Coach Alastair Clarkson III - new NMFC senior coach until at least end 2027 - NMFC board approved AC to start 1/11 amid ongoing HFC racism investigation

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Surely by now if the allegations were true, the victims’ stories match with whichever players were at hawthorn at the time? Has this been worked out? Or are these players Ian Liam and Zac fake people? I haven’t been following a lot of what’s been posted, so not sure what’s been posted. The whole story just sounds full of bs to me
I haven't tried to match people up but I'm sure somebody has.

Eddie Betts said he knows one of the people so maybe it's easy to work out who they are if you know who was at Hawthorn at the time.
According to Boomer, the coaches weren’t starting back till the 7th of November (6.5 weeks). It’s reported that the investigation will take approx. 2 months, which is 2-3 weeks post the coaches coming back.

Clarko was legally not supposed to be working until 1st November, due to his Hawthorn contract. We know he was having conversations with players, I’m not sure whether or not that continues.

Trade period - Jon Ralph has already said that the two Freo boys are coming regardless. Viney, Brady & Clarko have no doubt already discussed and agreed their trade plans.

Draft - The coach should never override the recruiters IMO.
For the Freo boys, or anyone else considering or committing to come to us on the promise of being coached by Clarko, you could understand why they would now bail given the circumstances.
Not sure why people are bothering with timelines re the reporter contacting clarko/ fagan.

To me it’s entirely relevant as there’s a real possibility that the allegations wouldn’t have been published until after more thorough investigations, if at all, once Fagan/Clarkson/Hawthorn/AFL legal teams were notified which I’m sure would have happened if contact detailing the allegations had been made.

Keep abiding Dude!

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He will not be commencing for weeks if not months. So in that time, who will be in the coaches chair for pre-season, trading, draft?
Clarko will be involved - nothing surer - it will be via third party contact. Arms length until he’s cleared and ready to start.
We don’t know that Jackson only left a message on Fagan’s mobile and his personal email. Indeed McGuire suggested he’d contacted the generic Brisbane media line. All Fagan had to do was say “on background, I need more time, give me 48 hours”. So I don’t know why this concern about adequate notice has blown up.

In my experience if a journalist really wants comment they’ll keep pushing not leave it at an email or an attempted phone call or two.
And by Nov 1st I imagine we either have a better idea of how long this drags out, if not an idea of the outcome, so I'm sure we'll make public any necessary decisions regarding preseason. I would imagine either Patch or Blakey get the overseer role, or it's just collaborative with Viney keeping everything functional.

If things aren't looking too bad with the investigation but it's just taking time, then Clarko will probably be talking to Viney through an ear piece half the time anyway.

Things aren't ideal, but I'm no where near as panicky as I was when this all dropped. The timing is actually very favourable for us. IMO more pressure would be on the club if he had already started.
Correct - he will be in Vineys ear.
For the Freo boys, or anyone else considering or committing to come to us on the promise of being coached by Clarko, you could understand why they would now bail given the circumstances.
Jon Ralph who has been fed information from Colin Young (their manager) the entire season, is saying that they are coming regardless.
Just read article this morning about our club being understandably in disarray. I’m so so upset I can’t tell you. After the last few years, things slowly turning (or so we thought) and now another major major bomb that rocks our club. North has survived so much over the journey but I just don’t know how much the club can cop. All of this affects the mental health of staff, players, supporters etc. It’s not good that there won’t be a coach for pre-season training, as well as missing other assistants that haven’t been renewed. I’m just devastated.
If this stuff comes out to be total bullshit or over exaggerated claims, I hope the club actually sues the ABC and the reporter for the disruption this has caused.

Apparanently he did try to make contact with Fagan.

24hrs is pretty skinny given the gravity of the accusations.

Not sure why he is crying about having his named smeared?

Wasn’t that the exact thing he just did with only one side of the story?

Wow! So he was so generous to give them
24 hours notice after blindsiding them with these very serious claims. What a saint and a champion this bloke is being so generous.

Believe me he knew he wasn’t going to get a response in that time frame, let alone at all, after putting that content forward to them.

