Opinion AUSTRALIAN Politics: Adelaide Board Discussion Part 5

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I’ve said on here on more than one occasion, that when they recommended this vaccine to pregnant women (and in some cases, mandated it on them) in early-mid 2021, they could not possibly have known it was safe, as not a single infant had been born anywhere in the world to a Covid vaccinated mother.

How can anyone take seriously that guy..

0/4 and from even the most basic Google search 0/5

Oh, that's right he's a grifter https://x.com/twc_health?t=uuBMX3Te4Jv07wxd_NeBVA&s=09

i swear, you must be one of the most gullible people I've ever met.
How can anyone take seriously that guy..

Just staying on topic…

I covered in a previous post the timeline of when the jabs were first administered to pregnant women.

US and UK — April 2021. Australia — June 2021.

The rollout began in late February, so, basically, five minutes after the rollout.

The Australian Department of Health says this on its website:

The first clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccines did not include pregnant women. There was limited evidence available during the early stages of the vaccine rollout.

Yet, as early as April 2021 (US & UK) and June 2021 (Aust) it was administered & in some cases mandated on pregnant women. (Being pregnant was never an exemption to a workplace mandate.)

If you think those doctors, especially McCullough — who is one of the most published specialists in the US — are quacks, then perhaps you can explain the following:

1. What data was used to administer and/or mandate the jab on pregnant women, before a single infant had been born to a vaccinated mother anywhere in the world?

2. Is that a risk you yourself would’ve been prepared to take?

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Just staying on topic…

I covered in a previous post the timeline of when the jabs were first administered to pregnant women.

US and UK — April 2021. Australia — June 2021.

The rollout began in late February, so, basically, five minutes after the rollout.

The Australian Department of Health says this on its website:

The first clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccines did not include pregnant women. There was limited evidence available during the early stages of the vaccine rollout.

. The initial advice from immunisation expert groups was therefore cautious,
and COVID-19 vaccines were not routinely recommended in pregnancy.


Yet, as early as April 2021 (US & UK) and June 2021 (Aust) it was administered & in some cases mandated on pregnant women. (Being pregnant was never an exemption to a workplace mandate.)

If you think those doctors, especially McCullough — who is one of the most published specialists in the US — are quacks, then perhaps you can explain the following:

1. What data was used to administer and/or mandate the jab on pregnant women, before a single infant had been born to a vaccinated mother anywhere in the world?

to mean when they were being overly cautious?

then they did further studies which confirmed they were safe and effective.

2. Is that a risk you yourself would’ve been prepared to take?

I have a healthy trust of medical experts and the rigours of our Govt TGA and a healthy distrust of people who think they know the answer!

hopefully one day you don't get yourself lost in the world of conspiracy and we can all have a laugh.


  • covid-19-vaccination-shared-decision-making-guide-for-women-who-are-pregnant-breastfeeding-or-...pdf
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Slippery Pete footy4ever

WTF is going on in our schools these days..

The teachers at that Renmark school that sent these children into this disgusting environment should be sacked immediately.

Bestiality references allegedly made during presentation at Renmark High School​

  • In short: Year 9 girls at Renmark High School say they were given a presentation on "respectful relationships" that included references to bestiality.
  • The ABC understands a teacher was not present for the presentation, which was delivered by a "third-party" facilitated by Headspace Berri.
  • What's next? The education department and the school say the matter is being investigated.
Warning for readers: This article contains graphic language.

The South Australian Department for Education is investigating a presentation delivered to year 9 girls in a regional high school that allegedly referenced bestiality as being accepted by the LGBTQIA+ community.

Female students said teachers at Renmark High School told them to leave their lessons and attend a presentation in a separate classroom.

Students who attended the presentation on March 22 say two staff from the Headspace centre in the neighbouring town of Berri introduced a "third-party" presenter who facilitated an hour-long presentation focused on relationships.

Parents said they were not notified about the presentation, nor was it consented to.

Students said they were left unsupervised for the duration of the presentation.

Student Courtney White, 14, said she felt confused and blindsided by the presentation.

