March In March

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Typical gutless attack on those demonstrating their democratic right.

The signs raised are irrelevant.

It is the issues being raised.

I mentioned in my originating post that both major parties were attacked for their asylum seeker policies. People across the political spectrum aren't entirely impressed with both parties and their racially motivated policies towards asylum seekers. Hence the involvement of the Greens in every march.

There were also people protesting about the following:

* Cuts to Education - teachers, students, parents combined.
* The dredging of Abbot Point and the potential affects on the Great Barrier Reef.
* The logging changes in Tasmania.
* The level of job cuts that have happened since September.

Amongst other things.

Instead of playing the man, how about addressing the issues as above.

Exactly. The march was bipartisan in support of the ranging issues we are facing. The right disgust me with how they play politics most times. I dont know how much longer Abbott and the conservatives can keep up the foolish deception or trying to make this a partisan issue. I am centrist most times and i am pissed off, i normally dont engage in heavy political debate but this current climate has forced me into the debate, which i suspect from listening to a lot of people yesterday, has done the same. Heck my friends who never ever talk about politics are pissed off and starting discussions about this government, something i have never really experienced.

Concentrating on the same old and nit picking narratives is just so obvious from the right that its friggen frustrating now, just like how obvious it has been that most network commercial stations and the murdoch rags have ignored the march. Fair enough if it was only a handful that turned out yesterday, but it wasnt. Heck murdoch went to town with support for the convoy of no confidence and that was only a few hundred pensioners excited about a trip to canberra on a bus with Alan Jones. Why not the same coverage for these marches?
Protesting is fine imo, i've been to many and I believe it's a sign of a healthy democracy. What is also a sign of a healthy democracy is free and fair elections, which we enjoy in this country.
The Lib's won the vote from the people, overwhelmingly so. Calling for his resignation is immature and displays a lack of real world knowlledge of how the world works.

We were all aware of the policies of the Liberal party, we know they are conservative and right wing. They were voted in based upon that.

If you want to make a real change, join your local council and work with the system.

Waving placards and chanting is fun, i've done it. It also achieves sweet f all.

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Protesting is fine imo, i've been to many and I believe it's a sign of a healthy democracy. What is also a sign of a healthy democracy is free and fair elections, which we enjoy in this country.
The Lib's won the vote from the people, overwhelmingly so. Calling for his resignation is immature and displays a lack of real world knowlledge of how the world works.

We were all aware of the policies of the Liberal party, we know they are conservative and right wing. They were voted in based upon that.

If you want to make a real change, join your local council and work with the system.

Waving placards and chanting is fun, i've done it. It also achieves sweet f all.

Not conservative enough IMHO and still too big .gov.

Democracy does not end at the ballot box.

I have a right to hold the government elected accountable for everything they fail to deliver or what they were elected to do.

Exactly! where were the "repeal the carbon tax" and "repeal the mining tax"banners?
They were there, i am sure if you extend your search on google beyond your confirmation bias they will show up. If the Gillard govt was surely as terrible as the abbott govt then surely we would have had 100k people marching across Australia within months of the 2010 election, but we didnt.
I'm glad that attitude wasn't around in 1970 and the Vietnam Moratorium marches.

Bigger turn out pre Iraq and Afghanistan invasion. I was one of the protesters. Hundreds of thousands around Australia, millions across the world. Made 'March in March' look like a que at the bakery. Same result, no one in power listened.

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My sign said Unlock Refugees not Forests for the record.
see that kind of argument is childish.

You don't agree with me therefore you are stupid.

And the last line is why things like that are ignored by the vast majority of people. It is clear that Gina and Rupert not run the country, so it just discredits everything else that comes out because your initial point is so blatantly misleading/guided or deliberately provocative.

Sorry Cap but I disagree with you mate...
Statements like it was all unemployed people attending are ignorance.
Commenting on a small percentage of offensive banners is ignorance when there was 120k there. The crowds were generally decent, well educated people conducting a peaceful protest.
And if you do not believe the Liberal's are controlled by their donors and lobbyists I am sorry but that is also ignorant. Just like the Labor party is controlled by the Unions.

I heard a good quote this morning. Both parties are that on the nose it is like choosing between Jack The Ripper or Charles Manson to babysit your kids.
You mean 100,000 unionists, students, greenies etc managed to protest across the weekend? Great.

Still does nothing to reverse the decision of the clear majority of Australians who voted 6 months ago for the policies Abbott is putting in place. You may not like it but the majority voted to stop the boats.

You also failed to point out the signs calling for Abbott to be assassinated.