Bloke sounds like a bit of a sniper.
If this stuff comes out to be total bullshit or over exaggerated claims, I hope the club actually sues the ABC and the reporter for the disruption this has caused.
l want those accused to sue the ABC and the reporter with the proceeds going to an indigenous charity programme of their choice.
I'm not really understanding of any of this, but it would seem odd that Jackson is claiming he gave Fagan 24 hours to respond to an email and a phone message. Presumably those 24 hours were immediately following the loss of a preliminary final and season end, followed by having to get from Brisbane to Melbourne for the brownlow which was swapped from Monday to Sunday at relatively short notice. I can imagine Fagan was inundated with emails from journalists and can understand him not replying to an ultimatum at such time. It all depends what the email said I guess.
Read between the lines. He never wanted a response. It’s more salacious if he can claim they didn’t get back to him.
Fair enough but no t everyone sees the world through an AFL prism.

Fair suck of the sav mate, it’s a journalist working for a mainstream media organisation not some kid running a blog or tik tok account.

He’d know the protocols on how to contact a high-profile person who works for a high-profile organisation.

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That’s ok, but the journalist wasn’t at hawthorn from 2010-2016. He won’t talk to the 4 investigators.

Im not even sure the complainants will. It sounds like they are going to be represented by the “mr fix it” lawyer. Which I don’t understand in itself, because he won’t be able to answer questions on behalf of the complainants. But maybe I misinterpreted that part.

It certainly sounds like financial reparations are a big part of this moving forward.
The AFL will have offered the complainants there lawyer.
The wont necessarily have the cash for one themselves.
Probably not a bad idea.
The AFL will have offered the complainants there lawyer.
The wont necessarily have the cash for one themselves.
Probably not a bad idea.

No cash up front but a tidy 35% of any settlement…
For the Freo boys, or anyone else considering or committing to come to us on the promise of being coached by Clarko, you could understand why they would now bail given the circumstances.
We’re offering Logue 1Mil more than Freo. Of course he’s coming regardless. Acres is being low balled as well. Tucker can’t get a game so these 2 will go as well.

Bell has ****ed the 3 of them over.

Premiership Hawk Trent Croad has offered full support to his former coach Clarkson in the wake of the shock allegations levelled against him.

Trent Croad and [PLAYERCARD]Campbell Brown[/PLAYERCARD] with the 2008 premiership cup.

Trent Croad and Campbell Brown with the 2008 premiership cup.

Croad, who was brought back to the club from Fremantle for the 2005 season in Clarkson’s first year as coach, said he only brought the team together and had absolute respect for Indigenous players.

“He was the best coach ever to us and him and (wife) Caryn did nothing but promote us and make us better people,” Croad told the Herald Sun.

“How he managed players of all backgrounds was incredible, there was no discrimination of any player. I was gutted when I saw the comments and my first reaction was no, that is not Alastair Clarkson, the man I knew. It has rattled me and other premiership players.

“(Alastair) and Caryn bring people together,” Croad said.

“What comes out at the end of that is a team — an absolute brotherhood. Clarko doesn’t actually coach football, he knows what to do behind the scenes. We did Kokoda, he makes us realise how lucky we are.

“The respect he had for his Aboriginal players was incredible. The belief he had in Chance Bateman, the effect he had on Lance Franklin, Cyril Rioli, made them incredible players. He managed them as men and people. That’s why I stand tall today knowing I was coached by Alastair Clarkson.”
Fair suck of the sav mate, it’s a journalist working for a mainstream media organisation not some kid running a blog or tik tok account.

He’d know the protocols on how to contact a high-profile person who works for a high-profile organisation.
Naive.Media will use any tactic to validate their exclusive stories. this whole saga has a distinct stink around it. Now we learn the complainants what their selected legal Eagles on the AFL investigation. If I were Clarkson and Fagan, I would now demand their legal persononal advisors be included as a matter of fair and reasonable accountability of the investigation.
Or maybe the person is too emotionally invested in the NMFC? I’ve been a member since 1993. These last few days have been emotionally draining for me and questioning my involvement.

It’s not like it’s just one bump in the road. For North supporters its a continual battle with one obstacle after the other. Threat of relocation, lousy fixtures, ridicule, etc, etc. Even in our best era, we had do deal with a merger attempt.

I’ve been thinking, it’s just a f***ing game, it shouldn’t be this hard. Why should I let it emotionally effect the rest of my life? You can call me weak or what ever, but I wouldn’t begrudge anyone walking away from this.

Life should be fun for the most part. Following a football team should be fun.
I’ll say it. You’re weak. I’ve followed North for twice as long as you have. There have always been struggles. There have been for every club. If you want it easy follow Geelong. They are the politicians favourites and get everything easily. Stop blaming the club for your inability to separate football from your own sanity. The rest of us gave up on that years ago 🙄.
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