WWE TV, Rumours and Discussion

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MetsFan4Ever has done another AMA on Reddit. Used to work with WWE and has some interesting things to say.

Some bits I found interesting for those who didn't read this:


Q: Any stories of the 4 time WWE champion and total big guy, Ryback?

MF: Ryback is awesome. Actually someone asked me who is the nicest to the fans and I would put him in that list. Very nice guy, introduces himself as Ryan to people. Doesn't have a big ego. Just an all around down to Earth guy.

Q: True or false: Ryback has a massive, massive appitite.

MF: True.

Looks like creative cop more flak than they deserve:

Q: Sounds more and more like WWE creative is just an afterthought and Vince is running the whole F'N show when it comes to what we see. I'm guessing that creates quite a bit of despondency in creative, knowing that their work is more likely to get shit upon and disposed than actually used. Is it really that bad?

MF: Yes.

Mania XXX could have been crap:

Q: I asked you this before, but, do you have any real factual insight as to what the plan for Daniel Bryan was for WrestleMania XXX? I don't see how the win at Summer Slam wasn't a set up for Bryan to eventually win at WrestleMania, either the title or at least just a match with Triple H.

Many people claim, based on dirtsheet reports, that Bryan was supposed to end up facing Sheamus at WM XXX - I cant believe that was true. It makes no sense that they'd have Bryan go over clean, only to reduce him back to mid card.

MF: Bryan and Sheamus were all set up to go until CM Punk left.

Q: What was CM Punk's original plan? Punk vs Triple H, Orton vs Batista, Bryan v Sheamus? What was the point of having Bryan go over then? Was this just screwy booking?

MF: Punk / HHH, Orton / Batista, Bryan / Sheamus.

Now we know why Sheamus never loses:

Q: Why is Shamus so untouchable? Does he sell that much merch?

MF: He's Hunters friend.

Q: So that story about him being HHH's gym buddy is true?

MF: Yes

Q: Is Vince going to give up control to HHH anytime soon?

MF: HHH already runs SmackDown.

Q: Did you ever see "angry Vince"? And if so, when did you see Vince at his angriest?

MF: Yes. Plenty of times. Too many to remember. Royal Rumble 2013 quickly comes to mind. He left during the Punk vs. Rock match and only came back for his segment to restart the match. I even agree. That match sucked.

Seems like the rumours about JBL being a c*** are untrue:

Q: Was JBL hard to work with? Any stories about him

MF: No super cool. Nothing crazy like you might think. I think he's calmed down over the years.

Looks like Carano is as much of a knob as he seems on Total Divas:

Q: What's the general opinion on Mark Carano? Comes off like a douche on Total Divas

MF: He's a total douche. Ron Simmons once punched him in the face while Ron was drunk. 1999 I believe that happened.

Apparently Big Show is an arseh*le. That surprises me as he seems like a cool guy:

Q: Who is the nicest wrestler backstage?

If I had to guess it would be either Big Show or Kofi.

Who is the most unfriendly (not referring to the "to himself" type) wrestler backstage?

I would go for Rollins or JBL.

MF: Big Show is a terrible person.

Most friendly: Layla, Alicia Fox, Kofi, Ryback

Least: Orton and Big Show

Q: Can you elaborate on why Big Show is such an awful person?

MF: He's just a miserable human. He acts like he doesn't have time for anything. I've seen him at autograph signings wearing sun glasses and his head phones on. Not talking to anyone. And it's not like anyone is tying an anchor to his ass and keeping him there as a hostage. If he doesn't like it there, just leave. No need to be miserable about it.

Cesaro could get a push:

Q: Does Cesaro have any chance of being a world champion in WWE?

MF: Yes

The bloke that Del Rio hit backstage has been on T.V before:

Q: What happened with del rio?

MF: The guy Del Rio slapped is the guy that was CM Punk's doctor when Punk had his bad knee in late 2012. He appears on camera with Punk out in the ring.

