Your Top 10 Movie/Tv Characters of All Time

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Mar 30, 2008
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Some characters make a show or movie and heres a list of my top 10, also like to know what people think and whether anyone has anything different...cheers:thumbsu:

1. Oddball (Kelly's Heroes.....stop with the negative vibes:D)
2. Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
3. Virgil Hilts A.K.A The Cooler King (The Great Escape)
4. Ron Burgandy (Anchorman)
5. Nigel Gruff (The Replacments)
6. Monk (Mean Machine)
7. Danny Blue (Hustle)
8. Bernard Black (Black Books)
9. Legolas (The Lord of The Rings Movies)
10. Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pearce (M*A*S*H)

in no particular order
1. The Joker - jack nicholson - Batman
2. Eric Bana - Chopper
3. Tyler Durden - Brad Pitt -Fight club
this is too hard :p

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Top 10 movie characters

Darth Vader (Star Wars)
Atticus Finch (To Kill a Mockingbird)
Rick Blaine (Casablanca)
T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia)
Captain Ericson (The Cruel Sea)
The Terminator (The Terminator)
Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark)
Michael Corleone (The Godfather)
Dr Strangelove (Dr Strangelove)
Judah Ben-Hur (Ben Hur)

Top 10 TV characters

Captain James T. Kirk (Star Trek)
Maggie Beare (Mother and Son)
Dr. Zachary Smith (Lost in Space)
Graham Kennedy (He made a character of himself)
The Three Stooges (The Three Stooges)
Fonzie (Happy Days)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Buffy)
Dr Who (Dr Who)
Maxwell Smart (Get Smart)
Aunty Jack (The Aunty Jack Show)
In no particular order;

David Brent
Darth Vader
Larry David in Curb Your Enthusiasm
Michael Corleone
Mike Moore in Frontline (current affairs spoof on ABC in the mid-90's)
The Drill Sargent in Full Metal Jacket
Stewie Griffin from Family Guy
Homer Simpson
Hollywood Hogan from the nWo days
Tony Soprano
Al Sweregen (Deadwood)
Bunk Moreland (The Wire)
Mr Myiagi (Karate Kid)
Darth Vader (Star Wars)
Daryl Kerrigan (The Castle)
Marve (Sin City)
Hans Gruber (Die Hard)
Norman Stansfield (Leon)
Dale Copper (Twin Peaks)
Tobias (Arrested Development)

Honourable Mention: Seth Bullock (Deadwood)
GOB (Arrested Development)
In no particular order


1 Mr Burns (The Simpsons)
2 Dr Perry Cox (Scrubs)
3 Ari Gold (Entourage)
4 Basil Fawlty (Fawlty Towers)
5 Gary Strang (Men Behaving Badly - UK)
6 Tony Smart (MEn Behaving Badly - UK)
7 Eric Cartman (South Park)
8 J Peterman (Seinfeld)
9 Dwight Schrute (The Office USA)
10 David Brent (The Office UK)


Ill get back to it, need to think
In no particular order


1 Mr Burns (The Simpsons)
2 Dr Perry Cox (Scrubs)
3 Ari Gold (Entourage)
4 Basil Fawlty (Fawlty Towers)
5 Gary Strang (Men Behaving Badly - UK)
6 Tony Smart (MEn Behaving Badly - UK)
7 Eric Cartman (South Park)
8 J Peterman (Seinfeld)
9 Dwight Schrute (The Office USA)
10 David Brent (The Office UK)


Ill get back to it, need to think
:thumbsu: :)

In no particular order


1 Mr Burns (The Simpsons)
2 Dr Perry Cox (Scrubs)
3 Ari Gold (Entourage)
4 Basil Fawlty (Fawlty Towers)
5 Gary Strang (Men Behaving Badly - UK)
6 Tony Smart (MEn Behaving Badly - UK)
7 Eric Cartman (South Park)
8 J Peterman (Seinfeld)
9 Dwight Schrute (The Office USA)
10 David Brent (The Office UK)


Ill get back to it, need to think

Good Call:thumbsu:

+ Naboo (THe Mighty BOosh)
+ Stewie Griffen (Family Guy)
+ Newman (Seinfeld)
+ Kryton (Red Dwarf)
+ Atticus Finch (To Kill a Mockingbird)
+ McMurphy & Nurse Ratched (One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest)
+ Fat Bastard (Austin Powers)
+ Tony Montana (Scarface)
+ B A Baracus (The A Team)
+ Kit (KnightRIder)
+ Cookie (A Country Practice)
Good Call:thumbsu: )

Very underrated show, piss funny:).

Here are mine for movies

1. Agent Sands (Once upon a time in Mexico)
2. Kim Jong Il (Team America)
3. Hans Gruber (Die Hard)
4. Legolas (LOTR trilogy)
5. Indiana Jones (well the first 3, havent seen the 4th)
6. Agent Smith (The Matrix)
7. Danny Archer (The blood diamond)
8. Sigur (No Country for Old Men)
9. William "Bill" Munny (Unforgiven)
10. Captain Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Carribean, the first one)
Just a few of my favourites for now; (movies)

Ernie McCracken from Kingpin

Indiana Jones

Bernie Lomax from A Weekend At Bernies

Tom Arnold's character from True Lies - very funny

Lloyd Christmas from Dumb and Dumber

Bill Pullman's character from While You Were Sleeping - just so likeable

from Terminator 2 - John Connor and the Terminator (Arnie)

another underrated character - Matt Damon in Dogma - fairly average movie but he played his role so casually.

