Hypocrisy of The Left - part 2

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"same opportunities"

Like same pay and conditions, yeah?

Then again it's not entirely the wealthy capitalists' fault, trade unions could do more to help out their brother and sister workers in the developing world


Same opportunities and improve wages and conditions. I think we all appreciate the journey ahead for these nations but also recognise the massive achievement already by repealing racist trade barriers.
No....They're both synonymous & inter-related....That placard is spot-on.

Patriarchy is where the intellect dominates over the body (Planet) & takes possession of the soul (Wisdom/anima/sophia).

Matriarchy is where the psyche is in harmony & balanced between the 2.....The Green party can be seen as representative of what constitutes a Matriarchal philosophy & mind-set in action.

Our current Capitalist, patriarchal system is neurotic by nature & split in 2, as it's divorced from the body & the planet, while wanting to dominate over them both at the same time....That's what happens to a socially constructed world trapped in denial & driven by a power-complex.....That's our current 'system' today....Take the current manic obsession with oil that dominates U.S foreign-policy, that includes the destruction of the Middle East...Not to mention domestically, with fracking destroying rivers & underground water tables & supplies.....Utter madness.

It's quite literally the rape of the feminine & the soul....The symbolism is there for all to see in 'sky-scrapers' (Erections), mine & oil shafts (penetration), & nuclear bombs (Climax)....A freudian reading, if you will.

Microcosm/Macrocosm....The human psyche partakes of the world psyche (Jung)....If we destroy the earth, then we destroy ourselves.

A Fair bit of Nietzschean post-structuralism underlies it's philosophical armature also.

Patriarchy is what happens when man allows his own intellect to run away with itself, loosened from it's human, vulnerable & mortal moorings, that is the body....Greek tragedy warns of this human plight & propensity often enough.....Hubris is it's most common thematic as the danger to our own downfall.

All imperialist empires are patriarchal by their very nature.
Very interesting, P35.

I'm willing to do some reading on it, if you have any suggestions (barring Nietzsche - I think he's a joke).
Very interesting, P35.

I'm willing to do some reading on it, if you have any suggestions (barring Nietzsche - I think he's a joke).

Nietzsche is both very difficult & very disturbing....But he is anything but a joke....If you want to understand post-modernity & post-structuralism then he is compulsory reading....All the contemporary French & German intellectual giants stem from his philosophical criticisms of modernity.

Beyond Good & Evil is probably the best short synopsis encapsulating the essence of his philosophical thought; both in range & scope of his thinking.
Most contemporary feminist critiques about the patriarchy & it's ideological foundations & structures, emanate from a Nietzschean reading.

From a psycho-biological perspective, the feminists have a definitive grounding & basis for many of their criticisms, starting from the very body of our being & the earth itself....If you think back to ancient Greece with all it's Gods & Goddesses, then you'll get a glimpse into the balanced perspective & harmony that predominated the Greek psyche of those times.....It is essentially from a reading of that world that Nietzsche, Freud & Jung derive many of their theories, criticisms & ideas about modern man & his systemic psychic maladies....And, subsequently, the feminists also.




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No....They're both synonymous & inter-related....That placard is spot-on.

Patriarchy is where the intellect dominates over the body (Planet) & takes possession of the soul (Wisdom/anima/sophia).

Matriarchy is where the psyche is in harmony & balanced between the 2.....The Green party can be seen as representative of what constitutes a Matriarchal philosophy & mind-set in action.

Our current Capitalist, patriarchal system is neurotic by nature & split in 2, as it's divorced from the body & the planet, while wanting to dominate over them both at the same time....That's what happens to a socially constructed world trapped in denial & driven by a power-complex.....That's our current 'system' today....Take the current manic obsession with oil that dominates U.S foreign-policy, that includes the destruction of the Middle East...Not to mention domestically, with fracking destroying rivers & underground water tables & supplies.....Utter madness.