Another poster: For reference:

MF: Yes this is the guy.

Q: Does Vince or any of his inner circle give much of a shit about leaks? Brock Lesnar's return comes to mind. Just seems he doesn't do enough to prevent that stuff getting out.

Did you have to sign an NDA for instance? Not... That... You're... Paying... Attention... To... It... cough what?

MF: They try to keep that stuff a secret. And there is a NDA. I'm pretty sure it's only for a certain amount of time after you work there. Mine has probably run out. It's no different than what you see when guys do a shoot interview. They are signing an NDA in their contracts but then get released and share things in shoot interviews.

Q: You seem a bit bitter about working with WWE is it one particular moment that caused this or was it a collection of crap?

MF: A collection of things. It was miserable.

Q: If you could have changed one aspect of working backstage to make your tenure at WWE more enjoyable, what would you change, and why?

MF: Scripts getting out and approved at a reasonable time of the day. And talent not being so God damn hard to work with.

I heard Hornswoggle was a dick.

Q: Is hornswoggle well liked back stage?

I met him at axxess and he seemed so nice

MF: Yes, he's very nice.

Q: Thanks for doing this. You said how Layla, Alicia fox were the nicest divas. Which are the worst to deal with?

MF: AJ and Cameron.

Q: I expected Cameron, but AJ? How so?

MF: She's real life crazy in my opinion.
Slater Gator's entrance video.

I watched the TIJ podcast with Hornswoggle last night actually - seems like a real down to earth bloke and has some good stories too. Worth a listen

Just downloaded it myself. Should be a good listen.

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Looks like it's time for you to erase your memory of wrestling.... Rumour is that there will be a match between Ambrose and Cena on RAW at some point and the winner will face Rollins while the loser faces Orton and it's being said that Ambrose will probably win, which I hope he does because I want Ambrose v Rollins in the cell

unless they are just doing a fatal 4 way.

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If that happens they've completely ****** up Bray, he should've never lost to Cena at WM.

Wyatt wasn't ready to go over Cena at Wrestlemania. The booking for that feud was fine apart from the finish to the match at Extreme Rules, that was stupid. I like Bray and dislike Cena, but putting him over the top guy in the company at the biggest show of the year when he's still unproven would've been imprudent booking. People seem to forget that beating Cena at WM is pretty much the biggest rub you can be given nowadays.
If that happens they've completely ****** up Bray, he should've never lost to Cena at WM.

What people need to realise is that a guy is not "ruined" and his career isn't over if he isn't pushed to the moon before the age of 30. When you're pushed into the main event early, you've only got one way to go after that - down. Wade Barrett and Jack Swagger are perfect examples of this.

TBH, I thought Bray still looked strong despite the losses earlier in the year. The way the storyline was going, the results of the matches almost didn't matter IMO.
Have you ever had a day where you've sat down and watched a week of WWE programming (Raw, NXT, Main Event, Superstars, SmackDown) all at once. You really don't realise how much bloody repetition there is until you do that. Literally half the programming is just recaps or the same promos on repeat. Ridiculous how much airtime gets wasted that could be better used actually giving some guys screen time and some sense of and depth to their characters.
Have you ever had a day where you've sat down and watched a week of WWE programming (Raw, NXT, Main Event, Superstars, SmackDown) all at once. You really don't realise how much bloody repetition there is until you do that. Literally half the programming is just recaps or the same promos on repeat. Ridiculous how much airtime gets wasted that could be better used actually giving some guys screen time and some sense of and depth to their characters.
Would rather inject the veins in my privates with melted candy.
Have you ever had a day where you've sat down and watched a week of WWE programming (Raw, NXT, Main Event, Superstars, SmackDown) all at once. You really don't realise how much bloody repetition there is until you do that. Literally half the programming is just recaps or the same promos on repeat. Ridiculous how much airtime gets wasted that could be better used actually giving some guys screen time and some sense of and depth to their characters.

what % of WWE fans watch every show for the week?
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