What are dead giveaways that you won't like someone

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Shit like "quarterback position" or "sweeper" or any borrowed, ill-fitting term like that in Aussie Rules annoys me. A lot of half backs have great distribution skills and of course they're going to be used to skilfully hit a target and set up an inside 50. Just like 'sweeper' is a pointless interchangeable for terms that already exist and fit well into the game. Honestly, is "striker" next?

And this relates to another point: people who hate America. They hate Americans. They think all Americans drive pick ups, hate blacks, love war, and are total feral rednecks. This is despite the fact they'll usually love Hollywood films and think New York's the coolest. It's amazing how many people are liberal, all for bringing in asylum seekers, Aboriginal rights, rally for decent things but then proceed to slag off a country as diverse as the US. Shits me to no end.

"Power forward"

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For some reason I don't mind sweeper or quarterback when it comes to AFL. I know I should hate it, but I reckon it's because developments in the modern game have created a position that wasn't really there previously. 'HB with good skills' doesn't quite describe the role. So the easiest thing to do is just borrow from another sport.

I should hate it. And I do.

I've said it before, anyone who voluntarily uses the term "from the paint" during a game of footy should be executed without trial.
1. talk so everyone within a 5 mile radius can hear their life story
2. They always have something to say there is one girl I know and she talks and talks and talks all the time
3. Small talk. I hate small talk. be natural or **** off

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They pretend to be an authority on a subject like cricket, footy, music etc when they clearly have NFI.

Then they try and whiteant you when they realise you know more than them or are funnier than them.

Basically people that are jelly if you're more entertaining than them and play the tagger role trying to bring you down.

They pretend to be an authority on a subject like cricket, footy, music etc when they clearly have NFI.

Then they try and whiteant you when they realise you know more than them or are funnier than them.

Basically people that are jelly if you're more entertaining than them and play the tagger role trying to bring you down.


So this happens a lot to you I take it?
So this happens a lot to you I take it?

Not a lot but it's happened a bit.

I'm sure everyone knows the types, if you're at a party or a bar and you're being funnier, smarter or more entertaining amongst the ladies and jelly blokes that can't compete with you pull the negative tagger tactics to spoil you,
Not a lot but it's happened a bit.

I'm sure everyone knows the types, if you're at a party or a bar and you're being funnier, smarter or more entertaining amongst the ladies and jelly blokes that can't compete with you pull the negative tagger tactics to spoil you,

Well it's never happened to me that's for sure.
Well it's never happened to me that's for sure.

It's a rarity for me, the few times it happens to me I usually get myself so drunk it cancels out any advantages I might have had.

There's that brief time of being just the right level of drunk when you're funny, charming and entertaining, the guys that pick up stop at that point, guys like me keep on drinking and wonder why we're waking up on someone's front lawn with a half eaten kebab on our chest.
They pretend to be an authority on a subject like cricket, footy, music etc when they clearly have NFI.

Then they try and whiteant you when they realise you know more than them or are funnier than them.

Does this have anything to do with that time you met Jeff Giechen at the pub and he told you there wasn't a systematic umpiring conspiracy against St. Kilda?
Oh this is so bad! So footy's the great social leveller. Doesn't matter where you live, where s are in your surname or if it ends with a vowel – it gets a good conversation going. I'll put up with any club pretty much, even Carlton, Essendon, and the Eagles, and then they start harping on about how he's good because he won a Brownlow, or they only know the big name players that Bruce knows, or they refer to how Jake Melksham is "nearly elite." Or that anyone is "elite."
Pretty sure you won't find one Essendon supporter who will argue that Melksham is nearly elite.:eek:
To me, a sense of humour is cool and all, but I often observe several different personalities of humour (like a spectrum). A sense of humour doesn't mean much to me if its an irritating sense of humour. The people that (almost nervously) laugh at practically everything, a look-at-me type of laughter, as if to fill the silence, really get on my nerves very quickly. It's not the classic nervous laughter that can be uncontrollable in serious situations, but more of a habitual forced laughter in any random situation. When the laughter lacks any real naturalness or substance, I feel repulsed. They are like the human LOL. Sure, they might be harmless and generally fun to be around, but if I start sniffing a habitual, fake overabundance of laughter at inappropriate moments, then that is certainly not my idea of a good sense of humour. It's a wavelength thing I guess.

A woman I work with is like that. She says something then laughs like she just told the funniest joke, no matter what it is she said. Not a bad person at all, but it is extremely irritating.
Not a lot but it's happened a bit.

I'm sure everyone knows the types, if you're at a party or a bar and you're being funnier, smarter or more entertaining amongst the ladies and jelly blokes that can't compete with you pull the negative tagger tactics to spoil you,

Haha the negative tagger tactics. I always find they are the ones who won't drink much (despite apparently being huge drinkers for the other 51 weekends of the year) and start sentences with fluff such as 'well you see Beavis07 your wrong there because' or 'did you ever consider though'. I don't mind when it happens to me as I'm not going to get anywhere with the women anyway but I always intervene if I see someone else dealing with a Ryan Crowley.

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