"We had a teacher that told us to grab a chair and sit in front of the board, and then the Headspace people came in and then [the teacher] left, so then we're sitting in front of a board alone with no teachers, just the Headspace people," she said.

"The first slide of the PowerPoint on the board was 'You can see queerly now' and 'No point hiding.'"
A mother wraps her arms around her daughter. Both look solemn.

Nicki Gaylard has unenrolled three of her children from Renmark High School, including Courtney White.(ABC News: Amelia Walters)

Girls felt 'really uncomfortable'​

Fourteen-year-old Emelia Wundenberg said the presenter was graphic when referencing their own sexual preferences and spoke in sexually explicit terms about growing up and being confused about whether they idolised people of the same gender or wanted to be intimate with them.

Students say they were then given an explanation of the initialism LGBTQIA+, with each word and its meaning displayed on the screen.

"There was a slide for what the 'plus' means, and they just started randomly saying words that no-one knew, like bestiality," Emelia said.

"It was on the board when they were showing what the 'plus' meant."

The students said bestiality was then explained in detail and the presenter seemed to imply it was something practised by people who identified as LGBTQIA+.

"They said [the queer community] just accepts all of it, even though … isn't it illegal?" Emelia said.

As the talk went on multiple girls, including Courtney, began to feel uncomfortable and asked to leave the classroom to "go to the bathroom".

"We're all just sitting there like, 'What the hell? What are we doing here? Why are we learning about animals having sex with humans?'" she said.

"It was really disgusting, it was really uncomfortable."

Emelia said many of those who asked to leave the classroom did not return.

When the ABC sought comment from the presenter a response was sent on the person's behalf asking that reporters refrained from reaching out or naming them in its coverage.

'Normal procedure' not followed​

Letters seen by the ABC that were sent to parents on behalf of Renmark High School principal Mat Evans stated that the presentation was meant to discuss "respectful relationships".

The letter acknowledged that the school's "normal procedure for notifying parents ahead of specific presentations was not followed".

Mr Evans said the third-party presenter had "been suspended from department schools while the department undertakes an investigation".

"We are undertaking an internal review to ensure that processes around such notifications and procedures with regard to third parties attending at our school are always met," he said.

The ABC contacted the Department for Education, which provided a similar statement and said the presentation was being investigated.

SA education department chief executive Martin Westwell said the presentation was "unacceptable" and "shouldn't have happened".

Speaking with ABC Radio Adelaide on Thursday, Professor Westwell said conversations about sexual health, societal norms, stereotypes and sexuality were normal parts of the Australian curriculum, but the presentation at Renmark High School was not.

"The core idea that students should understand sexuality and other sexualities is, I think, really important — but the way [the presenter] went about it was unacceptable," he said.

"The school has clearly made some mistakes.
"There should have been a teacher in the room when that occurred, but there wasn't and the principal has apologised for that.

"They hadn't reviewed the content.

"There was a few things that went wrong and it ended up with this inappropriate language and a few things being discussed in that session that were just not appropriate."

Support being provided to students​

Headspace's national head of clinical leadership Nicola Palfrey said the organisation was aware of concerns raised by members of the Renmark community.

"We take all feedback very seriously and are reviewing how we can support and guide Headspace centres … to ensure presentations they facilitate or deliver are aligned with evidence and best practice and are safe and appropriate for young people," she said.

FocusOne Health Board chair Ian Gartley said the "focus at Headspace Berri, operated under licence by FocusOne Health, is on the mental health and wellbeing of young people".

"We are aware of concerns raised by local members of the Renmark community following a presentation delivered by a lived experience speaker that Headspace Berri facilitated at Renmark High School," he said.

"Our priority right now is ensuring that any young people and their families who may be experiencing distress receive the support they need."
All parties involved in the alleged incident declined to provide the presentation to the ABC.

Following the presentation, a follow-up letter seen by the ABC was sent to parents offering counselling services from the education department, which had arranged a social worker to attend the school to help support affected students.

Parents express shock and outrage​

Parents of students who attended the presentation said it was a poor representation of the queer community and had raised many concerns about the school's protocols for third-party presentations.