I took one look at the people protesting and knew this was just your normal leftist rent a crowd, rather than a real movement of open minded people.

Abbott one - the left lost. Get over it and get out of his way. In 2.5 years time he then faces the people again and is held to account. That is democracy.

So the effectiveness or value of a protest is determined by what the "clear majority" want is it? hang on a minute haven't we stigmatised protesters before sometime - I remember now:
I heard a good quote this morning. Both parties are that on the nose it is like choosing between Jack The Ripper or Charles Manson to babysit your kids.[/quote]

I'll take the Ripper, think he liked the older dames. :p

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Here is her profile on Skynews:

Good to see the Murdoch chook feeding is having the desired effect - Bgark (phonetic approximation of chook noise)


It also outrages our Gilded Warrior for Freedom:
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I'm glad that attitude wasn't around in 1970 and the Vietnam Moratorium marches.

Interested to know what they thought of the fox hunting protests in the Mother Country

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Judging by the number of “F… Tony Abbott T-shirts and banners the left has a problem with sexual violence. They seem not to know the difference between sexual intercourse and violence, or are they the same thing to those people holding the banner? After all the education programs and all the campaigns by feminists, it seems their own foot-soldiers don’t believe the message.
I hate tony blabott but this protest and everyone who was involved in it is shit.

i mean what is this crap about "we havent any confidence in this government" lol ****in' 12,000 people rocked up to say they don't like the government well half a billion people voted them in so if you don't like it go **** off to syria or ubekeschtan or some other place where they've never heard of democracy.

lol at all those dickheads whinging and crying about there being no media attention. you know what there was no media attention? because your littel walk was ****ing stupid, that's why. "but we protested about forrest and gay rights and transgender stuff and vageterianism and nbn and refugee and boats and i think i saw someone with a placard about mh370 and there were other issues too". yeah. so you protested about everything. why the **** would the media want to give column inches to your little funrun if you can't even be bothered defining what the **** it is about, let alone offering any policies you'd like to introduce instead.

i mean the whole thing is a giant troll. "HERE S MY NO CONFIDENT LETTER LOL". Ok. Thanks for that, now that I can see you've traced some old english letters onto a shitty brown piece of paper i'm going to resign from my position of prime minister because you and your 11 friends don't have any confidence in me.

So then what happens? is there going to be another election? but we agreed that labour were shit too, didn't we. maybe we should just get a bunch of people who seem like good blokes and pick one of them at random.

what a shit ****in' thing. so glad the papers didn't bother reporting about it, let's all just forget about it and move on.

Oh and if you wore a guy fawkes mask you're a ****in knob, go back to your shitty dungeon and dragon comic books and leave politics to people that aren't mentally ******ed.

Thanks guys.
Judging by the number of “F… Tony Abbott T-shirts and banners the left has a problem with sexual violence. They seem not to know the difference between sexual intercourse and violence, or are they the same thing to those people holding the banner? After all the education programs and all the campaigns by feminists, it seems their own foot-soldiers don’t believe the message.

Yes the Left in Australia is defined by Hate just ask our Golden Knight of the Indisputable Truth:
I hate tony blabott but this protest and everyone who was involved in it is shit.

i mean what is this crap about "we havent any confidence in this government" lol ****in' 12,000 people rocked up to say they don't like the government well half a billion people voted them in so if you don't like it go **** off to syria or ubekeschtan or some other place where they've never heard of democracy.

lol at all those dickheads whinging and crying about there being no media attention. you know what there was no media attention? because your littel walk was ******* stupid, that's why. "but we protested about forrest and gay rights and transgender stuff and vageterianism and nbn and refugee and boats and i think i saw someone with a placard about mh370 and there were other issues too". yeah. so you protested about everything. why the **** would the media want to give column inches to your little funrun if you can't even be bothered defining what the **** it is about, let alone offering any policies you'd like to introduce instead.

i mean the whole thing is a giant troll. "HERE S MY NO CONFIDENT LETTER LOL". Ok. Thanks for that, now that I can see you've traced some old english letters onto a shitty brown piece of paper i'm going to resign from my position of prime minister because you and your 11 friends don't have any confidence in me.

So then what happens? is there going to be another election? but we agreed that labour were shit too, didn't we. maybe we should just get a bunch of people who seem like good blokes and pick one of them at random.

what a shit ****in' thing. so glad the papers didn't bother reporting about it, let's all just forget about it and move on.

Oh and if you wore a guy fawkes mask you're a ****in knob, go back to your shitty dungeon and dragon comic books and leave politics to people that aren't mentally ******ed.

Thanks guys.

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