Jack Sparrow's good. as has been said.

Aragon from Lord of the Rings.

Colonel Jon Matrix

Han Solo

Jack Nicholson is As Good As It Gets - and the gay dude from the same movie - + the dog. :thumbsu:

oh and how could I forget possibly the best one of them all. Lieutenant Frank Drebin. :thumbsu:
My top ten movie characters of all time:

1. Michael Corleone (The Godfather and sequels)
2. Atticus Finch (To Kill a Mockingbird)
3. Darth Vader (Star Wars)
4. Jake LaMotta (Raging Bull)
5. Norman Bates (Psycho)
6. Indiana Jones (Raiders Of The Lost Ark and 3 sequels)
7. Butch Cassidy (Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid)
8. Vernon Pinkley (The Dirty Dozen)
9. Lucas 'Luke' Jackson (Cool Hand Luke)
10. Harry Callahan (Dirty Harry and sequels)

After some thought I will post my ten favourite TV characters later.

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Ernie McCracken from Kingpin

Lloyd Christmas from Dumb and Dumber

another underrated character - Matt Damon in Dogma - fairly average movie but he played his role so casually.

oh and how could I forget possibly the best one of them all. Lieutenant Frank Drebin. :thumbsu:

Some great comedy characters there:thumbsu:

Agree about Frank Drebin being the best

"like a midget at a urinal I'd have to be on my toes":D
1. Vic Mackey (The Shield)
2. Ari Gold (Entourage)
3. Randy Marsh (South Park)
4. Hank Moody (Californication)
5. Adam West (Family Guy)
6. Barney Swinston (How I Met Your Mother)
7. Shane Vendrell (The Shield)
8. Stan Smith (American Dad)
9. Tim Taylor (Home Improvement)
10. Lincoln Burrows (Prison Break)

1. Mickey (Snatch)
2. The Duke (Boondock Saints)
3. Chev Chelios (Crank)
4. Jules Winnfield (Pulp Fiction)
5. Vic Vega AKA Mr Blonde (Reservoir Dogs)
6. Marv (Sin City)
7. Martin Riggs (Lethal Weapon)
8. Maximus (Gladiator)
9. Harry Lockhart (Kiss Kiss Bang Bang)
10. Monty Brogan (25th Hour)
Can't believe nobody has mentioned James Bond

Awesome character and I was going to put him in but for me theres some conflict. I loved Sean Connery and Roger Moore (who really camped it up) I also enjoyed Pierce Brosnan in Goldeneye however he was shit in his last two, Die another day or whatever, just crap.

I also enjoyed Daniel Craig's Bond. I guess because quite a few actors have had a crack at playing him with different results makes it harder.

But as a pure character say from the novels then yes he's fantastic.
the first 10 each that come into my head.
Homer Simpson (The Simpsons)
David Brent (The Office)
Tony Soprano (The Sopranos)
Eric Cartman (South Park)
Zapp Brannigan (Futurama)
Benjamin Linus (Lost)
Maggie Bear (Mother and Son)
Mike Moore (Frontline)
Barry from Eastenders (Extras and Eastenders I guess)
Maxwell Smart (Get Smart)

Travis Bickle (Taxi Driver) the definate number one
Tyler Durden (Fight Club)
Michael Corleone (Godfather series)
Rupert Pupkin (The King of Comedy)
Axel Foley (Beverly Hills Cop series)
Jake and Elwood Blues (The Blues Brothers)
Harry Powell (The Night of the Hunter)
The Joker (Batman)
Alex (A Clockwork Orange)
Mr Blonde (Reservoir Dogs)
Wow I just found this thread. I'm going to need time to get this one done.

Memorable on first thought

Teddy Daniels - Shutter Island
Lucy -While You Were Sleeping
LB Jeffries -Rear WIndow also loved Lisa
Chef Slowik -The Menu
Walter Mitty
Patrick Bateman
Nicholas Easter - Runaway Jury

John Mclane and Hans Grueber
Willie -Bad Santa
John Bender (The Breakfast Club)
John Mclane (Die Hard)
Korben Dallas (Fifth Element)
Johnny Utah (Point Break)
Rusty Ryan (Oceans trilogy)
Iceman (Top Gun)
Rick O’Connell (The Mummy)
Evelyn O’Connell (The Mummy)
Bruce Wayne (the Robert Pattinson iteration and yes that is a hill I am prepared to die on)
Meriadoc Brandybuck (LOTR)

Bernard Black
Manny Bianco
Elizabeth Bennett (the Jennifer Ehle version)
Tyrion Lannister
Samwell Tarly
Stevie (Mcleods Daughters)
Alf (Home & Away)
Constable Evan Jones (Blue Heelers)
Dutchy (Sea Patrol)
Wow I just found this thread. I'm going to need time to get this one done.

Memorable on first thought

Teddy Daniels - Shutter Island
Lucy -While You Were Sleeping
LB Jeffries -Rear WIndow also loved Lisa
Chef Slowik -The Menu
Walter Mitty
Patrick Bateman
Nicholas Easter - Runaway Jury

John Mclane and Hans Grueber
Willie -Bad Santa

I recently watched Rear Window again and was blown away by Stella. Only in the film for a short while but dominates every scene she's in.

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