"Who vetted this material? Who made sure it was safe for 14- and 15-year-old girls? Some of them are still 13," Emelia's mother Kristy Fyfe said.

"It has done a huge disservice to the [queer] community."

Following the presentation, Courtney's mother Nicki Gaylard removed her three children from Renmark High School.

"My kids are in limbo," she said.

"They're not in an education department at this point.

"I'm not putting them anywhere until I know this won't happen again.

"Under no circumstances should a child in that school ever feel trapped and unsafe without someone with their certificate, meaning a teacher."
The ABC has spoken to five other parents whose children attended the presentation.

They substantiated the two girls' claims.

Two people with short dark hair smiling. They are both wearing dark T-shirts that says Let's Talk About X.'s Talk About X.

Mel Brush (left) and Eleonora Bertsa-Fuchs are passionate about queer-inclusive education.(Supplied: Let's Talk About X)

LGBTQIA+ educators condemn 'slur'​

Sexuality educators and LGBTQIA+ inclusion advocates Mel Brush and Eleonora Bertsa-Fuchs conduct consent and queer inclusion training for schools, parents and workplaces via their social enterprise Let's Talk About X.

Both are secondary teachers and Mx Bertsa-Fuchs said queer education was important but should be delivered in a safe and appropriate setting.

"The teachers are the people that these young people have a relationship with, that they are familiar with, that they're comfortable with," Mx Bertsa-Fuchs said.

"When you're in a vulnerable situation, like a respectful relationships workshop or seminar, there should be someone in the room that you are familiar with."
Mx Brush said the alleged use of the word bestiality in the presentation was damaging to the queer community.

"It's pretty shocking to think about that term being thrown around like that, especially given how loaded it is, and for a historical context of the way that it's been used as a slur and to discriminate against LGBT+ people," Mx Brush said.

I wonder if that person Mel Brush is the love child of Depeche Mode's Martin Gore


But on a serious note, didn't Corey Bernardi warn of this some years back and the left derided him for it..

. The initial advice from immunisation expert groups was therefore cautious,
and COVID-19 vaccines were not routinely recommended in pregnancy.
Yes, they were “cautious,” for about eight weeks in the UK & US, and about 12 weeks in Australia.

It’s axiomatic that in April and/or June 2021 they knew absolutely f*ck all about whether it was safe for pregnant women.

then they did further studies which confirmed they were safe and effective.

Right. All those studies from early 2021 of the ongoing health outcomes of children born to Covid vaccinated mothers. I must’ve missed those.
I have a healthy trust of medical experts and the rigours of our Govt TGA and a healthy distrust of people who think they know the answer!

hopefully one day you don't get yourself lost in the world of conspiracy and we can all have a laugh.

I know I’m dealing with a not very smart person here. But it should go without saying that safety implications are often found years down the track.

Some “safe and effective” examples in recent history include… asbestos, nicotine, thalidomide, glyphosate, PFAS, potassium bromate, PCBs…. The list goes on.

“But Slippery, it’s 2024, we’re more enlightened now, governments and pharmaceutical companies don’t lie for power & profit, the medical fraternity doesn’t make mistakes, corruption doesn’t exist, these things aren’t politically compromised!”


Btw, here’s the updated (March 2024) advice for pregnant women.

Although the latest mRNA COVID-19 vaccines have not been formally studied in pregnant women, ATAGI considers them suitable and safe for use.

We haven’t studied them but…… trust us bro!”
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Slippery Pete footy4ever

WTF is going on in our schools these days..

Seems timely while we’re talking about having long-term data to post this landmark 15 year study.

The truly amazing thing is nobody could’ve seen this coming!

SeeI know I’m dealing with a not very smart person here.

a guy still peddling covid misinformation 4 years later and whobgwts their news from the Dailywire should not be judging anyones intelligence.

Especially when you look at the poaters on here who flock to your nonsense.
But it should go without saying that safety implications are often found years down the track.
Yep, 3 years down the track and we are all still in the clear.

