslims in the last 70 years by far (in the name of money).

? This is a bit mealy mouthed. You're a communist aren't you? Whatever happened to a bit of international solidarity of the working class? Can't you be disgusted by the crimes of capitalists AND the reactionary conservative scum who keep the people in place?
I am constantly amazed how the left is so accepting of an unreconstructed, women hating, gay hating, bigoted religion. Constantly amazed.
It's easy to understand. Left wing politics have always been about usurping established power structures. That means taking the side of the disempowered. Islam and its followers are the currently the disempowered flavour of the age.
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