It's quite literally the rape of the feminine & the soul....The symbolism is there for all to see in 'sky-scrapers' (Erections), mine & oil shafts (penetration), & nuclear bombs (Climax)....A freudian reading, if you will.

Microcosm/Macrocosm....The human psyche partakes of the world psyche (Jung)....If we destroy the earth, then we destroy ourselves.

A Fair bit of Nietzschean post-structuralism underlies it's philosophical armature also.

Patriarchy is what happens when man allows his own intellect to run away with itself, loosened from it's human, vulnerable & mortal moorings, that is the body....Greek tragedy warns of this human plight & propensity often enough.....Hubris is it's most common thematic as the danger to our own downfall.

All imperialist empires are patriarchal by their very nature.
Thanks Carl Jung
None of them are hot.

Loled at the 'Destroy the patriarchy, not the planet' sign. How is the patriarchy linked to the environment lmao
At the risk of wading into a thread that appearss to have got to "part 2" with a whole lot of dumb, why do you think they have to be linked? The famous sign "Make Love, Not War" isn't linking the two in a meaningful way. It's just suggesting one thing they would prefer over the other.

And in case it needs to be stated: Churches, mosques, shrines, etc (town halls, even) are often high and put on hills in order to help them be seen by the people in the surrounding region - projecting their apparent influence (as well as the idea that 'God'/'heaven' is above us). Skyscrapers are high in order to fit more real estate space on less ground. Phallic references are funny - not factual.
He did produce a lot of really interesting theory. Some I'm still getting my head around (Jung that is, not Urkel) ;). I don't think Jung is given enough emphasis in favour of the Kleinian or Freudian/Lacanian schools.

Jung's theories aren't really amenable to a clinical application, they're far too holistic in nature for that....He's far deeper & more universal in scope than Freud....His diving into world religions as a keystone to comprehending our psychic natures was what made the difference.

Freud is excellent on the childhood stuff, but thereafter, there's not alot more to him....Once you've unraveled your Oedipus or Electra complex, Freud is left behind.

Both were heavily influenced & reliant upon Nietzsche's hermetic approach to a reevaluation of the Ancient Greek mind-set & psychology, in it's application to modern maladies....Freud denies it, but his friendship with Lou Salome betrays it.

Freud is all about Sex as our fundamental driving force & motivation....His approach is far more materialistic, biological & modern in application....Jung is about Love & coming to know thyself, via the ancient psychic archetypal matrix.
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Rubin is a douchebag. The bloke doesn't have the balls to call out some of the complete bullshit that his guests say. If you are talking to a white supremacist then have the guts to call them out on it, not give them a blow job.
I dunno, I just don't understand the hatemongers on here.

I've never had my life negatively affected by a Muslim. The mosque down the road irritates me sometimes but that's because they take up all the parking on Fridays. Maybe I'm indeed living in the lucky country, but I love how Australia has embraced me, a migrant, without discrimination (mostly), and given me the opportunity for me and my family to live a stable prosperous life without worrying where my next meal is coming from. I've lived in shithole countries (and travelled to more), and always count myself blessed to be Australian.

I think being selfish and intolerant of 'the others' is not the way I would've liked to have been welcomed. My life is too short, and too precious, to preach hate or fear or intolerance, especially knowing how lucky I am. Even if a Muslim was to eventually wrong me in some way - meh, bastards are bastards and their faith doesn't necessarily make them a bastard. In my opinion, Pauline Hanson is a greater danger to the values of this country than some random Muslim refugee.

/2cents from a treehugging SJW snowflake
I dunno, I just don't understand the hatemongers on here.

I've never had my life negatively affected by a Muslim. The mosque down the road irritates me sometimes but that's because they take up all the parking on Fridays. Maybe I'm indeed living in the lucky country, but I love how Australia has embraced me, a migrant, without discrimination (mostly), and given me the opportunity for me and my family to live a stable prosperous life without worrying where my next meal is coming from. I've lived in shithole countries (and travelled to more), and always count myself blessed to be Australian.