Some “safe and effective” examples in recent history include… asbestos, nicotine, thalidomide, glyphosate, PFAS, potassium bromate, PCBs…. The list goes on.

“But Slippery, it’s 2024, we’re more enlightened now, governments and pharmaceutical companies don’t lie for power & profit, the medical fraternity doesn’t make mistakes, corruption doesn’t exist, these things aren’t politically compromised!”

So at which point are you finally going to be a believe in human induced climate change ?

After all its the fossil fuel lobby that push that its no big deal?

Or is that different?

Btw, here’s the updated (March 2024) advice for pregnant women.

Although the latest mRNA COVID-19 vaccines have not been formally studied in pregnant women, ATAGI considers them suitable and safe for use.

We haven’t studied them but…… trust us bro!”

do you think they are brand new seperate vaccines do you?

You don't think they may have just been updated to include the new variants.....like all other vaccines are.

I mean you are telling us how smart you are.
Years down the track we are in the clear though.

Quite literally.

People with ongoing heart issues, myocarditis, autoimmune disorders & a host of other issues are not in the clear. People like Raelene Kennedy whose healthy daughter died suddenly are not in the clear.

They will forever live with the consequences of being denied informed consent.

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People with ongoing heart issues, myocarditis, auto immune disorders & a host of other issues are not in the clear. People like Raelene Kennedy whose healthy daughter died suddenly are not in the clear.

They will forever live with the consequences of being denied informed consent.
That is whats called collateral damage. Of course some people want to sweep it under the carpet and not have to deal with any consequences for pushing the vax mandates on people OR even to re evaluate the process that led to these injuries and deaths to learn for next time. They and their ilk WANT you to shut up..and they are telling you this in their replies to you
Slippery Pete footy4ever

WTF is going on in our schools these days..

The teachers at that Renmark school that sent these children into this disgusting environment should be sacked immediately.

Bestiality references allegedly made during presentation at Renmark High School​

  • In short: Year 9 girls at Renmark High School say they were given a presentation on "respectful relationships" that included references to bestiality.
  • The ABC understands a teacher was not present for the presentation, which was delivered by a "third-party" facilitated by Headspace Berri.
  • What's next? The education department and the school say the matter is being investigated.
Warning for readers: This article contains graphic language.

The South Australian Department for Education is investigating a presentation delivered to year 9 girls in a regional high school that allegedly referenced bestiality as being accepted by the LGBTQIA+ community.

Female students said teachers at Renmark High School told them to leave their lessons and attend a presentation in a separate classroom.

Students who attended the presentation on March 22 say two staff from the Headspace centre in the neighbouring town of Berri introduced a "third-party" presenter who facilitated an hour-long presentation focused on relationships.

Parents said they were not notified about the presentation, nor was it consented to.

Students said they were left unsupervised for the duration of the presentation.

Student Courtney White, 14, said she felt confused and blindsided by the presentation.

"We had a teacher that told us to grab a chair and sit in front of the board, and then the Headspace people came in and then [the teacher] left, so then we're sitting in front of a board alone with no teachers, just the Headspace people," she said.

"The first slide of the PowerPoint on the board was 'You can see queerly now' and 'No point hiding.'"
A mother wraps her arms around her daughter. Both look solemn.

Nicki Gaylard has unenrolled three of her children from Renmark High School, including Courtney White.(ABC News: Amelia Walters)

Girls felt 'really uncomfortable'​

Fourteen-year-old Emelia Wundenberg said the presenter was graphic when referencing their own sexual preferences and spoke in sexually explicit terms about growing up and being confused about whether they idolised people of the same gender or wanted to be intimate with them.

Students say they were then given an explanation of the initialism LGBTQIA+, with each word and its meaning displayed on the screen.

"There was a slide for what the 'plus' means, and they just started randomly saying words that no-one knew, like bestiality," Emelia said.

"It was on the board when they were showing what the 'plus' meant."

The students said bestiality was then explained in detail and the presenter seemed to imply it was something practised by people who identified as LGBTQIA+.

"They said [the queer community] just accepts all of it, even though … isn't it illegal?" Emelia said.

As the talk went on multiple girls, including Courtney, began to feel uncomfortable and asked to leave the classroom to "go to the bathroom".

"We're all just sitting there like, 'What the hell? What are we doing here? Why are we learning about animals having sex with humans?'" she said.

"It was really disgusting, it was really uncomfortable."

Emelia said many of those who asked to leave the classroom did not return.

When the ABC sought comment from the presenter a response was sent on the person's behalf asking that reporters refrained from reaching out or naming them in its coverage.

'Normal procedure' not followed​

Letters seen by the ABC that were sent to parents on behalf of Renmark High School principal Mat Evans stated that the presentation was meant to discuss "respectful relationships".

The letter acknowledged that the school's "normal procedure for notifying parents ahead of specific presentations was not followed".

Mr Evans said the third-party presenter had "been suspended from department schools while the department undertakes an investigation".

"We are undertaking an internal review to ensure that processes around such notifications and procedures with regard to third parties attending at our school are always met," he said.

The ABC contacted the Department for Education, which provided a similar statement and said the presentation was being investigated.

SA education department chief executive Martin Westwell said the presentation was "unacceptable" and "shouldn't have happened".

Speaking with ABC Radio Adelaide on Thursday, Professor Westwell said conversations about sexual health, societal norms, stereotypes and sexuality were normal parts of the Australian curriculum, but the presentation at Renmark High School was not.

"The core idea that students should understand sexuality and other sexualities is, I think, really important — but the way [the presenter] went about it was unacceptable," he said.

"The school has clearly made some mistakes.
"There should have been a teacher in the room when that occurred, but there wasn't and the principal has apologised for that.

"They hadn't reviewed the content.

"There was a few things that went wrong and it ended up with this inappropriate language and a few things being discussed in that session that were just not appropriate."

Support being provided to students​

Headspace's national head of clinical leadership Nicola Palfrey said the organisation was aware of concerns raised by members of the Renmark community.

"We take all feedback very seriously and are reviewing how we can support and guide Headspace centres … to ensure presentations they facilitate or deliver are aligned with evidence and best practice and are safe and appropriate for young people," she said.

FocusOne Health Board chair Ian Gartley said the "focus at Headspace Berri, operated under licence by FocusOne Health, is on the mental health and wellbeing of young people".

"We are aware of concerns raised by local members of the Renmark community following a presentation delivered by a lived experience speaker that Headspace Berri facilitated at Renmark High School," he said.

"Our priority right now is ensuring that any young people and their families who may be experiencing distress receive the support they need."
All parties involved in the alleged incident declined to provide the presentation to the ABC.

Following the presentation, a follow-up letter seen by the ABC was sent to parents offering counselling services from the education department, which had arranged a social worker to attend the school to help support affected students.

Parents express shock and outrage​

Parents of students who attended the presentation said it was a poor representation of the queer community and had raised many concerns about the school's protocols for third-party presentations.

"Who vetted this material? Who made sure it was safe for 14- and 15-year-old girls? Some of them are still 13," Emelia's mother Kristy Fyfe said.

"It has done a huge disservice to the [queer] community."

Following the presentation, Courtney's mother Nicki Gaylard removed her three children from Renmark High School.

"My kids are in limbo," she said.

"They're not in an education department at this point.

"I'm not putting them anywhere until I know this won't happen again.

"Under no circumstances should a child in that school ever feel trapped and unsafe without someone with their certificate, meaning a teacher."
The ABC has spoken to five other parents whose children attended the presentation.

They substantiated the two girls' claims.

Two people with short dark hair smiling. They are both wearing dark T-shirts that says Let's Talk About X.'s Talk About X.

Mel Brush (left) and Eleonora Bertsa-Fuchs are passionate about queer-inclusive education.(Supplied: Let's Talk About X)

LGBTQIA+ educators condemn 'slur'​

Sexuality educators and LGBTQIA+ inclusion advocates Mel Brush and Eleonora Bertsa-Fuchs conduct consent and queer inclusion training for schools, parents and workplaces via their social enterprise Let's Talk About X.