I think being selfish and intolerant of 'the others' is not the way I would've liked to have been welcomed. My life is too short, and too precious, to preach hate or fear or intolerance, especially knowing how lucky I am. Even if a Muslim was to eventually wrong me in some way - meh, bastards are bastards and their faith doesn't necessarily make them a bastard. In my opinion, Pauline Hanson is a greater danger to the values of this country than some random Muslim refugee.

/2cents from a treehugging SJW snowflake

You are such a melty snowflake.

Trouble with so many in the West is we are so spoilt. Most imagine that life & all it's gifts are a right & not a privilege.....Instead of counting our blessings we look for something to bitch about.....Eastern & 3rd world country types, could teach us a thing or two about what happiness means.

Wisdom is not a common Western trait I'm afraid. Ignorance however.....

When there was on going alt right news talking about how Hillary is about to die, or is already dead... Chris wrote this article.
The reference, in case you missed it, is to an episode of coughing that struck Clinton at a rally in Ohio on Labor Day. (You can watch it here.) Drudge also linked to lots — and lots — of stories about the coughing.


Much of that speculation ties back to an episode in late 2012 in which Clinton caught a stomach virus, fell, suffered a concussion and was then hospitalized due to a blood clot. A certain sector of conservatives were convinced that more was going on with her health than ever became public and that this was yet another example of the Clintons hiding things from the public.

Let's start here: Clinton has released a detailed letter from her personal physician attesting to her overall good health — and making specific reference to her 2012 fall. Here's the key passage:


So, to believe that something is seriously wrong with Clinton, you have to a) assume her doctor lied and b) that her coughing, which often happens when someone catches a cold or spends a lot of time speaking publicly, is a symptom of her deeper, hidden illness.

Clinton's botched handling of her private email server, the questions raised by the Clinton Foundation's foreign donors — these are ripe issues for Trump to make a case against Clinton. Every second he or his surrogates spend talking about Clinton's health is a lost moment for his campaign. And with 63 days left until the election, he simply can't afford that.​

Then, Hillary seemed to faint, so Chris wrote a new article about something that actually did happen, and actually should have some influence on the election...
Hillary Clinton’s health just became a real issue in the presidential campaign.
The headline itself points out the difference... He even refers to his previous article in this article...
Hillary Clinton falling ill Sunday morning at a memorial service on the 15th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks will catapult questions about her health from the ranks of conservative conspiracy theory to perhaps the central debate in the presidential race over the coming days.

Whether Clinton likes it or not, her "overheating" episode comes at a very bad time for her campaign. Thanks to the likes of Rudy Giuliani and a small but vocal element of the Republican base, talk of her health had been bubbling over the past week

That talk was largely confined to Republicans convinced that Clinton has long been hiding some sort of serious illness. I wrote dismissively of that conspiracy theory in this space last week, noting that Clinton had been given an entirely clean bill of health by her doctors after an episode in which she fainted, suffered a concussion and then was found to have a blood clot in late 2012 and early 2013.

So, no hypocrisy...
Also... I can't find anything that shows that he is 'left'...

But apart from that... awesome meme...
The hypocrisy of conservatives can be summed up in their defence of family values while pursuing economic policies that do more to undermine the security of families than any thing else - more than drugs, gay rights, multiculturalism etc. The modern left react to that by pushing hard on those narrow social issues, meaning the political debate is defined by things utterly meaningless to the wellbeing of majority, but gives a superficial appearance of difference.

Where's your evidence that conservative policy has done more to undermine the family unit?

If you look to the USA it could be argued that the welfare system has done more to destroy the black American family than any other policy.
There is actually an incentive to be a single mother, and the more dependents you have the more money you receive. Nearly 70% of black families are single parent families. Having children out of wedlock has gone from 24% in the 60's to 73% currently for black families.

Then you can look at the crime rates and academic performance of people who grew up in the single parent households as compared to those who grew up with married biological parents - it's quite shocking.
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