Both are secondary teachers and Mx Bertsa-Fuchs said queer education was important but should be delivered in a safe and appropriate setting.

"The teachers are the people that these young people have a relationship with, that they are familiar with, that they're comfortable with," Mx Bertsa-Fuchs said.

"When you're in a vulnerable situation, like a respectful relationships workshop or seminar, there should be someone in the room that you are familiar with."
Mx Brush said the alleged use of the word bestiality in the presentation was damaging to the queer community.

"It's pretty shocking to think about that term being thrown around like that, especially given how loaded it is, and for a historical context of the way that it's been used as a slur and to discriminate against LGBT+ people," Mx Brush said.

Regardless of how liberal you are in your thinking about LGBTQIA+ (I just love the 'plus') education in schools, you'd have to agree it's formal inclusion in curriculum is polarising and controversial and worthy of a bare minimum of a heads up to parents.

There must be more to this, because having worked in the system for so long as part of admin I simply can't imagine any school administration would be dumb enough nor so incompetent as to allow this 'ambush'. If the presenters were registered teachers (it's not clear if the two X teachers in the photo delivered the presentation) I'm guessing the 'local' teachers saw it as an opportunity to slip out for a coffee and a bludge (yes I can say that because I've seen it over and over) so no legal implications there.

That the parents weren't informed of this presentation, if this is really the case, is puzzling. Maybe the school had parents sign a blanket consent form agreeing to allow their children to participate in all health/sex ed activities deemed to be part of the curriculum, which in itself would be an underhanded method of slipping in contentious and sensitive curriculum content without parent knowledge or approval, unless parents had access to the planned curriculum content. I'd go further to suggest that if the entire course content was available to parents then IMO they should also have been alerted to any sections known to be controversial so they could opt to remove their child from that section.

The bestiality bit, well sh!t, there'd better be some well-explained context. I can't imagine any education program allowing it to be presented as being OK for anyone. Forget the moral and societal aspect, it's ****ing illegal isn't it?
I’ve said on here on more than one occasion, that when they recommended this vaccine to pregnant women (and in some cases, mandated it on them) in early-mid 2021, they could not possibly have known it was safe, as not a single infant had been born anywhere in the world to a Covid vaccinated mother.

Not surprised you’re (a) posting yet more misrepresented, out of context data (n=315 🙂) that you clearly haven’t actually read or understood, and (b) a disciple of this dishonest grifter. There is a long, sad list of things that Peter McCullough has lied or misled the public about during the pandemic.

I’ll add this to the pile shall I? Based on Cap reply it sounds like the person he quoted is cut from the same cloth.

Just for a bit of fun, here’s a summary of some of McCullough's other lies which I posted in here some months back:
  • “It’s pretty clear that this [pandemic] was planned.”
  • “But one of the original antigenic vaccines that was tested in Australia exposed that HIV epitope. It turned everybody in the trial HIV positive, who took a Covid 19 vaccine in Australia. These young people were outraged. And so this was on the Internet. It was quickly suppressed.”
  • "So one of the big discoveries in 2020 is that the virus is not spread asymptomatically. It’s only spread from sick person to susceptible person."
  • "You can’t get it twice. We’ve never had a single case.”
  • “Once somebody takes a vaccine, the hospitals don’t test them for Covid."
  • "laboratory derived assets for the health systems in the early parts of the pandemic cannot distinguish between flu and on Covid 19.”
His main gripe was that governments suppressed early treatment combinations that he was interested in (ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine), they didn't suppress treatment options full stop.

To understand McCullough's motivation, you first need to understand that he is at his core a breathtakingly arrogant and narcissistic person.

Our protagonist was faced with two possible options to explain why his strategy for treating COVID patients didn't become the gold standard globally:
  1. It doesn't f***ing work.
  2. A global conspiracy involving scientists, doctors, medical journals, the media and government regulatory agencies in every country on the planet who are all out to discredit him and cost him glory, prestige and untold riches. Me. Me. Me. Me.
I wonder which path our protagonist took..

Regarding COVID vaccination in pregnancy specifically, I’ve covered this previously too.
  • Firstly, to only look at one side of this risk-benefit equation (vaccine side effects) while ignoring risk of COVID infection on unvaccinated mothers and their babies is a flawed, dishonest and I assume deliberate way of approaching this.
  • Mid-2021 expert health advisory groups around the world (including RANZCOG and ATAGI in :australia:) considered both the risks and benefits, and not only made pregnant women eligible for vaccination, but strongly recommended vaccination during pregnancy.
  • To be more specific, they found that contracting COVID during pregnancy while unvaccinated posed a greater risk of harm to mother and child than vaccine side effects - confirmed by further studies since then - and that vaccination reduced overall risk of harm to mother and child.
  • As further evidence supporting these recommendations became available, ATAGI, RANZCOG and other reputable advisory bodies doubled down on them. These recommendations remain in place in 2024.
So to the specific question in the tweet you shared “if you were a pregnant woman and your Obstetrician showed you this data would you have agreed to take the Covid 19 vaccine in pregnancy?” my answer is that on anything relating to the health of my wife and our kids I would follow the recommendations of reputable groups like RANZCOG who base their advice on robust, peer reviewed studies and data collected across millions of pregnancies. I wouldn’t be stupid enough to be swayed by a single tweet shared by renowned fraudulent attention seeking liars, but you do you mate.
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Is this a good appointment? I don't know anything about her.

Incoming governor-general facing backlash due to long history of activism​

Samantha Mostyn’s appointment as Australia’s next governor-general has not come without controversy due to her long history of activism.
Some of the backlash is due to Ms Mostyn’s long history of activism, according to Sky News host Danica De Giorgio.
“Her CV includes Chair of the Climate Council, Deputy Chair of Diversity Australia, Chair of the Women’s Equality Taskforce,” she said.
“And we discovered today, an anti-Australia Day, pro-Voice supporter, who has previously called January 26 Invasion Day.”
Ms De Giorgio was joined by broadcaster Craig Foster and NSW One Nation Leader Tania Mihailuk to discuss the appointment.

A Labor powerbroker has blasted Prime Minister Anthony Albanese over the appointment of Samantha Mostyn as Governor-General, saying she is the "queen of woke"

People with ongoing heart issues, myocarditis, autoimmune disorders & a host of other issues are not in the clear. People like Raelene Kennedy whose healthy daughter died suddenly are not in the clear.

They will forever live with the consequences of being denied informed consent.
Yeah, these health conditions never existed before covid...
That is whats called collateral damage. Of course some people want to sweep it under the carpet and not have to deal with any consequences for pushing the vax mandates on people OR even to re evaluate the process that led to these injuries and deaths to learn for next time. They and their ilk WANT you to shut up..and they are telling you this in their replies to you
What is this collateral damage you speak of?

How about posting facts rather than conspiracy nonsense.

There haven't been any significant increase in the conditions Slippery posted.

Anyone in the health industry with a brain knows this.
That is whats called collateral damage. Of course some people want to sweep it under the carpet and not have to deal with any consequences for pushing the vax mandates on people OR even to re evaluate the process that led to these injuries and deaths to learn for next time. They and their ilk WANT you to shut up..and they are telling you this in their replies to you
What is this collateral damage you speak of?

How about posting facts rather than conspiracy nonsense.

There haven't been any significant increase in the conditions Slippery posted.

Anyone in the health industry knows this.
Is this a good appointment? I don't know anything about her.

Incoming governor-general facing backlash due to long history of activism​

Samantha Mostyn’s appointment as Australia’s next governor-general has not come without controversy due to her long history of activism.
Some of the backlash is due to Ms Mostyn’s long history of activism, according to Sky News host Danica De Giorgio.
“Her CV includes Chair of the Climate Council, Deputy Chair of Diversity Australia, Chair of the Women’s Equality Taskforce,” she said.
“And we discovered today, an anti-Australia Day, pro-Voice supporter, who has previously called January 26 Invasion Day.”
Ms De Giorgio was joined by broadcaster Craig Foster and NSW One Nation Leader Tania Mihailuk to discuss the appointment.

A Labor powerbroker has blasted Prime Minister Anthony Albanese over the appointment of Samantha Mostyn as Governor-General, saying she is the "queen of woke"

Appears to have a more diverse leadership background than some previous appointments.

It’s funny, when I think of grifters who have negatively impacted hundreds of millions of lives, I don’t think of McCullough.

I think of the bloke who was actually in charge of the entire Covid response.

-“In all the history of respiratory-borne viruses of any type, asymptomatic transmission has never been the driver of outbreaks. The driver of outbreaks is always a symptomatic person. Even if there’s a rare asymptomatic person that might transmit, an epidemic is not driven by asymptomatic carriers.”

“There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. And, often, there are unintended consequences — people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face.”

-“When people are vaccinated, they can feel safe that they are not going to get infected. Whether they’re outdoors, or indoors. That’s the bottom line of that. To get people to appreciate, you get vaccinated, and you’re really quite safe from getting infected. There’ll always be breakthrough infections, but given the denominator of people who are vaccinated, that’s a very, very rare event.”

-“When you get vaccinated, you not only protect your own health and that of the family but also you contribute to the community health by preventing the spread of the virus throughout the community. In other words, you become a dead end to the virus. And when there are a lot of dead ends around, the virus is not going to go anywhere”

“There was a study recently where a group of highly qualified evolutionary virologists looked at the sequences … in bats as they evolve and the mutations that it took to get to the point where it is now is totally consistent with a jump of a species from an animal to a human.”

“The NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

“Well, no, if she got the flu for 14 days, she’s as protected as anybody can be, because the best vaccination is to get infected yourself. If she really has the flu, if she really has the flu, she definitely doesn’t need a flu vaccine. If she really has the flu. She doesn’t need it, because the most potent vaccination is getting infected yourself.”

“If you take it and then a year goes by, and everybody’s fine. Then you say ‘okay that’s good’ now let’s give it to 500 people. And then a year goes by and everything’s fine. Now let’s give it to thousands of people and then you find out that it takes 12 years for all hell to break loose and then what have you done?”
So to the specific question in the tweet you shared “if you were a pregnant woman and your Obstetrician showed you this data would you have agreed to take the Covid 19 vaccine in pregnancy?” my answer is that on anything relating to the health of my wife and our kids I would follow the recommendations of reputable groups like RANZCOG who base their advice on robust, peer reviewed studies and data collected across millions of pregnancies. I wouldn’t be stupid enough to be swayed by a single tweet shared by renowned fraudulent attention seeking liars, but you do you mate.

I 100% reckon if RANZCOG told you to put your schlong in a toaster, you’d absolutely line up to do it.

You don’t need a “reputable group” to tell you that in early-mid 2021, nobody knew what the outcomes would be for an infant born to a mother vaccinated in pregnancy. It is axiomatic.

Quite frankly that is true for all people who took it, not just pregnant women.

“But Slippery, we didn’t know the long-term Covid outcomes either!”

Okay? So? How about letting people choose their poison then? First do no harm, remember that old chestnut?

While we’re on RANZCOG, here’s their Gender, Equity and Diversity policy which completely does away with merit-based recruiting.

And here’s a media release where they tell us about their “commitment to…. affirming LGBTQIA+ O&G healthcare practices” and “transgender endocrinology in gynaecological care.”

I don’t know about you, but when I read all that, the first thing that comes to mind is “there’s an outfit I can trust implicitly!”

What is this collateral damage you speak of?

How about posting facts rather than conspiracy nonsense.

There haven't been any significant increase in the conditions Slippery posted.

Anyone in the health industry knows this.

Appears to have a more diverse leadership background than some previous appointments.
I would expect anyone appointed GG to be squeaky clean, most probably nonpolitical. Someone representing the King needs no baggage. I think we have done a better job in SA picking Governors.
I would expect anyone appointed GG to be squeaky clean, most probably nonpolitical. Someone representing the King needs no baggage. I think we have done a better job in SA picking Governors.
What baggage does she have?

Opinion AUSTRALIAN Politics: Adelaide Board Discussion Part 5

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